Readers Question

EPC proposed upgrades cost limit?

EPC proposed upgrades cost limit?

Hello, If the new £10,000 limit proposed upgrade to a band C before the deadline goes ahead, I was wondering whether this cost limit would be allowed to be spread over a couple of years rather than all...

Damp and mould – why blame landlords?

Damp and mould – why blame landlords?

Hi all, Is it only me getting a bit sick of getting the blame for damp and mould in Victorian terraced properties, especially the solid stone walled type? Cold walls = condensation = eventually mould.

Do I need a bathroom extractor?

Do I need a bathroom extractor?

Hello, I have a flat in a listed building with an existing window in the bathroom which is suitably sized. IF it is opened as needed there would be no need for an extractor. Two previous tenants lived...

HMO dilemma?

HMO dilemma?

Hello all, We have a 7 bed flat which will eventually be split in 2 small units. However, we have been approached by an individual who is keen to take the property on as an HMO. They have a few currently...

Ever seen a McDonald’s employment contract like this?

Ever seen a McDonald’s employment contract like this?

Hi all, Has anyone ever come across a McDonald’s work contract in the course of tenant referencing? This is the one that was sent to me earlier this week: Dear N Employment details We’re delighted...

Can I remove the inner trickle vent covers?

Can I remove the inner trickle vent covers?

Hello, I have a tenants that will not open the trickle vents. Most of the trickle vents seem to be open along with the windows when the letting agent or myself is visiting the property for repairs or checks...

Time for your re-instatement building quote? Read this first!

Time for your re-instatement building quote? Read this first!

Hello, If it’s time for your re-instatement quote for your block building insurance please learn from our mistake. We have just had our insurance re-instatement done which involved a site visit by the...

Advice needed about a letting agent’s full management contract?

Advice needed about a letting agent’s full management contract?

Hello, I have full a full management service with a letting agent who conducts property inspections and sends me a copy of their report, along with any recommendations. However, a few months after their...

How to legally remove a vehicle belonging to a deceased lodger?

How to legally remove a vehicle belonging to a deceased lodger?

Hello, a licenced lodger passed away in January 2023 and left damage which I had to completely replace and his car is in the allocated parking space. He was separated from his wife since 2019 and she is...

Emergency lock change (faulty lock) – Is the tenant liable?

Emergency lock change (faulty lock) – Is the tenant liable?

Hi, Last Sunday evening, our lock decided to fail (ERA night latch). All of a sudden, the key would not be able to turn the lock. My flatmates, who were inside, could not open the door either, the latch...

Right of Cancellation for a property management service?

Right of Cancellation for a property management service?

Hello, I invoked a Right of Cancellation for a property management service within the 14 day period, using the method defined in their terms of business and based on the The Consumer Contracts (Information,

Smart meters in rented flat?

Smart meters in rented flat?

Hi, I would like some advice from Property118 readers. I would like to know if any landlords have had any issues with smart meters that tenants have had fitted. The tenants have run up a debt and left...

Landlord Incapacitated?

Landlord Incapacitated?

Hello, I would like some advice from Property118 readers, If a landlord is permanently unable to maintain an AST due to loss of mental capacity, can their married partner take over if their name isn’t...

Is new Freeholder liable for previous overcharging?

Is new Freeholder liable for previous overcharging?

Hello, I live a in block of flats where the former freeholder (the company is now dissolved) overcharged the service charges: the percentages we paid added up to more than 100%. The new landlords are fixing...

Inspired by a new generation of property investors

Inspired by a new generation of property investors...

Dear Property118 The latest videos you have published on your Property118 TV YouTube channel were very timely for me because I was on the verge of throwing the towel in following the barrage of bad news...

Restriction on Title?

Restriction on Title?

Hello, I could do with some advice. I have a restriction on one of my BTL properties in favour of one of my investors, e.g., No disposition of the estate without the written consent of investor X…..

How do I approach neighbours over a water leak?

How do I approach neighbours over a water leak?

Hello, I have a mini HMO next door to one of my BTL’s. When someone next door uses the shower a leak occurs in my property’s kitchen ceiling. I have had the pipework in my property surveyed...

Community Infrastructure Levy fees for small developers?

Community Infrastructure Levy fees for small developers?

Hello, I have planning permission to build a one unit flat on top of an existing building (I own the flat below). I also have all the necessary legal documents with the Freeholder. I advised the council...

Freeholder, Leaseholder – can you be both?

Freeholder, Leaseholder – can you be both?

Hello, After setting up a property development company, my first project was a large extended terraced house. The property was in poor condition and I was fortunate enough to buy it cash. I was granted...

Should an inventory show appliances to be in working order?

Should an inventory show appliances to be in working order?

Hello, Just had a tenant report an issue with a Saniflow toilet a week after moving in (blocked by a rag – tenant has 4 year old child!). I then looked to the inventory to ascertain that it had been...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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