Readers Question

Conveyancing Solicitors missed simple basic checks?

Conveyancing Solicitors missed simple basic checks?

I have been made aware during the proposed sale of the building I own, that planning permission was granted for conversion to form 5 flats and 2 shops in 1995. However, in reality, there are only 4 flats...

Legal Eagle required for council approved rent to rent contract?

Legal Eagle required for council approved rent to rent contract?

I am looking for a solicitor well versed in looking at commercial contracts with a property owner and a rent to rent company. Due to Selective Licensing (SL) occupancy restrictions, I am finding it increasingly...

Adult son left in property after tenant moved out?

Adult son left in property after tenant moved out?

Hello, I am looking for advice from Property118 readers, I issued a Section 8 notice to my tenant, who has since vacated the property. However, the tenant’s adult son, who is not listed on the tenancy...

Do I need to provide a gas safety certificate after my lease ends?

Do I need to provide a gas safety certificate after my lease...

Hi, I decided to rent my property through one of these guarantee rent agencies (who have contracts with the local council). I entered into a lease agreement with them for one year with the end date being...

Court hearing when using accelerated S21 route?

Court hearing when using accelerated S21 route?

Hi, I am currently in process of evicting one of my unpaying tenant using accelerated Section 21 route, I am under the impression that the court does not need a hearing if you don’t claim any unpaid...

How to sue a letting agent for breach of contract?

How to sue a letting agent for breach of contract?

Hi, I am a landlord and I entered into a long battle with a former letting agent regarding their fully-managed service of my property. Following legal advice, I put in a formal complaint to the agent and...

Tenancy fraud and council apathy!

Tenancy fraud and council apathy!

Hi, just read an interesting article on Inside Housing about tenancy fraud see below: English regulator is ‘turning a wilful blind eye’ to tenancy fraud, experts warn A non-executive director at the...

Tenancy Deposit Protection – 30 calendar days or 30 working days?

Tenancy Deposit Protection – 30 calendar days or 30 working...

Hi all, I found myself in a difficult situation while trying to evict a tenant during a rolling tenancy. The letting agency collected a deposit from the tenant and transferred it to me and I protected...

Stamp Duty rebate on uninhabitable property?

Stamp Duty rebate on uninhabitable property?

Hi, I am a long-term property investor, buying properties often at auction, refurbishing, renting and holding. I am a RICS surveyor and CIOB Construction Manager so I have some good general knowledge.

My tenants split up but husband staying – deposit issues?

My tenants split up but husband staying – deposit issues?

Hello, Since 2017 I have rented a small 2 bedrooms terrace house with garden to a couple. They had 3 children in the last 5 and a half years. The wife complained to me that the house was now too small.

Woman facing eviction told she would cope sleeping rough by local authority?

Woman facing eviction told she would cope sleeping rough by local...

Hello, A bit of a half-baked story from the BBC (shock horror!) – see the video below – but you can contact them to make a comment, which I have done and I would urge you to do the same.

Can I force entry to change the locks?

Can I force entry to change the locks?

Hello, I used an agent who issued a tenancy agreement for a tenant on DSS. She lives there with her husband and kids, which the government knows that she is single. She is sub-letting the house to raise...

Leasehold house query?

Leasehold house query?

Hello, As the title of this thread suggests, I have a leasehold query. My query is my uncle has a leasehold house with around 800 years left and with no conditions attached to the lease so all fine and...

Deposit return when the married name hasn’t been added?

Deposit return when the married name hasn’t been added?

Hello, My property was rented to an individual who paid the initial deposit which sits in a holding account. In December last year, we added her new husband to the rental contract and changed contract...

CGT Question – Can I claim capital costs without receipts?

CGT Question – Can I claim capital costs without receipts?

I am selling a buy to let property that I did a £100,000 extension on 15 years ago. Can I claim this as a capital cost on my CGT return even though I no longer have the receipts?

Rent issues in student rental agreement?

Rent issues in student rental agreement?

Hi, hopefully Property118 readers can provide some advice. My daughter is a tenant (of 4) in a student rental where one of the students has not paid any of their rent (now 7 months into a 12 month agreement).

Should I contact the guarantor, prior to the eviction?

Should I contact the guarantor, prior to the eviction?

Hi everybody, Can anybody help? I’ve issued a section 21 notice and a section 8 notice for non-payment of rent simultaneously. My tenant owes £3,500 currently. They have a guarantor (I’m not...

Custom Clauses For Assured Shorthold Tenancy?

Custom Clauses For Assured Shorthold Tenancy?

I’m about to renew an AST and wanted to know if any landlords on this wonderful forum have added any custom clauses to their AST’s that is not obvious/standard? Out of interest, I normally...

Waiting time for a bailiff in Ilford?

Waiting time for a bailiff in Ilford?

Hello, I got possession order at the end of October. We applied for a bailiff in December 23 and now have a bailiff date for October 24. Is that the experience of everyone else? Nine months after getting...

Do we legally have to pay for our tenants’ tree to be felled?

Do we legally have to pay for our tenants’ tree to be felled?

Hello, I have a question. Our tenants have large and well matured front and back gardens. There is a well established, large tree in their front garden (over 50 years old) which is affecting the neighbour’s...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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