Readers Question

Can I charge a Management Fee for my essential services as a Freeholder?

Can I charge a Management Fee for my essential services as a...

I own the Freehold of a block of three tenanted flats. I own two of the flats. I have been performing my Freeholder ‘duties’ – arranging for a new roof, communal hallway decorations,

DPS Statutory Declaration to rub salt into the wound?

DPS Statutory Declaration to rub salt into the wound?

Hi guys. I’ve been a landlord for around 15 years, managing my own small portfolio, for the first time I’ve had to go back to DPS to claim a deposit in full (£650). The tenant who left around...

Do you think the reality is dawning at last?

Do you think the reality is dawning at last?

Hallelujah! At last, the Council (or in this case Council’s) are realising that the risk is way too high for a private LL to ‘give’ their property to the Council for a fixed period if...

Small strip of land causing massive leasehold issue?

Small strip of land causing massive leasehold issue?

I am looking for advice/support please for a colleague whose property sale is being compromised by a leasehold issue. Can anyone suggest a way forward or recommend a legal specialist who may be able to...

Plans for basement with separate dwelling stalled?

Plans for basement with separate dwelling stalled?

I own two mortgage leasehold titles in a house that is split into two flats – A and B. I also own the freehold title which doesn’t have a mortgage, which I am looking to transfer into a company structure.

Law student sues landlord – But wait?

Law student sues landlord – But wait?

Reading an article on the BBC today about a Law student, who successfully sued his landlord for breach of contract. According to the article, the student moved into his accommodation only to find it in...

Hazard Awareness Notice?

Hazard Awareness Notice?

Due to excess heat in some flats in a block (where I have a couple of units) some tenants contacted the local council who appeared and are now proposing to issue a Hazard Awareness notice (cat 1) on the...

Evergrande – Seen this movie before?

Evergrande – Seen this movie before?

Hui Ka Yan is a Chinese billionaire who owns Evergrande (a Cayman Islands company) As we know, Evergrande has enormous debts but, of course, the Chinese government have an enormous holding of US Treasury...

Anyone have a tenant successfully apply for an insulation grant?

Anyone have a tenant successfully apply for an insulation grant?

Has anyone had a tenant that has applied and been successful in gaining a grant for insulation? The tenant needs to be in receipt of some kind of benefit, no matter how small. The grant covers loft insulation...

Fire risk assessment wants new 60-min door?

Fire risk assessment wants new 60-min door?

I have been told I need to replace a 30-min fire door (it’s a door in a communal hallway leading to an empty basement which is completely closed off and locked) with a 60-min fire door. Is this actually...

Bristol, Oxford and Cambridge best cities to invest in for 2022

Bristol, Oxford and Cambridge best cities to invest in for 2022...

Aldermore’s Buy to Let City Tracker1, has named Bristol, Oxford and Cambridge as the best cities for landlords to invest in for 2022. The Tracker analyses and assesses five key indicators that impact...

Joint tenancy obligations for lad that has had to quit?

Joint tenancy obligations for lad that has had to quit?

The Basic scenario is: HMO joint tenancy, five tenants. On a fixed element for first 12 months. Then break clause kicks in at one-month notice upon renewal of the next contract due July 22. One poor lad...

Helping a tenant find alternative accommodation with insured guarantor?

Helping a tenant find alternative accommodation with insured...

I have a tenant with a cash deposit and Rent In Advance (RIA) ready to go. He gets paid £700 direct by the DWP and tops up the rest (total rent is £875). He can clearly show that DWP pay the £700 direct...

What happens to service charges if management company goes insolvent?

What happens to service charges if management company goes insolvent?

I own a flat in a block of 20 flats, where the leaseholders jointly manage the flats under a management company. All the leaseholders are directors in the management company. One of the leaseholders is...

Selective licensing in Southend put on hold?

Selective licensing in Southend put on hold?

Hi, I just wondered if there are any articles going up about selective licensing in Southend? Only because I’ve had quite a bad experience and wouldn’t want other people wasting their time.

Domestic Reverse Charges for VAT?

Domestic Reverse Charges for VAT?

I am a Director of an RMC (Right to Manage company) and we recently had a Fire Risk Assessment wherein we were told all 30 Flats were required to have Fire Doors Installed. The Lease states that the individual...

ECO3 New gas boiler – just a lot of hot air?

ECO3 New gas boiler – just a lot of hot air?

Another advert push for ECO3 and the installation of both gas lines (up to 23m) and new Worcester boilers. Is it REALLY worth doing given the total uncertainty and lack of direction as to where this is...

Underoccupied property?

Underoccupied property?

Minister for Housing, Christopher Pincher, spoke to the Lords recently about underoccupied property. He wants the properties to be used more efficiently. What happened In 2015 the Finance act penalised...

3 months periodic after 3 months rent in advance?

3 months periodic after 3 months rent in advance?

Hi, Can anyone advise me, please? I use 6-month ASTs with monthly payments which would rollover to monthly periodic, but I’ve had some tenants offering 3 months rent in advance at the start of a...

Time to cut and run?

Time to cut and run?

Like many we were attracted to the idea of property ownership, ‘another way of hedging’ was our MO, we could keep the property for 10 years and then sell make a few bob, pay some tax and all’s...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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