Readers Question

Letting agent and credits checks?

Letting agent and credits checks?

Hi all, has anyone ever found themselves in a situtation where a letting agent assured you that everything was in order with a tenant’s credit check, only to discover later that it wasn’t accurate?

HMO demand and the future?

HMO demand and the future?

Hi, it seems so many investors are moving towards HMO investment. What is the future of the HMOs? Will these properties still be in demand or is it too much of a risky market now? The evaluation of HMOs...

RTM company that did not take over?

RTM company that did not take over?

Hi, my apartment block has a right to manage company set up with dormant accounts filed each year but we have never taken over. The company is ‘live’ and we are all shareholders. I’m...

Correct Issue of documentation?

Correct Issue of documentation?

I tried using Openrent quite a few years ago and it was ok but nowadays issue and acceptance of documents are far stricter than they used to be. I have just attempted it again and I asked about documentation.

DANGER! Hot wiring – what we all should know?

DANGER! Hot wiring – what we all should know?

Hello, Two weeks ago I was unaware of what Hot Wiring was. Basically, it is electricity theft done by connecting wire either side of a meter and hence no current is charged for as it doesn’t pass...

Regaining possession of a private sector leased property?

Regaining possession of a private sector leased property?

Hi, does anyone have any experience of getting possession of their property back which is leased under a private sector leasing agreement (PSL) to a council / agency? I have seen articles that councils...

Extra unexpected fee to assign deed of covenant to Freeholder?

Extra unexpected fee to assign deed of covenant to Freeholder?

I decided to gift a second home to my son and engaged a solicitor to conduct the transfer. The solicitor is now asking for £450 to assign a deed of covenant to the freeholder. Before this l gave the name...

Mobile phone mast lease dilemma?

Mobile phone mast lease dilemma?

Hi, a phone mast on the flat roof was installed of my commercial property over a decade ago before I purchased the property. The phone company is forcing me to sign a new lease with very low rent, which...

Easy rent review without S13 – approved by Citizens Advice?

Easy rent review without S13 – approved by Citizens Advice?

Hello, I am thinking of granting an AST for three years. It will have a tenant’s break clause on the first anniversary and at any time thereafter by three months notice The rent would be initially...

Renting my property to insurance companies?

Renting my property to insurance companies?

Hi, 18 years ago, we managed to rent our three bedroom, end of terrace property to the council but it left us with a financial burden. The council did the original contract and over the years the price...

Declaration of Trust issue?

Declaration of Trust issue?

Hello, We would like to revoke a Declaration of Trust currently in my husband’s name to reflect the usual 50:50 split as tenant’s in common. The tenants in one of our properties have told us...

Freeholder asking leasholder to pay for repairs on his side of the building?

Freeholder asking leasholder to pay for repairs on his side of...

Hi, apologies if this is a dumb question but my wife is the leaseholder on one of the fout flats in a converted double fronted terraced property. The freeholder also owns one of the other three flats.

Making Tax Digital – Maximum efficiency option?

Making Tax Digital – Maximum efficiency option?

As landlords, we are forever accommodating new changes, a major procedural one will be the switch to (Make Tax Digital) MTD – April 2026 for some and April 2027 for the rest. This is widely understood...

Who pays for damaged door after police welfare call?

Who pays for damaged door after police welfare call?

Hi, I am a new landlord and the police carried out a welfare call at the property. The police would not share any details with myself. When they forced entry the tenant was inside the property and the...

Substantial water damage not reported to me by tenant or agent!

Substantial water damage not reported to me by tenant or agent!

Hi, a recent inspection received from my managing agent revealed substantial water damage to the upstairs bathroom walls and flooring and also damage to the walls and ceiling of the downstairs cloakroom...

EPC’s are changing – apparently?

EPC’s are changing – apparently?

Hi, just read a new article on the NRLA website. This one seems to come out of the blue to me. Never heard of it until now. Is anyone else none the wiser? Not heard about any consultation or anything yet...

Help – Dwelling Count for Deed of certificate?

Help – Dwelling Count for Deed of certificate?

Hello Folks, I am in the process of completing the Leaseholder deed of certificate and I need some help. On question 1 of the qualifying lease criteria, I am confused, about whether additional properties...

Pushy Lenders?

Pushy Lenders?

Most lenders take a fairly relaxed approach to interest-only, but I`m wondering if ones who are a bit pushy are within their rights? After interest rates rose so much we agreed to a period of interest-only...

Right to extend lease declined due to Land Registry delay. Is it legal?

Right to extend lease declined due to Land Registry delay. Is...

Hello, Although I have bought the right to immediately extend my lease (Sec 42 by Vendor and Deed Of Assignment to me), the freeholder declines to respond on grounds that my title is not yet on the Land...

Tenancies in Northern Ireland – same rules apply?

Tenancies in Northern Ireland – same rules apply?

Hi, what are agents supposed to provide newbie tenants in Northern Ireland, before and after a tenancy is agreed ? In England the EICR, gas cert, EPC and How to Rent need to be served BEFORE the tenancy...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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