Readers Question

How long are courts taking to send notices?

How long are courts taking to send notices?

Hi everyone, I have recently been to court and got an order for a tenant who is in arrears with over £15000 of rental payments. The tenant was given until the 27th of April by the court to move out.

BTL Insurance refusals after fire damage claim?

BTL Insurance refusals after fire damage claim?

Does anyone have the same issues with insurers as I have? My insurance company has refused to renew my policy and every broker I have contacted since then comes back with the same reply – The Underwriters...

School fees funding from unencumbered equity?

School fees funding from unencumbered equity?

I own four Buy to Let flats outright/unencumbered. I also have 4 grandchildren all due to attend private schools with correspondingly costly term fees. My question is: What is the best way to use my accumulated...

BTL and Solar panels – Are there easy tax answers?

BTL and Solar panels – Are there easy tax answers?

Is there a simple answer to the question? If I put solar panels on a residential BTL property as a sole trader, in Scotland. 1) Can I offset the cost as an expense in the current year. 2) Is it just Capital...

Shared Freehold – Inadvertently took on the company director role?

Shared Freehold – Inadvertently took on the company director...

Hello, I have inherited my fathers semi detached house that forms part of a four block. There is two blocks and they all own the freehold shared eight ways. However, they all have individual leases, the...

Joint Freeholders – Now I feel totally let down?

Joint Freeholders – Now I feel totally let down?

I recently purchased my share (one third) of the freehold in a block of three flats together with the other two flat owners. We jointly purchased it through a limited company in which we have one equal...

Fair rent detemination?

Fair rent detemination?

I have a tenant who’s been on Housing benefits since April 2005. The council have stated that his claim and the eligible rent used in the calculation is decided with regard to October Deregulated...

What Section 8 Notice improvements are soon to be required?

What Section 8 Notice improvements are soon to be required?

Section 8 Notices seem to lack substance currently, with mandatory and discretionary grounds for possession. With the likelihood of Section 21 Notices becoming a thing of the past, what measures would...

Changes to the PRS in Wales – How it could apply to England?

Changes to the PRS in Wales – How it could apply to England?

The new Renting Homes (Wales) Act has been published. I am wondering what people feel about the changes to Section 21 and if they feel that would be a compromise if it were implemented in England? >>...

Equity Loan and offsetting CGT?

Equity Loan and offsetting CGT?

I am wondering if anyone has had any experience or knowledge of Equity Loans and how they may be treated as an expense or offset against CGT. Briefly, I took an equity release loan on a property that used...

By reducing the tax on properties landlords can reduce rents?

By reducing the tax on properties landlords can reduce rents?

Following the recent sky news and shelter report regarding section 21 and many tenants being asked to leave, surely now is the time to review the section 24 tax increase, perhaps owing to some landlords...

Possession hearing – Has by chance the council rep got it wrong?

Possession hearing – Has by chance the council rep got...

Quick question, I was at a possession hearing today, and the judge awarded in my favour with 28 days for the tenant to vacate. The tenant was represented by a housing advisor at the local council, who...

Former HMO tenant has lied to environmental health?

Former HMO tenant has lied to environmental health?

I’ve had a letter from the council advising “Environmental Health has received information from a former tenant that the property was let to him and 5 other tenants since 2018.” This...

Land Registry holding up loan?

Land Registry holding up loan?

I purchased a property six months ago and have a subsequent new loan agreed in principle. However, I am still waiting for the Land Registry to complete the registration of the title and until the process...

13% of private rented properties have category 1 hazards  –  Damned lies and statistics

13% of private rented properties have category 1 hazards –...

I’ve just read an article by Nearly Legal, based on a parliamentary report he had read, and I wondered about the statistics being quoted, e.g. 13% of private rented homes have a category 1 hazard. I...

Rent arrears – Benefit Nightmare?

Rent arrears – Benefit Nightmare?

I have a tenant who was unable to work due to health reasons. His partner left him a couple of years ago and subsequently, I’ve gone out of my way to try to find ways for him to stay in the flat...

A familiar story I believe?

A familiar story I believe?

I have issued a S21 to a tenant. I need to sell the house (they have never been a great tenant!). The council and Shelter have apparently advised the tenant to stay put – a familiar story I believe?

Short term tenancy until property sold?

Short term tenancy until property sold?

I currently have a property that I’m looking to sell to raise funds for another business venture. However, I have an existing tenant who I’m looking to relocate into the property on a short-term...

Install of EV Charger – Tenant or landlord cost?

Install of EV Charger – Tenant or landlord cost?

With the increase of electric and hybrid cars replacing both petrol and diesel vehicles, it is only a matter of time before tenants will start to ask landlords to install wall mounted home chargers on...

Shortage of rental properties so extreme tenants are refusing to leave?

Shortage of rental properties so extreme tenants are refusing...

Hi, my name is Melissa Lawford and I am the property correspondent at The Telegraph. I have heard from some lettings agents that the shortage of rental properties is so extreme that in some cases tenants...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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