Nottingham City Council looking to implement a citywide selective licensing

Nottingham City Council looking to implement a citywide selective licensing

13:47 PM, 5th December 2016, About 8 years ago 27

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nottingham ccNottingham City Council (NCC) is looking to implement a citywide selective licensing designation, which proposes to license 35,000 residential properties at a cost of £600 per property.

This designation will include all non-HMO properties in the city. They intend to undertake a 10 week consultation in the near future with the scheme to commence early 2018.

Please see the link to the NCC proposal. Click Here

The Selective Licencing section starts at page 25 with the designation details from page 151 onwards.


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Carol Duckfield

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9:05 AM, 11th December 2016, About 8 years ago

There are also trying it in Birmingham as the following line items has been included in the budget published for consultation this week

Line item HN4 Selective licencing
Private Rented Housing Sector - Refocus the service and use
appropriate powers to target 11 wards with high proportions of private rented housing where there is high demand for services in order to improve housing standards and reduce anti-social behaviour.
Projected saving over 4 years £1.75M

Carol Duckfield

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9:18 AM, 11th December 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Carol Duckfield" at "11/12/2016 - 09:05":

Forgot to add that in dicussions over the last couple of years they had only 2 areas that were being considered for further licencing....

Luke P

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10:26 AM, 11th December 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Carol Duckfield" at "11/12/2016 - 09:05":

What on earth does ASB have to do with LLs? Moving the problem doesn't stop it. Literally everything is the LL's fault now...I've even had tenants claim *I* let them an 'unaffordable' house (which the LA we're looking into) because they didn't qualify for as much HB as they thought they were entitled to. Of course that's my fault for charging *them* too much (it's under market value by at least £50/mo. #ScapeGoats

Dylan Morris

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11:46 AM, 11th December 2016, About 8 years ago

The truth us local authorities now need to raise huge amounts of cash. Their expenditure is rising at a massive rate with projects to fund from putting "sleeping policeman" humps on every residential road, turning every junction into a mini roundabout, to housing 30 year old "child refugees". The PRS is a cash cow to be milked.

Tim Wragby

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15:43 PM, 11th December 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Dylan Morris" at "11/12/2016 - 11:46":

If you see my notes last night you will see that the council will be breaking the law if they use the money raised for anything other than the administration of the scheme. They are not even allowed to use the funds for enforcement or prosecution so it is a mystery to me why they have all got so on board with these borough-wide schemes.
There have been successful selective schemes for small areas that really do have ASB problems and low take up of housing because localised problems but I have yet to see these schemes really do anything for the real problem landlords despite the threats of high fines.

Newham Council is probably the most famous but their success rate is pretty woeful considering the amount of money thrown at the scheme. Even after all these years there are still unlicensed properties operating. Liverpool Council's scheme has been a fiasco with low take up and even the national scheme in Wales has had a limited take up

Dr Rosalind Beck

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16:04 PM, 11th December 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Tim Wragby" at "11/12/2016 - 15:43":

Since they can only use the money for admin I hope that we WILL be able to sue them at a later stage for the return of our money. It is not going to cost 21 million for example to administer the Nottingham scheme.

Mick Roberts

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10:54 AM, 4th July 2018, About 7 years ago

Can you Landlords please sign this & forward to all your contacts.
A small hope, we have to try anything & everything.
I'm sure we not get 10k signatures, but the more Licensing & Govt start to see these things, who knows.
“Petition calling for a review of Nottingham City Councils Selective Licensing."

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