Readers Question

What to do with equity release funds?

What to do with equity release funds?

Hi guys, I’m in a position to release a total of £680,000 equity on two properties (my home and a buy to let). I’m not sure whether to use this to expand the property portfolio, or use this...

Mandatory to register non-taxable trusts with HMRC’s Trust Registration Service?

Mandatory to register non-taxable trusts with HMRC’s Trust...

If you hold a property as a nominee on behalf of another person or company, it may be mandatory to register this trust with HMRC’s Trust Registration Service (TRS) by 1 Sept 2022. Previously, non-taxable...

Will sanctioned property fall into ruin?

Will sanctioned property fall into ruin?

So the news is that sanctions have been imposed on some foreign owners of UK property. Presumably, you cannot buy this property from them nor can you pay them rent? These people will not be allowed into...

A guarantor is responsible for the rent and ALL the responsibilities of the tenant?

A guarantor is responsible for the rent and ALL the responsibilities...

Having now given a tenant over 5 months’ written notice to vacate with a section 21 via a professional serving company, the time will be arriving next month for her to vacate. I doubt very much she will...

Cost of Living Crisis – What do we do as landlords?

Cost of Living Crisis – What do we do as landlords?

We all know there is pain coming our way with the cost of energy prices, but the stark reality has hit home today even before the effects of oil and gas import restrictions from Russia bite. Our tenant...

Doors to an open walkway – Right to Manage?

Doors to an open walkway – Right to Manage?

We are applying for the right to manage – notice has gone into the freeholder and the managing agent has acknowledged that they know. We had notices a month ago for an inspection of our flat (as...

Can I move into my HMO?

Can I move into my HMO?

Hi, I would appreciate some input on this idea. I have a 4 bed unlicensed HMO (does not require a licence). Cutting a long story short, I am getting to retirement age, so I decided to sell up. I gave all...

8 Ground rents trapped in a company structure?

8 Ground rents trapped in a company structure?

We have 8 ground rents trapped in a company structure where we wish to rationalise into one, the active Buy to Let company. The Holding Company contains 2 Ground rents, a subsidiary and practically inactive...

Prevent Council Tax bills being charged for individual bedroom lets

Prevent Council Tax bills being charged for individual bedroom...

We have just come across a petition to ‘Prevent Council Tax bills being charged for individual bedroom lets.’ Click Here Surprisingly, it’s been up and running for almost six months already. ...

UK Buy to let tax in Spain?

UK Buy to let tax in Spain?

Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has any insight into the Spanish taxation on UK rental income. I am very close to becoming a Spanish resident, but I am worried about the overall taxes concerned. I...

Ground Rent on Lease illegally altered after signature?

Ground Rent on Lease illegally altered after signature?

I am hoping someone with a legal bent can offer some high-level advice and, hopefully, a solution. In 2007 we signed a lease on an apartment and returned it to our solicitor for exchange. Our solicitor’s...

Renters union ACORN apologises unreservedly to Landlord

Renters union ACORN apologises unreservedly to Landlord...

Renters union ACORN apologises unreservedly to Landlord: Click here  Apology and Correction: “We provide this Apology and Correction in order to apologise to Zobia Rafique and Century One Estates...

Paying for major works in March – which tax year?

Paying for major works in March – which tax year?

Hi, my managing agents to a flat I rent are asking for a £2k payment for major works, which is fine as they have done the section 20. The question I have is if I paid it now (March 2022)...

Prescribed Info – can you serve late?

Prescribed Info – can you serve late?

I am prepping for a Section 21 to be issued and just to make completely sure before I do this I am sending the tenant all the info that needs to be served beforehand again in hard copy form. I sent the...

Divorce, Declaration of Trust, and Beneficial Ownership?

Divorce, Declaration of Trust, and Beneficial Ownership?

Hi all, In brief, this is the background of my situation: I Own 2x BTL properties as tenants in common with my now ex-wife, split as 80/20 %. There is an existing Declaration of Trust which splits the...

Notice given but ex-boyfriend won’t leave – Help!

Notice given but ex-boyfriend won’t leave – Help!

My tenant gave notice to leave and has already left the property, but she has just told me she has split with her boyfriend, and he says he won’t leave until he has found somewhere else to live. I’ve...

Led by EPC assessor or retrofit specialist?

Led by EPC assessor or retrofit specialist?

EPCs give very brief ‘recommendations’ in order to increase your score and rating but……what maybe ‘recommended’ may not be right for your property. Are we then supposed...

Split titles and Stamp Duty circumvention?

Split titles and Stamp Duty circumvention?

Hi, I’m looking to split titles on a 3 flat conversion I completed in 2018 to lower the finance costs. I’ve been advised there will be stamp duty to pay even if the leases are transferred to...

White Goods clause in rental property?

White Goods clause in rental property?

Hi all, Hopefully, someone on this forum can help me out with a query. If I let my rental property out to a prospective tenant and supply the white goods (fridge/freezer and washing machine) would it be...

EPC Commercial Confusion?

EPC Commercial Confusion?

I am in the process of renewing a lease with a commercial tenant for the next 6 years., The EPC conducted in Feb 2017 is an F (carried out by the previous owner just before we bought the property –...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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