Readers Question

How (best) to increase the rent with longstanding tenants?

How (best) to increase the rent with longstanding tenants?

Hello, The totality of my portfolio is now 25% below market value in rents, amounting to at least five digits in lost rent. This is because I have long-standing tenants and haven’t increased the...

Electricity sub meters – share payment?

Electricity sub meters – share payment?

Hello, I have an older property that is split into 5 flats with one main electricity meter for which I am responsible for the bill and I collect the money from each tenant via 5 sub meters where they pay...

Does a freeholder extension automatically become communal?

Does a freeholder extension automatically become communal?

Hello, The freeholder of a block of flats in which I own one (20 in total) built an extension in order to access two additional Penthouse flats which he built and then sold on. The only way to access the...

Welsh Landlords – Set Up to Fail?

Welsh Landlords – Set Up to Fail?

Are private landlords in Wales being set up to fail with the new legislation? The recently implemented Renting Homes (Wales) Act has automatically replaced all existing ASTs with a new “Occupation...

Level C on EPC £££

Level C on EPC £££...

Do most landlords realise the impact of the cost to get to a level C EPC if this becomes legislated as a requirement? We have a property that was fully renovated 5 years ago to full building regs.

Declaration of Trust mistake made by solicitor 7 years ago?

Declaration of Trust mistake made by solicitor 7 years ago?

We need some suggestions as to which way we should go next with a mistake made by a solicitor. Until recently, we owned 2 rental properties, in addition to our own home. I am a higher-rate taxpayer, and...

Tenant rental dilemma?

Tenant rental dilemma?

An Agent has forwarded an application to me for consideration: A 21-year-old to rent a flat. In a job since July so financially on paper can afford the flat. Woking for 4 years before that apparently.

EPC – Is it private information?

EPC – Is it private information?

Just come across something of interest and certainly a discussion point. You can opt out of the EPC register if you do not want other people to be able to see your EPC. (Contact the Department for Levelling...

Hydrogen Ready Stopgap?

Hydrogen Ready Stopgap?

Hi everyone, I am looking to replace a central heating boiler in a property with a new one and considering the new future-proofed options may be viable. I note that most central heating manufacturers are...

Christmas Party Tax Allowances for UK Limited Companies

Christmas Party Tax Allowances for UK Limited Companies...

What is the tax allowance for Christmas Parties for UK limited companies? ANSWER (provided by “Artificial Intelligence”) In the United Kingdom, limited companies are generally allowed to claim...

Doubling ground rent get-out clauses?

Doubling ground rent get-out clauses?

We have received an offer to vary a lease that originally contained a doubling clause by the developer. It has already been varied to increase by RPI to avoid that initial clause. The new offer from the...

Tenants left with electric meter broken?

Tenants left with electric meter broken?

I had tenants move out with no notice, and no keys returned.  Eventually, I decided they were not coming back as they cancelled the Council Tax and I was told they had been given a council property. The...

Regularisation certificate for a dormer window?

Regularisation certificate for a dormer window?

Hello, I have a regularisation certificate for a dormer window extension to an existing loft. I first applied for planning permission and got it under permittable development. The building regs surveyor...

Petition to reinstate mortgage interest tax relief?

Petition to reinstate mortgage interest tax relief?

Since I reposted the petition link this morning, only 500 or so people have signed it! I appreciate not everyone would have read the post, but why are Property 118 not sending this out daily to all their...

Replacement windows in a leasehold flat?

Replacement windows in a leasehold flat?

Hello, The old uPVC windows in the leasehold flat I rent out need replacing but I am not clear if this is the responsibility of the Lessor or Lessee. If it is my responsibility do I need the permission...

Pay it off, half or not?

Pay it off, half or not?

I have a £100k interest-only mortgage outstanding on a tenanted property with a value of £150K. I have the money to repay the mortgage outright – it expires in 14 days. Should I repay it all? Repay...

Short term let business rates?

Short term let business rates?

Hello, I have recently switched a 1 bed property that I rented out long term rental into a short term rental. Early next year I will have to apply to pay business rates instead of council tax (which my...

Landlord sending mail to rented property?

Landlord sending mail to rented property?

Hi all, My landlord in the UK is allegedly abroad but has told the managing agent that he wants all his mail to continue to come to this rented property even though he doesn’t stay here.  Is this legal...

EPC exemption for stand alone buildings under 50sq/m?

EPC exemption for stand alone buildings under 50sq/m?

For over 30 years now, I’ve rented out a small detached property, 30sq/m according to the EPC, which used to be the bakehouse (large oven still in situ) and washhouse for 3 cottages in front of it. The...

Preparing myself for Making Tax Digital?

Preparing myself for Making Tax Digital?

Hello everyone, We’ve been advised that from April 2024 we will be required to make quarterly returns and an End of Period Statement to HMRC using software which is compliant with Making Tax Digital...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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