Simone Gilks (Mortgage Adviser)

Innovative Buy to Let loans

Innovative Buy to Let loans...

Albert Einstein has many famous quotes and I am quite fond of this one: “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. This is particularly true of the buy to let market right now and here are a couple...

Why is “Whole of Market” so important

Why is “Whole of Market” so important...

It can be tempting to cut out the middle man when searching for a new mortgage, and people may even think they can save money doing so, but there are other considerations to take into account. An important...

You may have more funding choices than you think!

You may have more funding choices than you think!

Banks aren’t always the friendliest of places when it comes to borrowing money. All the “hoops” they expect you jump through, and even then you’ll be told what you can or cannot use the cash for!

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Friday 1st November 2013

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