Readers Question

Tenancies in Northern Ireland – same rules apply?

Tenancies in Northern Ireland – same rules apply?

Hi, what are agents supposed to provide newbie tenants in Northern Ireland, before and after a tenancy is agreed ? In England the EICR, gas cert, EPC and How to Rent need to be served BEFORE the tenancy...

Helping a tenant who has had a stroke?

Helping a tenant who has had a stroke?

Hello, I have had a great tenant for the last 16 years, always paid on time, he kept the place reasonable tidy, always phoned if there was a leaking tap etc and I would repair it within a couple of days.

Has anyone claimed on tenant default insurance?

Has anyone claimed on tenant default insurance?

Hello, Does anyone have experience of claiming on tenant default insurance? I have had a tenant default claim refused since they say that as the tenant does not have any money that they could recover,

Rent increase paperwork dilemma?

Rent increase paperwork dilemma?

Hi, I want to make a 5% rent increase for tenants who are on assured shorthold periodic tenancies. I have never increased rent but have a clause in the tenancy agreements which states: “If the tenancy...

Can’t get building insurance certificate from freeholder?

Can’t get building insurance certificate from freeholder?

Hi, despite my repeated emails to my block managing agent, my freeholder is not providing the block’s building insurance certificate. I am entitled to a copy by law. But what law? How do I identify the...

Is legislation forcing people to live on the streets?

Is legislation forcing people to live on the streets?

I am exasperated by my situation and navigating the never ending legislation forcing landlords to evict, sell or face a criminal conviction. The great majority of landlords, to my knowledge, are normal...

Rabbits and bird running loose in property!

Rabbits and bird running loose in property!

After the trauma of my first section 8 eviction, I finally enter the house to find the tenant, has let rabbits and a bird run loose in the house. As a pensioner I am left with clearing up this disgusting...

Need for repairs hindered by a challenging tenant?

Need for repairs hindered by a challenging tenant?

Hi, I have a block of 10 small studios, all long term and lovely tenants – one of my lovely tenants has become tricky since his girlfriend moved in – his shower leaks into the studio downstairs,

Non-Qualifying Leaseholders push for reform

Non-Qualifying Leaseholders push for reform...

Following the Non-Qualifying Leaseholders Campaign Groups member representations including correspondence to their MPs and case studies reported by media, the government are considering an amendment to...

Keep Portfolio or buy into a REIT?

Keep Portfolio or buy into a REIT?

Hello all, my father is a portfolio landlord who wants to retire. He doesn’t want the hassle of managing property anymore, but has very little interest in the stock market as to him it’s not a tangible...

EICR and Build Regulations Certificate confusion

EICR and Build Regulations Certificate confusion...

Hi, I had an EICR booked and carried out at a small commercial property as the 5 years certificate was due to expire. The check identified a new fuse board was needed. I have now been issued with the EICR...

Why can’t the media understand how inflation affects rent rises?

Why can’t the media understand how inflation affects rent...

Hello, I am a big fan of the Times and Financial Times as these newspapers are usually reliable and have high quality journalists. However, I have written to the Times to explain why I am upset about one...

Tenant to pay the legal cost of eviction?

Tenant to pay the legal cost of eviction?

Hi, I had a court hearing where we requested the judge to add the legal cost to the money order for 15 months of unpaid rent. As per the judge, this was not possible as my rental agreement does not have...

How do I sue a letting agent?

How do I sue a letting agent?

Hello, Has anyone sued a letting agent? My daughter’s agent cost her almost £2,000 through their negligence. First, the tenant agreed to move out on 24/10/23, then asked the agents to extend his...

Will the council fine me £30,000 for not having a license?

Will the council fine me £30,000 for not having a license?

Hello, I have received an email from Brent Council to apply for a landlord license, which I am working on now to meet the 1 April deadline. However, I remembered I haven’t heard from Ealing Council...

What is considered a fair rent increase or are there limitations?

What is considered a fair rent increase or are there limitations?

Hello, I currently have two properties, both of which have AST for 12 months. The current tenants have lived in the respective properties since 2020, pay their rent on time and keep the properties in a...

How do I end an unlicensed HMO in Newham?

How do I end an unlicensed HMO in Newham?

Hello, any advice is much appreciated. I have an unlicensed HMO in Newham which I need to draw to an end with minimum financial ruin…. I was living there with 2 lodgers. 6 months ago I moved out...

Extremely rigorous tenant screening, insurance and total protection?

Extremely rigorous tenant screening, insurance and total protection?

The title speaks for itself. Unfortunately, it has taken a year to the day exactly to evict non-paying tenants. This is the first time in 30 years I’ve had any issues, but it has now made me concerned...

Appointment of Court Bailiff – How do I pay?

Appointment of Court Bailiff – How do I pay?

Hello, I received an order for possession operative on or after 5 March from Southend County Court. My agent tells me that a Court Bailiff can only be appointed following payment of a further fee, which...

Is the student lets end date really in the Renters Reform Bill?

Is the student lets end date really in the Renters Reform Bill?

Hi everybody, regarding the Renters Reform Bill, I know Michael Gove said that he would allow student lets to have an end date which would be a positive step for student landlords. However, my wife tells...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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