Readers Question

How many tenants does it take to change a light bulb?

How many tenants does it take to change a light bulb?

Hello, During a routine property inspection by my letting agents, the tenant advised that the bulb in a bathroom wall fixture had failed. He said he did not know how to undo the fixture to replace the...

EPC A-C proposals affecting landlords/tenants and owner occupiers alike?

EPC A-C proposals affecting landlords/tenants and owner occupiers...

Hello, the Renters’ Reform Bill, should it be enacted, will as we know mean even fewer rental properties available and higher rents (supply and demand). Never mind rental properties not being able...

Do I pay upfront for major works?

Do I pay upfront for major works?

Hello, I own two flats in a block of four, so there are 3 lessees. There is a managing agent for the freeholder who is less than efficient and very expensive but that’s another matter. Major works...

Tenant will not let anyone into property?

Tenant will not let anyone into property?

Hello, Can anyone from the Property118 community please offer me any advice? My tenant has not paid for a year (Don’t ask, that’s a whole other story!) and the gas and electric certificates...

Ambiguity in lease – who does it fall to?

Ambiguity in lease – who does it fall to?

Hi, Our block of flats has recently had a section 20 notice issued, with a large cost attributed to the four leaseholders in the building. All of us have contested this as we believe that not only are...

Rent guarantee insurance recommendations?

Rent guarantee insurance recommendations?

Hello, I have adequate landlord buildings insurance etc and that comes with legal protection etc. What I do not have is rent guarantee insurance. I don’t want to sign up to an agent to get access...

Is applying for a CCJ before applying for a section 8 a good idea?

Is applying for a CCJ before applying for a section 8 a good...

Hello, my agent sent this in response to a tenant in arrears. Is this legal? Response: The tenant currently owes £2350 in rent arrears we will take steps to secure this debt by way of a CCJ. It will be...

Does a landlord give notice for end of tenancy agreement?

Does a landlord give notice for end of tenancy agreement?

Hello, I have a tenant on a six month assured tenancy agreement who is currently refusing to pay rent. I have issued a section 8 notice and this is going through due process. The tenancy ends on 15th July...

EPC challenge with a flat within a social housing block?

EPC challenge with a flat within a social housing block?

Hello, I own a flat on the top floor of a social housing block of 60 flats owned by Wandsworth Council. I’ve just had the EPC renewed in order to replace my mortgage as it is coming off its cheap...

To CCJ a couple or Individually?

To CCJ a couple or Individually?

Hello 118ers, Some advice please. Can I apply for a Joint CCJ to recover the thousands of pounds my ex-tenants owe me for damages and rent arrears? They are a couple and were joint tenants and both signed...

Making Tax Digital for Landlords?

Making Tax Digital for Landlords?

Hello, There’s more red tape for landlords to come – From April 2026, self-employed individuals and landlords with an income of more than £50,000 will be required to keep digital records...

Landlord bashing…is the deposit sufficient?

Landlord bashing…is the deposit sufficient?

Hello, with all the ‘multi-agency landlord bashing’ that seems to be going on at the moment, I’ve been giving some thought about the stage when existing tenancies end and new tenancies begin. My...

Fairly compensating tenants for overrunning repair?

Fairly compensating tenants for overrunning repair?

Hello – long-time reader, first-time poster – many thanks in advance for any suggestions! I have a repair which has significantly overrun, due to mistakes made by the freeholder’s repair...

Written statements in Wales?

Written statements in Wales?

Hello, Renting Homes Wales processes for agencies and landlords to cope with the Transitional Information Period. After first becoming aware of the Renting Homes Wales Act when presenting training for...

Will landlord’s insurance still pay out with end of Section 21?

Will landlord’s insurance still pay out with end of Section...

Hello, I have a serious concern about Michael Gove who is practising divide and conquer between landlords and tenants. If a landlord can no longer evict a tenant via a Section 21 notice, then I believe...

Can children and pets be prohibited when offering residential property for let?

Can children and pets be prohibited when offering residential...

Hello, are there/will there be any circumstances in which children and pets can be prohibited when offering residential property for let? I own a detached property which has been successfully rented out...

What should I do not to invalidate my S21?

What should I do not to invalidate my S21?

Hi everyone, I served a Section 21 seven weeks ago so the tenant is due to move out on 21st May. They are on benefits so the local council will be paying most of the rent. My guess is they aren’t...

Is it ok for friends/relatives to stay with a tenant for a month?

Is it ok for friends/relatives to stay with a tenant for a month?

Hello, I have a single woman tenant who works full time and has been in the property for about eight months, there have never been any issues and always paid the rent on time and in full. The property...

Selective Licensing and new tenancy?

Selective Licensing and new tenancy?

Hello, selective licensing is now coming to an area I have a property in. The SoS (Secretary of State) agreed to it as the council stated it met the requirements as specifically as it is an area of high...

Charging e-scooters in the house?

Charging e-scooters in the house?

Hello, I have two tenants, who pay on time and look after the house well and I would like to keep them on as tenants. However, I am a bit worried as one has an e-scooter which he rides to work and charges...

Registered with
Wednesday 15th August 2012

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