Readers Question

Deed of trust on US holiday let?

Deed of trust on US holiday let?

Hello everyone, My wife and I jointly own a holiday let in the USA. We have a small US Dollar mortgage but finance costs have risen sharply which looks set to continue with the Fed currently increasing...

Buildings Insurance Renewal Impossibly High – From £350k to £500k

Buildings Insurance Renewal Impossibly High – From £350k...

I am a director of a Right to Manage (RTM) for a development with 93 units. Our buildings insurance renewal is due on Monday and, true to form, the renewal premium has only just come in. It has gone from...

Does emergency work over-ride a S20?

Does emergency work over-ride a S20?

Hi all, We are a block affected by the lack of fire stopping, cladding and other fire-related issues. The block is 5 years old and has numerous issues and defects and when we formed the Right to Manage...

Conflict of Interest with fees paid by purchaser?

Conflict of Interest with fees paid by purchaser?

Hi All, I have recently come across a ‘Modern’ online method of auction. The house to be sold was circa £225,000. The online auctioneer was instructed by the vendor, but the fee of £6,000...

Two weeks notice for section 8 ground 12?

Two weeks notice for section 8 ground 12?

Hi Everyone, Can a Section 8 ground 12 notice for breach of AST contract be issued during the FIXED TERM agreement, which is now in its 8th month of 12? Guidance for Ground 12 seems to allow for just 2...

Media coverage “no fault eviction”?

Media coverage “no fault eviction”?

There is increased media coverage of “no-fault evictions” with councils telling tenants to stay put and not move because there is nowhere for the tenants to go. This of course is against current...

Holiday let to be taken over by golf club?

Holiday let to be taken over by golf club?

Hello fellow hard-working property providers, We have a holiday let (5 bed 2 bathrooms) next door to where we live. Currently on Airbnb and doing well. Purchased by us (not in a company structure). We’ve...

Can I conduct viewing in tenant’s absence?

Can I conduct viewing in tenant’s absence?

My tenant is still within the 12 months fixed term agreement and has told me he was buying elsewhere. Therefore, I now require him to enable an internal viewing of the flat by a potential buyer. The AST...

Buy-to-Let Newbie financing question?

Buy-to-Let Newbie financing question?

Hi all, I have a question related to starting a small property business. I own a 50% share of a house in the UK which is worth roughly £200,000. This house is currently being rented out and I receive...

Cladding repairs needed to remortgage?

Cladding repairs needed to remortgage?

Has any leaseholder, coming to the end of their mortgage term, been able to re-mortgage with a B2 defective fire risk assessment applied to their building? Further, the landlord is still holding out ‘waiting’...

Legal Cover – What cover?

Legal Cover – What cover?

Has anyone had experience dealing with Legal Cover? I was sold the add-on extra as ‘if you need to evict a tenant then we will sort everything for you’. In reality, the insurance has wriggled...

Service Charge Dispute – Multiple Managing Agents?

Service Charge Dispute – Multiple Managing Agents?

We are a block of eight Leasehold apartments. The Freeholder has always chosen the Managing Agent, changing every three years. Each agent has been a big blue chip agent and each has delegated the management...

Tenants complain but won’t take action?

Tenants complain but won’t take action?

Looking through the thousands of posts on this forum, you quickly get the impression that landlords are wicked scoundrels and tenants complain about them constantly. It’s the same in my world of...

Mother left 13 year old daughter and three dogs?

Mother left 13 year old daughter and three dogs?

Help, after being four months in arrears the mother LEFT her 13-year-old daughter with three nasty dogs in our two-bedroomed flat and moved in with her boyfriend. (the lease was 12 months and ran out a...

Exempt accommodation providers – who are their agents?

Exempt accommodation providers – who are their agents?

Has anyone released their property to or entered into short-term lease arrangements with a managing agent who then goes on to organise the accommodation and support services for Exempt providers in the...

Claims history declaration on rent guarantee insurance?

Claims history declaration on rent guarantee insurance?

Hi, Could I please ask for a specialist opinion? I have had a claim made on my Rent Guarantee Insurance. When I am now quoting for my Landlord Insurance (building only) I am asked about claims in the last...

Charging an extra week’s rent to buy deposit insurance?

Charging an extra week’s rent to buy deposit insurance?

Hi everyone, A friend of mine who owns a small portfolio of let houses like me has asked me if I know anything about Reposit. As far as I can glean, this company instead of taking a deposit charges an...

Common parts fire risk?

Common parts fire risk?

Hi, I have several flats in conversions in two-storey buildings. Yes converted pre 1991 Building Act. On viewing properties to buy I notice several now have a wired fire alarm and emergency lighting to...

Window opening onto a neighbour’s shared courtyard?

Window opening onto a neighbour’s shared courtyard?

We rent a recently refurbished a terraced cottage with upstairs windows at the back of the property opening outwards onto a neighbour’s shared courtyard. The neighbour who shares the courtyard with...

Absent Owner and Nonpayment of Management Fees?

Absent Owner and Nonpayment of Management Fees?

The owner of a flat in a development where I also own a property has not paid any fees or ground rent for at least four years and current arrears are approaching £5000. I understand the flat, which was...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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