Readers Question

CCJ extension for professional rogue tenant?

CCJ extension for professional rogue tenant?

I managed to get a CCJ against a rogue tenant almost 6 years ago. The CCJ only covered the outstanding rental she accumulated whilst awaiting the Bailiffs for 8 months. The ruined unit and furniture theft...

BRP cards to be scrapped?

BRP cards to be scrapped?

I have just been sent an email from the Home Office. Looks like those plastic Biometric Residence Permits (BRP) cards are now being phased out and potential tenants now have to open an online account with...

What happens to the subtenants when my contract with the housing association ends?

What happens to the subtenants when my contract with the housing...

Hi, I bought a 5-flat property last year and it’s being sublet and managed by a housing association (this was the case before I bought it too). The housing association has a secure tenancy with the subtenants.

Student HMOs VS Professional HMOs?

Student HMOs VS Professional HMOs?

Hi, hope all is well. I have purchased an HMO that was let to students and I have continued renting to students so far. The property is licensed for this purpose, although the license doesn’t specify...

How can housing associations ensure rent payments amid DWP challenges?

How can housing associations ensure rent payments amid DWP challenges?

Hi, I work for a housing association and last year managed to attach a managed payment to landlord (MPTL) for tenants self rent. Their majority of rent is paid by Housing benefit, but the tenants pay the...

Freeholder nightmare – What are my options?

Freeholder nightmare – What are my options?

Hi there, advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The freeholder of my property has a legal obligation as it states in the Lease, to insure the building and provide me with the relevant documentation...

Can ventilation systems tackle damp in homes?

Can ventilation systems tackle damp in homes?

Hi, with damp and mould being a big issue, are ventilation systems a good idea? This last winter on the south coast there were very few frosts and the air has been very humid and wet. Many houses are damp...

Just be thankful you don’t let in Amsterdam?

Just be thankful you don’t let in Amsterdam?

My daughter is renting out her apartment in Amsterdam, having moved to Leiden. Her tax liability will be based on the size and location of the flat not on the rent charged or profit made after mortgage...

Room sizes and LHA rates?

Room sizes and LHA rates?

Hi, I have a flat with 2 bedrooms but the lounge is huge.  Lounge is irregular shaped 16.38 sqm, Bed 1 is 16.01 sqm, Bed 2 10.34 sqm I would say this is a 2 bed flat obviously but for LHA and room benefit...

Help – Energy supply dispute?

Help – Energy supply dispute?

Hi, in short: this is an EDF supply dispute. Our last tenant had an account with EDF for electricity. The new tenant has asked to have the account released so they can sign up with another supplier. EDF...

The next BTL disaster coming your way!

The next BTL disaster coming your way!

Hi, here’s something I’d like the views of Property 118 readers on. Some of you will have read of my ongoing saga with my tenant. Briefly, after many years I asked him to leave in December 2021 he’s...

Where are the decision-makers who could support landlords and tenants with sensible policies?

Where are the decision-makers who could support landlords and...

Shelter says “26,000 no fault” evictions have been enforced by bailiffs since 2019. If this relates to the 5 million in the PRS then this represents around 7,000 tenancies a year or 0.1% of...

Help – Tenant moved out and no rent payment from Universal Credit?

Help – Tenant moved out and no rent payment from Universal...

Hi, I get direct rent payments from Universal Credit for a tenant who has been in the property for 2 years. The tenant moved out yesterday (17th April) and declared a new address as of 18th April. I’ve...

What’s best for your retirement, BTL or pension?

What’s best for your retirement, BTL or pension?

Hello, buy to let was seen as the ideal ‘pension’ investment for those who didn’t have the luxury of a gold-plated public sector or final salary pension. But with landlords now struggling...

Could adding a reason for eviction change landlords’ image?

Could adding a reason for eviction change landlords’ image?

Whilst reading about how long it’s taken to reform Section 21 evictions, it occurred to me that if five years ago a “Reason for Eviction” field had been added to the application, we might...

Section 21 date error?

Section 21 date error?

Hi, on my behalf my management agent issued a section 21 notice. The notice was dated 01/11/2023 with a date to vacate the property of 05/01/2023, this of course should have been 05/01/2024. The notice...

Section 21 with no lease – Help!

Section 21 with no lease – Help!

Hi, I bought my first buy to let house in 2012 with a tenant in situ, and being naive and inexperienced, I never thought to issue a lease as my solicitor at the time arranged with the selling agent to...

Section 21 notice – Correct documentation to use?

Section 21 notice – Correct documentation to use?

Hello, I am a landlord with two AST’s, one that started in 2011 and another in 2013. Although these were let via a commercial letting agent, I do not appear to have the relevant documentation to...

Tenants false cash rent payment claim?

Tenants false cash rent payment claim?

Hello, I am currently going through the tenant eviction process and have received the court order for tenants to vacant the property. The tenants have now appealed against the eviction order falsely claiming...

Letting agent and credits checks?

Letting agent and credits checks?

Hi all, has anyone ever found themselves in a situtation where a letting agent assured you that everything was in order with a tenant’s credit check, only to discover later that it wasn’t accurate?

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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