Readers Question

Roof repairs and water damage in flat – No freehold insurance?

Roof repairs and water damage in flat – No freehold insurance?

Hello, we own the freehold of a maisonette building made up of eight flats and we also own the leasehold of the first-floor flat. The ground floor flat is completely self-contained and includes both the...

Leaseholder issues with freeholder?

Leaseholder issues with freeholder?

Hello, I am the leaseholder and I am having issues with the freeholder who rents out the flat above. The tenants are noisy because of the wooden floors and there have been two leaks which have caused damage...

Tenant refusing to leave?

Tenant refusing to leave?

Hello, my wife and I bought a property, the completion date was January 2023. We bought with a tenant in situ who since April has been in rent arrears and is refusing to leave after section 21 and 8 has...

No party wall notice issued despite building work taking place?

No party wall notice issued despite building work taking place?

Hello, builders next door have commenced building work without planning approval yet an application has been submitted. No party wall notices were issued and no neighbour consultation was done. The rear...

Can EPC rules regarding insulation be a retrograde step?

Can EPC rules regarding insulation be a retrograde step?

Hello, we are all required to improve our properties so as to adhere to standards set by the government in regard to insulation etc. This is not a bad thing but it does mean a significant reduction of...

Freeholder service and insurance charges?

Freeholder service and insurance charges?

Hi everyone, my family own several leasehold flats and in each case the leases allow the freeholder to arrange building insurance and to recharge this to the leaseholders. Every time the property is valued...

Can I rent a large house as a one bed flat?

Can I rent a large house as a one bed flat?

Hello, I have a five-bed eco house on the South Coast we recently put up for sale when our last tenants left. Unfortunately, then the market nose-dived and there has been no interest. The agents tell me...

Long term leases subject to Section 24?

Long term leases subject to Section 24?

Hi all! I wonder, for an owner who has a section 24 issue if he lets his property on a 7-year lease to an Ltd Company client who then sub-lets on either Airbnb, serviced accommodation or indeed to long-term...

Help with choosing leasehold property?

Help with choosing leasehold property?

Hi everyone, My partner and I have been saving for a long while to buy our first investment property together. We’ve found a deal for a one-bedroom flat in Bradford city centre for £125,000 with...

If a right to manage company did not follow due process who is liable?

If a right to manage company did not follow due process who is...

Hello, if a right-to-manage company or their managing agent did not follow due process, such as issuing a Section 20B appropriately, all the leaseholders of the building can withhold money for a historic...

Abandon order imposed on property?

Abandon order imposed on property?

Hello, can Property118 please offer some advice: A friend of mine has bought a property only to find it has an abandon order on it which prevents any form of development as all rights have been removed...

Late deposit protection?

Late deposit protection?

Hello, I’m a new landlord with one property. Can Property118 readers please advise I have not put the deposit in a protection scheme as I didn’t know about these schemes. Is it better to return...

Help! Freeholder will not fill out LPE1 form

Help! Freeholder will not fill out LPE1 form...

Hello, I would appreciate some advice on the process of going to a first-tier tribunal and how to keep costs down as I am already trying to sell the flat to a cash buyer company at a loss. I would really...

Unable to contact deceased property owner?

Unable to contact deceased property owner?

Hello, I wish to meet and discuss with the owner matters concerning his/this property, however, the registered owner remains a gentleman who died 13 years ago. The owner died Intestate in August 2010 and...

Delayed heating bill issues?

Delayed heating bill issues?

Hello, I have an apartment in Islington which is rented out. Since completion 10 years ago, the managing company has never been able to issue the hot water and heating bills in time. Initially, it was...

Deposit protection with section 21 issue?

Deposit protection with section 21 issue?

Hi all, I hope you are all well. I have made a mistake on the tenancy and I accidently put that the tenant paid me a £1,000 deposit and that it was protected. That was not the case and I can prove that...

Councils offering five year leases to landlords?

Councils offering five year leases to landlords?

Hello, due to the Renters Reform Bill and renting my properties becoming unworkable I am considering my options. I’ve seen lots of councils offering five years leases to landlords on fully managed,

Net zero consultation?

Net zero consultation?

Hello, in case Property118 readers are not aware the building regulations changed on June 15th 2022 with a 12-month transition period just ended. It applies to new builds so if you are thinking of building...

Can a Section 21 notice expire if council refuse to grant a selective license?

Can a Section 21 notice expire if council refuse to grant a selective...

Hello, Property118 readers according to Section 75 and 98 of the 2004 Housing Act, it appears a section 21 is valid if the application for a selective license is made but has not yet been granted. Same...

Are corporate landords taking over?

Are corporate landords taking over?

Hello, I’m extremely surprised it has taken so very long for commentators to only now wake up to the fact that an ever-increasing number of major corporate investors, pension funds, American and other...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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