Readers Question

HMO tenant vanished?

HMO tenant vanished?

I hope someone can help me after I issued a section 8 about 3 weeks ago. I have had no reply from the tenant, who is also 3 months in arrears with their rent. I visited the room in the HMO property today...

Electric Boiler tripping off RCD?

Electric Boiler tripping off RCD?

Dear all, We have an electric boiler in a central London property. The boiler is over 4 years old and keeps tripping off the central heating circuit in the residual current device (RCD). The property has...

Neighbour so difficult we now can’t Holiday let?

Neighbour so difficult we now can’t Holiday let?

We bought and renovated a little house many years ago that was on its knees. It is grade listed. Our plan was to eventually live in it but to have it as a holiday let for a number of years.

Pernickety tenant?

Pernickety tenant?

A contract is due for renewal on 1st April. Owing to recent events, I reluctantly decided to raise the rent by £40 a month. I notified the tenant on 7th February. He has come back to me and said that...

Alarmed to see the wording “limited title guarantee”?

Alarmed to see the wording “limited title guarantee”?

Dear all, I am in the process of a lease extension for a flat we bought recently, our solicitor is happy for us to sign the new lease with a clause stating “In consideration of the Premium and the...

Demonstrating the cost of Landlord Licences?

Demonstrating the cost of Landlord Licences?

My understanding is that the cost of the Licences that Councils are issuing, (HMO’s, Selective Licenses etc) are supposed to be based on the cost of operating them. I have not seen any Council offer...

Being an expert after an expert is employed?

Being an expert after an expert is employed?

You have an EICR done by a NAPIT registered professional – it raises a few C’3. The report actually states ‘ There are no items adversely affecting electrical safety, and the C’s...

Ground rent debt passed to collection agent who has quadrupled fees?

Ground rent debt passed to collection agent who has quadrupled...

We invested in 2 units in a block of student accommodation being built 8 years ago, and the investment has been fraught with problems. We owe some ground rent to the freeholder, as for the first time without...

Property Partnership 2% Stamp surcharge as Overseas buyer?

Property Partnership 2% Stamp surcharge as Overseas buyer?

Hello all, To explain my situation, I am a UK citizen, but currently living in Hong Kong. I already have a number of properties in my own name (bought before I left the UK) and am now looking to establish...

Contract or deposit first?

Contract or deposit first?

For those of you that manage your own properties (without using an agency etc), what is your sequence of events when you have a person(s) interested in taking a room or a property? I ask this because I...

Section 24 question? – BTW Osborne I’m not going to give up and sell!

Section 24 question? – BTW Osborne I’m not going to give...

I’d welcome readers’ thoughts on an issue I have discovered with S24 that was not immediately apparent (to me at least) and I am wondering if I (and my accountant) have right or wrong. In summary:...

What is the best Landlord accounting system?

What is the best Landlord accounting system?

Hi All, As a Landlord, I have been using Rent Central software for my accounts up until now. However, it has now ceased operating and I need to find an alternative I would like to ask what everyone else...

Top savings deals vanish

Top savings deals vanish...

The start of 2022 has seen some of the top rate deals vanish from the saving market, according to the latest analysis by Indeed, since the start of January, both market-leading deals...

How often should a Fire Risk Assessment be upgraded?

How often should a Fire Risk Assessment be upgraded?

Hi everyone, I own a property in a Victorian building with four other owners. We had a fire risk assessment carried out in 2013, and I am wondering if there is a legal requirement to have this upgraded...

Tricky lease situation/nightmare?

Tricky lease situation/nightmare?

Hi, I realise I need professional assistance for this, which I plan to do in the following weeks, but I am wondering if anyone has any advice. – I bought a property with a short lease of 26 years...

Let to Buy condition on not being Freeholder?

Let to Buy condition on not being Freeholder?

We have Let to Buy (LTB) mortgage offers, but they are conditional on the freehold not being held in my name. How can we get past this with minimal tax implications and expense? Time is of the essence...

Council Bond and DPS now the rent has increased?

Council Bond and DPS now the rent has increased?

The council is just about to release money held in a deposit Bond which I now have to protect in the DPS scheme. The Bond is held with the Council as such time the tenant pays the total amount of it...

My dad wants to open a Ltd company in my name and buy land?

My dad wants to open a Ltd company in my name and buy land?

My dad wants to create a limited company under mine and my brother’s name and then buy land with it. He plans on building something commercial and might take out a loan. He said he would put the...

Profit Margins and expenses – there’s easier ways to earn a crust?

Profit Margins and expenses – there’s easier ways to...

When looking for a comparison of typical Private Rental Costs v Income I struggled. The Tax return asks for number of properties [SA105 box 1], Income from rent & property [box 20], They ask for Expenses-...

Council tax exemption on dilapidated purchase?

Council tax exemption on dilapidated purchase?

A landlord client has bought a probate sale property that is not quite dilapidated but is barely habitable (depending on your definition of ‘habitable’). There is central heating but no boiler. The...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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