Readers Question

Do empty properties benefit from reduced VAT rate on building works?

Do empty properties benefit from reduced VAT rate on building...

Hello, my question is about HMRC VAT Notice 708 and specifically section 8 empty properties. Properties empty for 2 years benefit from a reduced VAT rate on works. 5% rather than the usual 20%. >>...

How do I fill in the Warrant of Possession section 4 details?

How do I fill in the Warrant of Possession section 4 details?

Hi, I’m really confused about what to put in the warrant detail section 4. What amount I should put in (a) and (b)? Or shall I leave it blank as the bailiff is not there to collect money but only to...

I need help with a personal injury claim against me?

I need help with a personal injury claim against me?

Hello, I am a landlord of a newly developed building. Due to a storm I had to move a tenant into one of my vacant flats. The flat had been completed 1 year prior and was in excellent condition. The tenant...

Agent went bust without protecting client deposit!

Agent went bust without protecting client deposit!

Hello, my agent (a company, so no chance of getting anything back) went bust without protecting my tenant’s deposit. I presume that I am still liable for reimbursing the deposit, even though I have...

Joint landlord but single name on a PCOL application?

Joint landlord but single name on a PCOL application?

Hello, we have both landlord names on the AST and other paperwork which is all in order. But when you register as an “Individual” on the Possession Claims Online (PCOL) website, there’s...

HMO licence – Consistency of the Public Register?

HMO licence – Consistency of the Public Register?

Hello, I recently obtained an HMO licence and, to my horror, found out that my home address will be included in the public register. Anybody can search this register online and obtain my home address.

How do I get access to fix a water leak?

How do I get access to fix a water leak?

Hello, I have a ground floor flat with one flat above. I have water leaking through the bathroom ceiling from the flat above. The flat owner said he has no problem and has refused access to the flat for...

Help needed to file N325 warrant of possession via PCOL

Help needed to file N325 warrant of possession via PCOL...

Hi everyone, I got the possession order on 6th February and the tenant is ordered to leave by 20th Feb. I don’t think he will move out so I’m hoping to get the N325 ready and file it online via the...

Do I need to serve Section 8 now or later?

Do I need to serve Section 8 now or later?

Hello, is there a time limit on how long landlords have to serve a Section 8 repossession notice for Rent Arrears? I have a property with a Universal Benefit tenant who has amassed 6 months’ worth...

Neighbours’ anti-social behaviour parking?

Neighbours’ anti-social behaviour parking?

Hello, Can someone help with advice on what we could do with neighbours who refuse to remove their parked cars from in front of their garages, which prevents our use of our garage. We own a holiday let...

Letting agents withholding rent paid in advance?

Letting agents withholding rent paid in advance?

Hello, I recently let one of my properties on the basis that the prospective tenant had passed all the standard checks and was willing to pay 6 months rent upfront. I expected a statement and a deposit...

Referencing agency missed CCJ?

Referencing agency missed CCJ?

Hi, we ran a letting agency for a few years and are landlords ourselves. We used a referencing agency for referencing tenants and allowed a lady in our property based on her having no CCJs, a good credit...

Book your tickets now for National Landlord Investment Show

Book your tickets now for National Landlord Investment Show...

A popular event for landlords is returning for its first show in 2024. The National Landlord Investment Show returns to Olympia London on 6 March 2024 bringing together thousands of landlords and property...

What would you ask Michael Gove, if you could?

What would you ask Michael Gove, if you could?

Hello, I’ve been a hands on landlord for over 20 years, and regularly renovate properties and deal with tenants, trades and homeowners. I was on a panel asking questions to a number of politicians, including...

Can a council charge the new licence fee on an old application?

Can a council charge the new licence fee on an old application?

Hello, I applied for a selective property licence on behalf of a landlord on 27/9/2023. At that time, the licence fee was £735. A new scheme came into force on 1/11/2023 and the fee increased to £860...

Eviction extended by 5 months after court judgement?

Eviction extended by 5 months after court judgement?

Hello, I have only had to serve one section 8 in 25 years. To my horror, the disrespect of the law the tenant is allowed to do freely, and without consequence, is costing me more time than waiting for...

Surrender and regrant of leases is it legal?

Surrender and regrant of leases is it legal?

Hello, I am in the middle of protracted litigation with my Residents Management Company. I have discovered lease assets such as garages have been sold between leaseholders on the estate in contravention...

Navigating Section 21 process?

Navigating Section 21 process?

Hi all, I have unfortunately found myself in the position where I need to sell the house that I rent out to a young family. I served them with a section 21 notice 6 weeks ago and as expected they are finding...

How to handle rent arrears when guarantor has passed away?

How to handle rent arrears when guarantor has passed away?

Hi all, not too sure how to proceed with this tenant, the tenant has paid rent regularly for about 1.5 years late at times but never ridiculously late. The tenant has not paid rent for either January or...

When can I get my property back?

When can I get my property back?

Hi, I need some advice as my tenancy agreement ends in August 2025, I want my property back as I am getting divorced and need a place to live! I have a rental agreement with a housing association, who...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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