Readers Question

Full Management agent wants to charge me to complete a deposit claim?

Full Management agent wants to charge me to complete a deposit...

The managing agent I have been using on a Full Management basis is dragging its feet in making a deposit claim. It is now declaring that in order to present the statutory declaration there will be charges...

Tenant claims deposit was given in cash?

Tenant claims deposit was given in cash?

We are in dispute with a tenant that upped and left over a mouse in the house. That’s another story. However, they failed to read the meter on leaving and the electrical company have refused to refund...

Tenant lied about receiving S8 Notice hearing adjourned?

Tenant lied about receiving S8 Notice hearing adjourned?

S.8 Notice was hand delivered and also posted 1st class, proof of postage and pictures showing delivery by hand were submitted. The Duty solicitor quoted Enfield v Devonish (1996, CofA) which the Judge...

Making good to the original decor?

Making good to the original decor?

I currently find myself in quite an unusual situation, please could I kindly ask what, if any experience, do the readers have of this? My Tenant of 4 years has given notice to end the tenancy.  The original...

Section 13 rent increase and the Tribunal?

Section 13 rent increase and the Tribunal?

Hello, my tenants are on a periodic tenancy, only because they refuse to sign a new Tenancy Agreement. Recently I served a section 13 to increase the rent up to the current market value, but the Tenant...

Guarantor liability questions post tenancy ending?

Guarantor liability questions post tenancy ending?

Hi everyone, I am a guarantor on a 3-year AST ending this month, I would like to understand my liability after the contract ends. Unfortunately, the tenant has accumulated arrears and stopped paying in...

HMO licence questions under caution?

HMO licence questions under caution?

I’ve been very foolish. During a time of family stress, I allowed a couple, at viewing, who then became a couple and a friend when we started the paperwork, to rent a lovely 2-bed flat. I am 6 months...

Advice on finding Social Housing tenants?

Advice on finding Social Housing tenants?

We are considering renting out our property through social housing after we previously rented it as a single let to a family who refused to pay rent for two years racking up over £30,000 in rent arrears,

Student property EPC downgraded moving C rating further away?

Student property EPC downgraded moving C rating further away?

We recently had a new EPC done on our 5-bed student rental, which initially downgraded it from a D (65 points) on the previous EPC to an E (53 points) although nothing has changed. After complaining, the...

Managing Agent has gone AWOL?

Managing Agent has gone AWOL?

I hope a Property118 member will know how this problem can be dealt with. Our managing agent of well over 20 years has failed to pay rents received and answer queries or solicitors’ requests for...

Stopping the legislation, regulation and judicial PRS landlord bashing?

Stopping the legislation, regulation and judicial PRS landlord...

I have said it before – probably this time last year – and I’ll say it again the only way to get PRS Landlords fair treatment, and recognition of taking up the social housing mantle –...

Financial Help needed to fight against Council?

Financial Help needed to fight against Council?

In a case that could have implications for landlords across the country, Leicester City Council is appealing against a First-tier Tribunal decision that substantially reduced a civil financial penalty...

Guarantor for tenancy already running?

Guarantor for tenancy already running?

Hello, In today’s unusual economic climate we (and many other landlords) have started having guarantors for every lease, as tenants may either lose a job, become ill and unable to work, or otherwise...

Property management and messaging software?

Property management and messaging software?

Hello to All, I’m hoping that the clever clogs amongst the community might be able to offer a view on whether I can legally obligate my tenant – by means of a clause in an AST – that...

Section 21 – I kid you not!

Section 21 – I kid you not!

Hello, I issued a Section 21 Notice to my tenant in December 2021. A consistently bad payer, he had until February 2022 to vacate. He chose not to, knowing full well he could appeal. The appeal was heard...

We in the uk have a housing crisis?

We in the uk have a housing crisis?

MPs will tell you that their constituents ALL want to own their own house with a garden. This concept is entirely utopian and completely beyond viable. Local Government and housing associations simply...

Section 13 Notice advice?

Section 13 Notice advice?

Hello forum, I would like some advice on section 13 notices and the correct procedure. I have 2 flats rented to tenants who moved in six years ago currently paying £850 rent in West London, the tenants...

Rent increase and no contract for 18 months?

Rent increase and no contract for 18 months?

Hi, I have two questions as a tenant. After my contract expired 18 months ago the landlord refused to give me a new one even though I was still living in his house and still paying. Is it his duty to provide...

Hefty increase in Maintenance Charges?

Hefty increase in Maintenance Charges?

Hi, I wonder if someone could advise me on the very hefty increase in maintenance charges with very little discussion on affordability for the residents. I own a purpose built flat in a seafront block...

Legal eviction?

Legal eviction?

Hi, I wondered if anyone has had any experience of legally evicting a tenant and how long it usually takes? My tenant has been served a section 21 and was given three months. On the weekend she was due...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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