Readers Question

Should an inventory show appliances to be in working order?

Should an inventory show appliances to be in working order?

Hello, Just had a tenant report an issue with a Saniflow toilet a week after moving in (blocked by a rag – tenant has 4 year old child!). I then looked to the inventory to ascertain that it had been...

Estate agent lost tenancy agreement?

Estate agent lost tenancy agreement?

Hello all, I am using an estate agent to let my property. Whilst going through an insurance claim for a leak, the insurer has requested the Tenancy Agreements of those living in the property. Upon requesting...

Non-resident landlords being refused legal expenses on insurance?

Non-resident landlords being refused legal expenses on insurance?

Hello, My landlord’s insurance is up for renewal, and while there’s no problem insuring the properties themselves, this year – for the first time ever – our broker is saying no...

Referencing a new commercial tenant?

Referencing a new commercial tenant?

Hello, I have a long term commercial tenant who is looking to sell on his business on as a going concern. Putting aside the issue of surrendering the existing lease for the minute, what referencing do...

How to evict a tenant for breach of contract?

How to evict a tenant for breach of contract?

Hi there, I have recently had a lot of complaints about a tenant of mine who is on an AST. He has breached the contract in that he has disturbed his fellow tenant and neighbours by making noise/playing...

Can I (or should I) issue a new AST to include a permitted occupant?

Can I (or should I) issue a new AST to include a permitted occupant?

Hi everyone, A few months after my tenant signed a 12-month AST (in 2017) I agreed in writing that his adult daughter could become a permitted occupant with the intention of issuing a new AST and her becoming...

Social housing for a non-paying tenant after a S21?

Social housing for a non-paying tenant after a S21?

Hello, After a S21 notice, I now have my Order for Possession from the court. Bailiffs are awaited. The tenants have now stopped paying the rent. They got progressively worse at paying until I got a managed...

Can my tenants choose their own housemates?

Can my tenants choose their own housemates?

Hello, I have an HMO with some fantastic tenants (it will be a travesty if the continued anti-landlord policy campaign continues and I have to sell up and walk away, but I digress). One is leaving and...

Request from tenant for their autistic child?

Request from tenant for their autistic child?

Hello, Our tenants’ daughter is autistic and they have requested permission to install a ceiling hook for a sensory swing. We sympathise with their difficult circumstances but would like some help please...

What happens to unlicensed HMOs once S.21 goes?

What happens to unlicensed HMOs once S.21 goes?

Hello, We’re just waiting for the Renters Reform Bill to pass and Section 21 to be abolished for no fault evictions. When this happens, what will the position be if/when council planners refuse an application...

Help with tenant rent arrears on Universal Credit?

Help with tenant rent arrears on Universal Credit?

Hello, I have a tenant with six months rent arrears on Universal Credit. I have filled in an online form for direct payment from UC but this was rejected. These were the possible reasons they gave for...

Service charge dispute win ends up costing £18k?

Service charge dispute win ends up costing £18k?

Hi everyone, We took our Freehold Landlord to the small claims court for £3k and then it was transferred to the first-tier tribunal The Freeholder lost and was made to refund us £2520 in service charge...

Tenant won’t move after section 21?

Tenant won’t move after section 21?

Hello – my tenant was served a section 21 and has now decided to defend it to gain time even though our grounds for serving the notice are to sell the property. We cannot remortgage because the rent...

Tenant refusing viewings after being served Section 21?

Tenant refusing viewings after being served Section 21?

Hello, Three weeks ago I instructed my managing agent to serve a Section 21 notice on my tenants. I have been emailed by my agent stating that the tenants have asked that no viewings go ahead until the...

Virgin Media – Landlord Wayleave Form?

Virgin Media – Landlord Wayleave Form?

Hello, My tenant has just sent me an email from Virgin Media asking for her to gain permission from the landlord to allow her to have internet set up at a flat. Virgin Media want me to sign a Wayleave...

Implications of a bankrupt freeholder?

Implications of a bankrupt freeholder?

Hello, does any one know the implications for myself and 4 fellow leaseholders of the freeholder of our lease being declared bankrupt and his affairs now being under administration by insolvency agents?

Tenant refuses to leave until council re-house her?

Tenant refuses to leave until council re-house her?

Hi, I have an issue with a tenant who is refusing to leave after I served a section 21 notice. I am forced to sell as my mortgage has soared over £3,000 a month and rental income is only £1,600!

Extending lease on a flat with Nottingham City Council?

Extending lease on a flat with Nottingham City Council?

Hello, I’ve been reading a thread from August 2021 about experiences of extending leases. The information from Mick Roberts was very useful but it’s not clear how the lease extensions concluded. I’m...

Renters Reform Bill – Free webinar March 21st

Renters Reform Bill – Free webinar March 21st...

The Renters Reform bill is gathering pace and could enter parliament as early as May. There are 12 proposals being put forward that could significantly effect the way Landlords currently run their property...

Can two Section 21s be running at the same time?

Can two Section 21s be running at the same time?

Hello, There is an existing Section 21 which has been contested and waiting to go to court. My question is: Can a landlord issue a new section 21 that will running simultaneously with the old Section 21?

Registered with
Wednesday 15th August 2012

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