16:39 PM, 31st May 2016, About 8 years ago

Conservative MP asks - Why are we clobbering landlords?

The Residential Landlords Association, has been campaigning tirelessly against the Government's changes to Mortgage Interest Relief, CGT, and, SDLT. Over the past 6 months, we have met many parliamentarians, including Lord Flight, Graham Brady MP, and, David Jones MP to outline just how damaging these changes are, and provide them with evidence from our own and Professor Ball's research. It is clear there is growing disquiet on the Conservative benches as can be seen through the Media:

David Jones MP article for ConservativeHome on 30th May 2016 - http://www.conservativehome.com/platform/2016/05/david-jones-why-are-we-clobbering-people-who-provide-homes-to-rent.html

Gaham Brady MP, Chair of the 1922 Committee was quoted in the Telegraph piece a few weeks ago. The article can be found at - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/13/landlords-should-be-squealing-under-george-osbornes-crackdown-tr/

Lord Flight's article for the Telegraph in March 2016 - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/03/15/attacking-buy-to-let-sector-will-worsen-housing-crisis/

We have been getting our members heard by asking landlords to email their MP through our site, and you can contact your MP through here too: http://www.rla.org.uk/landlord/lobbying/contact-your-mp/index.shtml?campaign=taxrelief

We are now urging our members and landlords to meet with their MP to discuss the impact of these changes, if you feel as deeply as we do about these changes please take the opportunity to meet your MP. You can take a look at our guide on how to meet your MP here: http://www.rla.org.uk/landlord/lobbying/tax/meet-your-mp.shtml... Read More

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Tuesday 31st May 2016

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