Property investors turn to trade press amid economic uncertainty

Property investors turn to trade press amid economic uncertainty

0:02 AM, 20th March 2024, About 7 months ago

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Property investors in the UK favour trade publications over advisors when making investment decisions, research reveals.

The study of 2,000 adults by Market Financial Solutions (MFS) reveals that 16% hold property investments.

The investors have interests in buy to let and holiday homes, along with second homes and commercial units.

Of the investors, 55% say they have become more diligent when assessing risk before investing over the last two years.

‘Prompted property investors to become more diligent’

The firm’s chief executive, Paresh Raja, said: “The past two years – defined by high inflation, rising interest rates and house price stagnation – have clearly prompted property investors to become more diligent in assessing risk.

“Here, our research underscores the important role the trade press plays.

“More investors look to news and analysis in specialist property and finance publications to inform their decisions than rely on advisors or brokers.”

He added: “Undoubtedly, it’s more important than ever that lenders and brokers double down on their commitment to providing insightful and engaging content – on their own platforms and in the trade press – to help investors navigate the various challenges they face.

“With the economic climate still testing, and a general election approaching, this will certainly prove highly valuable in the next 12 months.”

Interest rates and inflation significantly influence investment choices

Factors like interest rates and inflation significantly influence investment choices for 57% of investors – and 55% value house and rent price forecasts when considering portfolio adjustments.

Despite these priorities, a surprising 46% rely on specialist property and finance websites for news, analysis and insights to guide their decisions.

That’s more than the 35% who depend on financial intermediaries such as financial advisors or brokers for guidance.

However, navigating the property market isn’t easy – 43% of investors say they struggle to stay updated on market trends.

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