Readers Question

A cautionary tale of not having landlord insurance?

A cautionary tale of not having landlord insurance?

Hello, Nice and simple, just visited a friend who got flooded out and is now in temporary accommodation. He tells me his next door neighbour was working abroad and decided to rent out the property. It...

Setting up a Limited Company for a shared family holiday cottage?

Setting up a Limited Company for a shared family holiday cottage?

Hello, I am planning to set up a Limited Company to enable shared ownership of our family’s holiday cottage and would like some advice. I’ve set out the context first and then given a specific...

Home as office allowance – Any experience/advice?

Home as office allowance – Any experience/advice?

Hi, so for twenty-odd years I’ve been told by my accountants that I can claim 10% of my home expenses (Mortgage interest or rent/utility & council tax) as an allowable home as office expense...

S21 issued, one tenant vacated not sure on the second tenant?

S21 issued, one tenant vacated not sure on the second tenant?

Hello, I’m trying to help someone who has vacated a property that is on a joint AST. No notice has yet been served by the tenant who has vacated but the agents are aware of the situation. The tenant...

Query over six month break clause

Query over six month break clause...

Hello, we have rented out property for many years and our experience of 6-month break clauses has always been that they perform exactly as implied, ie the landlord or tenant can end the tenancy after 6...

Section 21 being disputed?

Section 21 being disputed?

Hello, I intend to issue an S21 on a tenant that lacks mental capacity and has a Deputy of the Court of Protection acting for him (his mother). This is because we have to sell the property and buy a bungalow...

How to tackle screaming noisy new neighbours?

How to tackle screaming noisy new neighbours?

Hello, my tenants have messaged me with concerns about the new tenants in the flat below them. The building is a converted Edwardian property, eight flats. Ever since the new tenants, a man and a woman,

Tenant gave notice then changed his mind?

Tenant gave notice then changed his mind?

Hello, I am selling all my properties and planned to send the S21 to the tenant of the ‘next in line’ in early January as my mortgage fixed term ends in October. On the day I was going to start...

When condensation and mould is caused by the tenant?

When condensation and mould is caused by the tenant?

Hello, We are currently dealing with a tenant who has complained to environmental health about the damp in their property. We have been instructed to re-decorate the whole property which we do not mind,

Family renting – Should I commit?

Family renting – Should I commit?

Hi everyone, Newbie here and I am looking for advice on letting to my son and his partner. I know most will say not rent to family, but needs must and I’m well aware of the family issues it could cause.

HMO house with AST – two of four tenants are leaving?

HMO house with AST – two of four tenants are leaving?

Hello, Two out of four tenants on an AST with a Lambeth HMO licence have given individual notice until 31/3/24. I have reminded them that they are still jointly and severally liable for rent etc. until...

Limited company landlord filling out Form N5B?

Limited company landlord filling out Form N5B?

Hi, I have a question about filling out form N5B – specifically on Question 1 and statement of truth, where the landlord is a limited company: At the top of the form, it asks to ‘Enter the full...

Managed or self managing rental property?

Managed or self managing rental property?

Hello, We are starting to build up our rental property portfolio again after being out of the PRS for a number of years. My question is, are tenants less likely to default on the rent if managed by a letting...

Charging electric scooters in flats – where do landlords stand?

Charging electric scooters in flats – where do landlords...

Hello, Recent publicity regarding fires caused by electric scooters spontaneously combusting during the charging process has me worried as to where we as landlords stand regarding this potential. With...

Rent increase ruling by First Tier Property Tribunal?

Rent increase ruling by First Tier Property Tribunal?

Hello, After a very long 7 months of trying to increase the rent on my property, which involved paper submissions, an inspection and a subsequent hearing, the First Tier Property Tribunal returned a decision...

Landlord insurance question – reporting maintenance and decoration?

Landlord insurance question – reporting maintenance and...

Hello, I contacted my insurer to advise them of an extra tenant moving into my property. I was sent a form to update. The insurer advised me that despite the fact that l have never made a claim...

Does tenant’s pet damage insurance exist?

Does tenant’s pet damage insurance exist?

Hello, With the Government pushing landlords to accept tenants with pets, I would like to know if there is anyone out there that could recommend an insurance company that will provide such a policy (Pet...

Multi Unit Freehold Block (MUFB) Investments?

Multi Unit Freehold Block (MUFB) Investments?

Hi All, I have invested in a few MUFB last year. They are historic conversions of terraced houses in London with planning permission to be used as two flats with separate utilities, council tax etc. I...

Can another leaseholder serve me a Section 20?

Can another leaseholder serve me a Section 20?

Hello, last month I moved into a leasehold flat (converted house into two flats, I am upstairs). Four days after moving in, the downstairs neighbour asked me to contribute to getting the guttering sorted...

Is my licenced shared student house a single private dwelling?

Is my licenced shared student house a single private dwelling?

Hello, Portsmouth City Council are trying the tell me the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) applies to a shared house (a small HMO let out whole) on a Joint Tenancy. Of course, in HMOs with...

Registered with
Wednesday 15th August 2012

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