‘No DSS’ clauses in rental ads to be stamped out

‘No DSS’ clauses in rental ads to be stamped out...

By the end of this month, the two biggest property portals in Britain, Rightmove and Zoopla, will no longer allow ‘No DSS’ lettings listings i.e. those that state tenants who receive housing benefits...

DWP complaints system is not working!

DWP complaints system is not working!

Since the roll out of Universal Credit many landlords have become more and more frustrated in DWP’s consistencies. Recently, we have seen a large amount of complaints from landlords regarding DWP’s...

Alternative Payment Arrangements

Alternative Payment Arrangements...

Caridon Landlord Solutions and Caridon Property understands that setting up Alternative Payment Arrangements can help tenants claiming Universal Credit if they are experiencing difficulties. Find out how...

UC has felt like a huge cultural change for many landlords

UC has felt like a huge cultural change for many landlords...

Minister for Families, Supported Housing and Child Maintenance, Justin Tomlinson: I understand that Universal Credit has felt like a huge cultural change for many private landlords, their staff and tenants.

Change to Universal Credit rent arrears payments

Change to Universal Credit rent arrears payments...

If you tenant is in rent arrears landlords can apply for third party deduction, the maximum that DWP can recover per month is up to 20 per cent of off the claimants personal allowance. DWP are now changing...

Universal Credit Budget: 2018

Universal Credit Budget: 2018...

Following the Autumn Budget 2018 HM Treasury have now published a policy paper called Universal Credit: Budget Brief. In the document you will find information on the announced £1000 increase in work...

Autumn Budget 2018 and Universal Credit

Autumn Budget 2018 and Universal Credit...

The Chancellor Philip Hammond announced the much anticipated Autumn Budget 2018. As expected the Welfare System was discussed with the Chancellor stating that “the old benefits system was broken” and...

Do you have a UC tenant incurring arrears whilst in prison?

Do you have a UC tenant incurring arrears whilst in prison?

Do you have a tenant that is on Universal Credit and incurring arrears whilst in prison? We have been receiving a number of queries from landlords that have tenants that are in prison, as a result of their...

National changes to the Mandatory HMO definition

National changes to the Mandatory HMO definition...

From 1st October 2018 all properties in England which house 5 or more people in two or more separate households will require an HMO licence. In 2006 Mandatory licensing of HMOs came into force for properties...

Serving Section 21 Notices from 1st October 2018

Serving Section 21 Notices from 1st October 2018...

As of 1st October 2018 all tenants regardless of when they moved in will need to be served with a form 6a. They also will need to be served with the Gas Safety, EPC & How to Rent Booklet.

How to deal with Anti-Social Behaviour

How to deal with Anti-Social Behaviour...

What is Anti-Social Behaviour? Anti-social behaviour is a a wide range of unacceptable activity that causes harm or alarm to others or their community or environment, often leaving the person feeling...

Universal Credit landlord engagement newsletters

Universal Credit landlord engagement newsletters...

The Department for Work and Pensions has released its June 2018 Universal Credit newsletter. These Universal Credit newsletters will be published quarterly and provide information to social and private...

“How to Rent Guide” for new tenancies from 26th June

“How to Rent Guide” for new tenancies from 26th June...

A new version of “How to Rent Guide” (England) was published 26th June 2018. Landlords cannot start eviction proceedings under the section 21 route unless the tenant has been provided with the up-to-date...

Universal Credit’s ‘Full Service’

Universal Credit’s ‘Full Service’...

I’m writing to draw your attention to a piece recently produced by the RLA relating to Universal Credit, Full Service. If you follow the link, click here,  you’ll find an excellent article, produced...

Seeking possession under section 8 for rent arrears

Seeking possession under section 8 for rent arrears...

Since the rollout of the Governments flagship benefit Universal Credit many landlords are finding themselves with tenants that are unable to pay their rent and are therefore incurring rent arrears. Universal...

Universal Credit Full Service

Universal Credit Full Service...

By the end of this year, every area in Great Britain will be delivering Universal Credit Full Service – with the new style benefit expected to replace all existing means-tested benefits by October 2022.

Universal Credit update and direct payment

Universal Credit update and direct payment...

If you wish for your tenants Housing Cost Element (Rent) to be paid direct to you, as a Landlord you can make a request for a Managed Payment (APA) by completing a UC47 form, this form can be found on...

DWP Complaints

DWP Complaints...

The following post is based on an article first published on Bill Irvine’s website. He covers a topic close to the heart of all landlords involved with benefit dependent tenants. The message he promotes...

DWP Service Testers Required

DWP Service Testers Required...

DWP are making improvements to the current version of the UC47 form.  The form is widely used by landlords when applying for direct payment of the claimants Housing Cost. The UC47 will be moving to an...

Universal Credit – Explicit consent no longer required!

Universal Credit – Explicit consent no longer required!

I’m delighted to start the New Year with a piece of good news for those of you who make use of the Alternative Payment Scheme (APA) to secure redirection of the tenant’s “housing costs”. DWP...

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Monday 9th January 2017

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