Universal Credit – Explicit consent no longer required!

Universal Credit – Explicit consent no longer required!

I’m delighted to start the New Year with a piece of good news for those of you who make use of the Alternative Payment Scheme (APA) to secure redirection of the tenant’s “housing costs”. DWP...

Budget changes to Universal Credit

Budget changes to Universal Credit...

It was announced in the Chancellor of Exchequer autumn budget that there would be some changes to the Welfare Reform. Universal Credit replaces legacy payments with a single monthly payment – merging...

DWP Christmas payments, Jobcentre Opening Times and Freephone numbers change

DWP Christmas payments, Jobcentre Opening Times and Freephone...

General information about DWP Christmas payments, Jobcentre Opening Times and Freephone numbers change. Opening hours Details of when DWP will be open and closed during the Christmas and New Year period:...

DWP inquiry into UC rent arrears

DWP inquiry into UC rent arrears...

Finally the DWP announce that they are launching an inquiry into whether Universal Credit (UC) is pushing claimants into rent arrears. This was revealed by Caroline Dineage, Parliamentary Under-Secretary...

£2,173.86 recovered from DWP

£2,173.86 recovered from DWP...

Two months ago I published a case study: Live Universal Credit horror case study In short we were approached by a PRS Landlord, he had granted a Tenancy in March, the tenant was on Universal Credit.

DWP is refusing to disclose five reports

DWP is refusing to disclose five reports...

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is refusing to disclose five reports regarding the controversial Universal Credit programme that were requested under the Freedom of Information Act. To read...

Universal Credit Call Handler speaks of her experiences

Universal Credit Call Handler speaks of her experiences...

Since the roll out of Universal Credit many flaws have been identified in the new Benefit. We have heard of claimants experiences along with landlords all been effected by the new welfare reform. Just...

Sabrina of Caridon Landlord Solutions £14724.33 overpayment victory

Sabrina of Caridon Landlord Solutions £14724.33 overpayment...

Caridon Landlord Solutions expert team assist landlords with tenants on Housing Benefit and Universal Credit by proving ad hoc advice on various issues that the landlord may face during the tenancy cycle...

The truth about Managed Payment Requests (Full Service)

The truth about Managed Payment Requests (Full Service)...

The DWP guidance states: 8. Support and Alternative Payment Arrangements 8.1 Alternative Payment Arrangements and managing rent arrears If a tenant gets into difficulty paying their rent, the landlord...

Housing Benefit – That old chestnut

Housing Benefit – That old chestnut...

With all the main focus on Universal Credit we almost forgot about the issues that we face with the well-established Housing Benefit administered by Local Government. For most landlords after years of...

Universal Credit – What is all the fuss about?

Universal Credit – What is all the fuss about?

More and more over the last few weeks there have been articles discussing the Governments flag ship Universal credit system, this has been the most major shakeup in the Welfare Reform in 40 years. Currently...

Live Universal Credit horror case study

Live Universal Credit horror case study...

Today we have taken on the following case: In March the landlord granted a Tenancy to a tenant who informed him she was on Universal Credit. Unsure of the new scheme and not swayed by the bad press the...

Welfare Reform Week – Your chance to feedback to DWP on Universal Credit

Welfare Reform Week – Your chance to feedback to DWP on...

Caridon Landlord Solutions are pleased to announce that we are partnering with Property118 to bring to our readers Welfare Reform Week. Throughout this week we will be providing free online advice to landlord’s...

Hammersmith and Fulham Discretionary Licensing

Hammersmith and Fulham Discretionary Licensing...

Hammersmith & Fulham have confirmed that they have just launched a discretionary licensing scheme. Nearly all privately rented properties in the borough need to be licensed. They have released two...

Harlow Universal Credit Roll Out Postcodes

Harlow Universal Credit Roll Out Postcodes...

Anyone who lives in a postcode listed below (of working age, with less than 3 children) will no longer be able to make a new claim to any of the existing benefits: Tax credits, Housing Benefit, Income...

Case Study on UC tenants prospective

Case Study on UC tenants prospective...

The claimant and their landlord approached Caridon Landlord Solutions, seeking resolution to an on-going issue with the tenants Universal Credit claim, the tenant was not in receipt of any payments causing...

DWP Helpline for landlord clarification

DWP Helpline for landlord clarification...

I have noticed that there are a few articles floating around the landlord community regarding a new landlord helpline for landlords that have tenants on Universal Credit. In one article it states “The...

Newham Local Authority launch Agent rating scheme

Newham Local Authority launch Agent rating scheme...

Newham council are the first Council to take the step to rate lettings agents using a star marking scheme from 0 (cause for concern) – 5 (no concern) the list will then be published on their website.

Housing Benefit Overpayment Case Study

Housing Benefit Overpayment Case Study...

Caridon Landlord Solutions was set up with one purpose in mind; helping landlords secure solutions to any Housing Benefit (LHA) issues which might arise with local councils or DWP in relation to Universal...

Universal Credit Webinar

Universal Credit Webinar...

Universal Credit Webinar facilitated by portfolio landlord and Upad CEO Mr James Davis and Sherrelle Collman Commercial Business Director of Caridon Landlord Solutions discussing what Universal Credit...

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Monday 9th January 2017

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