Water Leak 6 months and counting?

Water Leak 6 months and counting?

7:06 AM, 18th July 2024, About 2 months ago 4

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This is a bit far-fetched, but the lawyers here might have an answer.

The situation: there is a water leak from a neighbour’s property in our village. This is not bursting, but a constant stream similar to an open tap running 24/7. Has been this way for several months or maybe half a year now.

I understand the leak is on private land and the owner of the property is not fixing it waiting for replies from his insurance company. I also understand that with water being a necessity, the water company can’t just switch off the supply even if the bill is huge and unpaid (I’m not sure whether there’s even a meter at that property).

It’s not a big problem for me personally, though it might affect the water pressure I’m getting slightly. However, with ever increasing water charges leaks like this will certainly compound into higher bills, not to mention all the ecological consequences of such a waste.

Is there a legal procedure to ask the water company or the council to step in and force the repairs of the leak on private property?

Many thanks


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Judith Wordsworth

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10:42 AM, 18th July 2024, About 2 months ago

No is the simple answer.

Kat Scott

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12:37 PM, 18th July 2024, About 2 months ago


Ask the local fresh water supplier to look into the matter. If the leak is on the supplier's side they will repair it. This will at least get the matter looked into. I hope if it is on the home owners side the water company having investigated will advice the home owners on sorting the repair.

Best of luck

Chris Bradley

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12:56 PM, 18th July 2024, About 2 months ago

Call the water board
If they are not on a meter, it doesn't bother the home owner, but if they don't fix a leak within a certain time frame they will be switched automatically to a meter and have to pay for the list water

Michael Booth

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15:24 PM, 18th July 2024, About 2 months ago

If its not damaging your property it ain't your problem.

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