Readers Question

Lodger’s room is almost self contained?

Lodger’s room is almost self contained?

Hello, We live with our lodger in our only house. The room the room is more or less self-contained. We do share all the utility bills, post box and some cleaning equipment. Does our lodger have Occupiers...

Is anyone else annoyed at this? Personal guarantees for Limited Companies?

Is anyone else annoyed at this? Personal guarantees for Limited...

So, you have moved your property portfolio to a Limited Company or just set one up and want to borrow money for say a new purchase. The first thing you will notice is that interest rates for Limited Companies...

End of mortgage term coincided with death?

End of mortgage term coincided with death?

Hello, Can anyone advise ? 🙏 My Dad was recently in the process of selling 3 flats and the Mortgage Lender was aware this was very imminent and were prepared to wait a SHORT while (weeks) for this to...

Accelerated Process – solicitor says no!?

Accelerated Process – solicitor says no!?

Hello, a S21 was issued to a tenant with expiry in mid Dec. I then contacted my insurance to progress the accelerated process. They contacted the legal company that I have cover with as part of my policy.

Disabled Tenant In DESPERATE Need of Good Advice

Disabled Tenant In DESPERATE Need of Good Advice...

I consider my landlord to be a perfect Gentleman and have been renting the same property for nearly two decades without any issues whatsoever. That was until I received the letter below from him a few...

Damp and mould in new build flat?

Damp and mould in new build flat?

Hello, A friend bought a 1-bed new build flat in Southampton for her daughter to live in while at university. She graduated 3 years ago but the flat has been empty because of severe condensation and mould...

Petition against S24  – What are NRLA doing?

Petition against S24 – What are NRLA doing?

Hello, The petition against S24 is gaining momentum and needs more fuel to engage everyone to sign up. Please contact your local estate agents to spread the word and ask if they can put a poster in their...

Party wall problems?

Party wall problems?

Hello, Has anyone had this problem? We own a bungalow which we rent out, the tenants are very very good. They have told me they have mould on the adjoining wall, they have mentioned before the wall was...

Value for money?

Value for money?

Hello, I am the owner of a flat in north west London, managed by a managing agent – there’s no residents’ association. The managing agent fails to respond to emails, has not provided...

Equity charge by CSA how to remove?

Equity charge by CSA how to remove?

Hello Property118 I need your help. In 2000, an equity charge was placed on my home by the Child Support Agency. The following year my children’s mother died and I took on the care of my children and...

Tenancy agreement and problem tenant?

Tenancy agreement and problem tenant?

Hello, I have a tenant in my house who paid rent for the first year and then started creating problems, allowing cats and dogs to mess all over the lawns, then finally decided she doesn’t need to...

Development and Party Wall – Freeholder or RTM?

Development and Party Wall – Freeholder or RTM?

Hello, I’m the director of a Right to Manage Company, the roof space was sold many years ago and the developer now has consent to build on the roof. The Freeholder has told the management company...

Early Repayment Penalty against CGT?

Early Repayment Penalty against CGT?

Hello helpful peeps. I am wondering if a Lender’s Early Repayment Penalty can be used as a Capital Cost and offset against CGT? Many Thanks. Helen Hi Helen, My colleague Alex Norian who is an accountant...

Where is the landlords’ voice?

Where is the landlords’ voice?

Hi all, I have been listening to many reports on the news and most recently a representative of Shelter on Rip Off Britain. Whilst I fully agree some properties are in a bad state of disrepair and mould...

How do I remove a person who has no tenancy agreement?

How do I remove a person who has no tenancy agreement?

Hi, Can anyone please advise me on an ongoing situation? A close friend of the family brought a property to rent out some years ago, but instead let her son and his girlfriend move in as a favour. The...

Doing HMO on BTL mortgage – consequences?

Doing HMO on BTL mortgage – consequences?

Hello, A client of mine has a BTL mortgage and for various reasons cannot find a tenant. They are looking at doing the house as a HMO instead as there’s more demand, however their mortgage company...

Am I really liable for council tax?

Am I really liable for council tax?

Hello, I have a 5 year HMO licence on a property in London until 2024. During Covid we found it difficult to find suitable tenants and in 2021 decided to rent the whole house to one family on an AST contract.

Regulated tenant/tenancy forced to give up external storage room?

Regulated tenant/tenancy forced to give up external storage room?

Hello, As regulated tenants we have been renting a flat with a secure storage room in the roof area, since 1968. The store room is not mentioned in the original lease, however, it has been mentioned in...

How to solve anti-social behaviour?

How to solve anti-social behaviour?

Hello, Not sure if anyone can advise, but I have a long standing good tenant who has complained about the new neighbour in the flat upstairs (shouting/fighting/baby crying at all sorts of hours including...

Past tenants admit to smoking in property?

Past tenants admit to smoking in property?

Hello everyone, My previous tenants who left my flat on 9th January have admitted on email to smoking in the flat. This is in breach of their AST and they are aware of this. What are my rights here?

Registered with
Wednesday 15th August 2012

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