Readers Question

Selective licensing?

Selective licensing?

Hello, I had a selective license that ran for less than 5 years. I now need to apply and pay for a new selective license. I have been told there was a Court case that set out that my original license should...

Deed of variation to sons for inherited property?

Deed of variation to sons for inherited property?

Can someone please advise me whether a deed of variation for a will is our best option? My mother-in-law died leaving her house worth approx £480,000 to my husband who was her only child. He would like...

Do I have to take my gate down?

Do I have to take my gate down?

Hello, The access to the front of my property is through a neighbour’s garden. It is an agreed width – 12 ft. We own the boundary. The properties are at the end of a cul de sac...

Can my freeholder charge me VAT on purchasing a parking space?

Can my freeholder charge me VAT on purchasing a parking space?

Hello, I have a leasehold flat that I bought 4 years go, it’s about 50 years old, above shops. I thought I had parking allocated as there is parking which we’ve been using, and we were told parking...

Can I issue a Section 21?

Can I issue a Section 21?

Hello, I have a few properties tied into mortgages. I will be selling due to S24, the White Paper and EPC regs due to come. My question is: Can I serve a S21 now to my tenants but with a date to move out...

Is this a compromise?

Is this a compromise?

Hello, Maybe this would work to help the BTL market to lessen the blow. Increase the 20% tax credit to 40% but allow landlords just 30% and pass over the 10% to the tenant to reduce rent or pay for their...

Who is responsible for paying for roof works?

Who is responsible for paying for roof works?

Hello, Can anyone help? We are leaseholders in a 1980s block of about 20 flats in Chiswick. About 10 years ago the roof was replaced. Our current surveyor claims that the roof now needs replacing at great...

S21 Notice to Quit?

S21 Notice to Quit?

Hello, Can someone please clarify what is going to happen to the S21? I understand that it is going to be abolished but what does this mean for landlords? Does this mean that if the tenant always pays...

EICR requires full re-wire?

EICR requires full re-wire?

Hello, Our flat in London has failed its EICR with code 2s and 3s. The electrician says it needs a full re-wire. That’s ok (except that it will cost) as the flat’s wiring is maybe 40 yrs old.

£400 credit off the energy bill?

£400 credit off the energy bill?

Dear all, Our utility is supplied by one main meter divided into 6 flats. Tenants are asking for the government’s £400 credit off the energy bill. How can a landlord with one utility meter give a £400...

Guaranteed rent mismanagement?

Guaranteed rent mismanagement?

Hello, My sister gave a property to an agent via guaranteed rent. They are up to date with the payments. After viewing the property, I could see that it was in a state of disrepair. There was a leak in...

Can a Local Housing Officer Force me to Install HHR Storage Heaters?

Can a Local Housing Officer Force me to Install HHR Storage Heaters?

Hello, I have a flat that has modern electric panel wall heaters with thermostats and timer switches which run on standard-rate electricity. The tenant has a direct contract in their name with the electricity...

What do you think – sell or rent?

What do you think – sell or rent?

Hello, We have a leasehold property in London which is unexpectedly vacant. The letting agent can find a good credit tenant at an increase in rent. Or another estate agent wants to sell it and quote a...

Dreaded water leak – who pays?

Dreaded water leak – who pays?

Hello, There are 62 flats in a purpose-built block, which is now getting on. From time to time there are leaks from communal areas and from pipes under the floorboards in addition to the normal leaks from...

Divorce and lifetime BTL transfer issue?

Divorce and lifetime BTL transfer issue?

Hi, I would appreciate your help with regard to the lifetime transfer of property to my soon-ex-to-be wife. We are amiable and have agreed on the assets to transfer. I understand that the flats in question...

Landlord training for Nottingham Selective license?

Landlord training for Nottingham Selective license?

Hello, I have 5 single let properties in and around the Nottinghamshire & Lincolnshire area. One property in Nottingham city centre is within the Selective licence area. I applied and received my licence...

Should a landlord pay for a locksmith?

Should a landlord pay for a locksmith?

Hi, Our tenant has given us a notice. I advertised my property and arranged a viewing. I asked permission of the tenant – Can I show the property as they were not available and were out during viewings.

Fellow landlords – Get ready for Section 21 Day!

Fellow landlords – Get ready for Section 21 Day!

I cannot stay silent any longer because the continued attack on landlords will end in tears for us, tenants and the government. I was taken aback when the Scottish government announced that it was introducing...

Rookie leaseholder and a recognised body?

Rookie leaseholder and a recognised body?

Hi, I purchased a flat in a block of flats – the management of which the local council has contracted out to a company. I am one of a few leaseholders paying a service charge and ground rent to the...

HMO fire doors – Replace or Repair?

HMO fire doors – Replace or Repair?

Hello everyone, I have recently had a fire risk assessment conducted on my HMO property. The report indicates the doors are not compliant as they have no seals and only two hinges instead of the required...

Registered with
Wednesday 15th August 2012

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