Readers Question

Cost of incorporating our BTL portfolio

Cost of incorporating our BTL portfolio...

Dear Property118 My wife and I are in early discussions with our Accountant about incorporating our BTL portfolio. We mentioned this to two of our friends who have utilised your services to incorporate...

Money better spent making a cash offer to vacate?

Money better spent making a cash offer to vacate?

I need to get possession of a flat from paying a tenant with whom I’m on good terms and rather than go to court to evict them, I think the money would be better spent making a cash offer to the tenant...

Flatbed truck and a small van in the backyard

Flatbed truck and a small van in the backyard...

Hi, I wondered if you could help my wife. She has a commercial property with 2 x 2-bed flats above. She found out in August that a tenant from one of the flats had decided to store a flatbed truck and...

To throw or not to throw?

To throw or not to throw?

Nightmare tenant evicted and finally gone last week. She’s tried every legal trick in the book to get the council to re-house her (she moved into the small house with her partner and very quickly...

Can a Tenant in Common legally stop a lodger eviction by another Tenant in Common?

Can a Tenant in Common legally stop a lodger eviction by another...

I own my property along with my mother and brother as Tenants in Common. I currently live in the property and so does my mum. In 2019, I allowed a family relative to move into the property, my mother and...

Unadopted road walled off by neighbour?

Unadopted road walled off by neighbour?

Access to my property is via a very narrow private road. Turning space has always been limited, but previously, the adjoining unadopted road was accessible to use for 3-point turn etc. However, the neighbours...

Access for roof space conversion?

Access for roof space conversion?

I have just purchased the roof space of a terraced house. The freeholder has given consent for the development of this space. However, one of the main issues is that there is no direct access to the roof...

Serving section13 after 9-months fixed term AST?

Serving section13 after 9-months fixed term AST?

Hi, I have a 9-month fixed term AST with my tenant that includes a clause for the tenancy to become a contractual periodic tenancy after these 9 months. The question can I serve a section 13 notice to...

Misleading Right Move Adverts – What can we do?

Misleading Right Move Adverts – What can we do?

We are in a situation, where a dubious agent is advertising greenbelt land for sale on with a clause that says ‘Suitable for residential, commercial or agricultural subject to the necessary...

How do we get EPC exemptions for listed buildings?

How do we get EPC exemptions for listed buildings?

We own or are responsible for several rental properties which are Listed Buildings or are Flats within a Listed Building. We have done all we can to mitigate the Energy Performance, but we have a couple...

Remortgage problems with 0.00% growth?

Remortgage problems with 0.00% growth?

My 5 year fixed rates came to an end in June of this year, I began nudging my brokers in September last year, and they only started dealing with them in May of this year. One mess after another preceded...

CIL payment on 15 year old development?

CIL payment on 15 year old development?

Hi, any advice would be appreciated. I am selling a flat in a small development. The buyer’s solicitor has asked for proof that the Community Infrastructure Levy was paid. As far as I know, this...

Birmingham Midshires increased my fixed rate mortgage payment?

Birmingham Midshires increased my fixed rate mortgage payment?

I have been with Birmingham Midshires since 2017 under an interest-only 5 year fixed rate buy to let mortgage. They have recently written to their customers informing them that they have migrated onto...

Overseas Lettings – Tax Implications Following Brexit?

Overseas Lettings – Tax Implications Following Brexit?

For several years we have let our house in Mijas, Spain, as a holiday let. On preparing my quarterly tax return for Spain, I find that expenses are no longer allowed, due to Brexit, as we are no longer...

Court hearing date Aug 2022?

Court hearing date Aug 2022?

Hi, I waited for over a year for a hearing date to recover possession from my ex-tenant with arrears. Originally the hearing date was last week, but the Judge was ‘busy’ so I’ve been...

Council Tax Liability – Quoting S6 Local Government Finance Act 1992?

Council Tax Liability – Quoting S6 Local Government Finance...

I started possession action due to persistent non-payment of rent in Autumn 2019. Possession was under S21 rather than S8 as advised by my solicitor. I obtained a court order on 27 March 2020 the day after...

Insurers claim this is subletting and Landlord doesn’t have control?

Insurers claim this is subletting and Landlord doesn’t have...

Sadly, following a bad experience, one of the sites was converted into a Cannabis Factory. After usual arguments, AGEAS accepted liability and paid for lost damage around say £50k (Insured losses) uninsured...

Related Party or at Arms Length Transaction?

Related Party or at Arms Length Transaction?

I own three BTL properties on three separate independent developments that have their own Right to Manage Companies in place. I am an active director on each of the companies, and a common Property Management...

Lost DIY Declaration of Trust – effective date and CGT liability?

Lost DIY Declaration of Trust – effective date and CGT...

Hi, I purchased a property with the help of my father in 2014 or so, I had only contributed a small percentage to the purchase price. About a year later, I gave up control of the property (allowed him...

Tenant changed lock – is the landlord obliged to pay?

Tenant changed lock – is the landlord obliged to pay?

Hi, We moved into a property on a Friday afternoon, when we came in we noticed that the main lock on the door was not secured (the bottom lock we didn’t get keys for). We tried calling the emergency...

Registered with
Wednesday 15th August 2012

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