Readers Question

Section 21 – multiple tenancy agreements and gas certificates?

Section 21 – multiple tenancy agreements and gas certificates?

Hi everyone, I would really appreciate any sort of suggestions on what to do. I have had the same tenants for 10 years since 2013 and I want to move back into the property so I’m thinking of serving...

Tenant arrested and ex partner refuses to leave property!

Tenant arrested and ex partner refuses to leave property!

Hello, last December, the police were called out to my rental property, due to a nasty domestic incident. The tenant was removed by the police, and not allowed back unless he was with a police officer.

Tenants on breathing space respite scheme?

Tenants on breathing space respite scheme?

Hello, we are first-time landlords and we have nightmare tenants. They haven’t paid us any rent in the last 13 months and when we tried to evict them via section 8 they went into breathing space.

How soon can I issue a new tenancy agreement whilst current fixed term is still running?

How soon can I issue a new tenancy agreement whilst current fixed...

Hello all, I’m seeking advice. Where an AST is due to expire in March 2024 is it possible/acceptable to provide the tenant with a new fixed term (eg. 6 months covering March to September 2024) in...

Ground rent squared?

Ground rent squared?

Hello, I think we have seen cash strapped councils trying plenty of tactics to raise much-needed funds, the most obvious being the selective licensing scheme. What I have been invoiced for this month though,

Is it time to buy rental properties?

Is it time to buy rental properties?

Hi. I was looking at buying another two properties to add to the 3 I already have. The latest mortgage quotes I received mean that even if I go ahead and buy two more properties, I will be worse off with...

Can I evict a tenant if they are not on the tenancy agreement?

Can I evict a tenant if they are not on the tenancy agreement?

Hi everyone, I really need some help and would appreciate any kind of advice or suggestions. So, I have tenants; a husband, wife and their 2 children (1 of which is now 18) who have been living at my property...

My rent and legal insurance was cancelled?

My rent and legal insurance was cancelled?

Hi All. A bit of a long story. Apologies! I have a fully managed property and took out rent and legal cover through the estate agents. My tenant was fine for the first 9 months paying on time...

Should the guarantor be told about pets?

Should the guarantor be told about pets?

Hello Property118 memebers. My question is if there are changes to a tenancy for anoccupational contract in Wales must the guarantor be told of these changes? In the case I am considering it’s about...

Rent increase according to inflation?

Rent increase according to inflation?

Hi, I have asked my tenant for a rent increase from £800 to £1100. But she is blaming now that there is a clause in the tenancy agreement which says that the rent will be reviewed annually and be increased...

Section 8 – What if house left empty for longer?

Section 8 – What if house left empty for longer?

I issued a section 21 which expired in early September. The tenant stayed in. My insurer took over and seems they are going the Section 8 route, not the Section 21, even though all procedures were followed...

Recovering damages from live in lodger?

Recovering damages from live in lodger?

Hello, my lodgers have an excluded licence agreement. I stupidly only charged £400 deposit which is less than half a month’s rent. They knowingly entered into my house on the 6th of August having...

Notice of hearing after order for possession?

Notice of hearing after order for possession?

Hi Everyone, I have the order for Possession (Accelerated procedure) (Assured shorthold tenancy) in July which said that the tenant should leave the property on the 7th of August. However, the tenant did...

Did I issue an invalid s21 notice?

Did I issue an invalid s21 notice?

I lived in my property for a number of years before deciding to rent it out. I had my friend who was previously a registered gas engineer fit in my new boiler and service it for me (while I was still living...

S21 expiry date?

S21 expiry date?

Hello, Can Property118 readers please help. The rules seem to have changed for what date to put for a S21 expiry date. The tenancy is a rolling contractual periodic tenancy which originally started in...

Garage dispute?

Garage dispute?

Hi, I rented a garage space in a block from a neighbour, we drew up an agreement from the internet, no problem. I erected a sectional garage on the space to store a car, I have receipts. Unfortunately...

Someone (not the tenant) wanting to pay the rent?

Someone (not the tenant) wanting to pay the rent?

Hello all, we had an email from someone advising us that the husband of one of our tenants had died he provided a copy of the death certificate. He told us that he would be paying the rent. We responded...

Change to LA’s HMO quantity – valid reason for tenant’s action?

Change to LA’s HMO quantity – valid reason for tenant’s...

Hi, the situation: Landlord has rented out their 4-bed house to 4 tenants for a number of years, but now needs to sell the property. S21s were issued, and all the tenants left. One ex-tenant has now threatened...

No right to public funds?

No right to public funds?

Hello, I have been approached by a wife and husband couple who are both skilled workers from abroad (care/nursing), they have been granted leave to enter (restricted work) but who have National Insurance...

New management company appear out of thin air demanding thousands?

New management company appear out of thin air demanding thousands?

Hello, I bought a 999 year leasehold flat in January 2015. Despite thorough searches by my solicitors, no management company was identified and the local London council who was the original freeholder...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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