Readers Question

Must I use managing agent’s surveyor at over £600?

Must I use managing agent’s surveyor at over £600?

Hi, my rented top floor flat (4 storeys up and on the corner of the block) has developed horizontal cracks along the living room ceiling edges. Some now are starting to go down vertically. My personal...

Is my managing agent keeping me in the dark about a known building issue?

Is my managing agent keeping me in the dark about a known building...

Hi, I planned to sell my flat this year, but have only recently been told (by chance) that there is an existing issue within the buildings in the same development – i.e. the possibility of pipes,

Will a guarantor letter be valid if the tenancy agreement is renewed?

Will a guarantor letter be valid if the tenancy agreement is...

Hello, Does anyone know if a guarantor letter is still valid, if I renewed the original tenancy agreement with the same tenant? I have got a guarantor letter when the tenant first moved in 2009. A year...

The landlord vote – who gets it?

The landlord vote – who gets it?

Hi, as a landlord with over 20 years of experience in this business, I realise that we are not all made from the same cloth and we do not all hold the same political beliefs. Some of us are right-wing...

Is my letting agent breaching contract by partial rent payments?

Is my letting agent breaching contract by partial rent payments?

Hi, I would like to know if my letting agent is in breach of contract.  This is the third time my letting agent has only paid half the amount of rent to me and then transfers the other half at a later...

No hot water or heating, help!

No hot water or heating, help!

A friend has asked for my opinion, and help, however despite being a landlord I do not feel fully qualified to give proper advice as I have never experienced a problem with my tenants. All help will be...

Lack of building control sign-off for attic used as holiday let?

Lack of building control sign-off for attic used as holiday let?

Hi, I am meant to have exchanged this week on a property which has had the attic converted to a holiday let (1 bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom and Sitting Room) in either 1999 or 2000. It has been rented ever...

Shower leak from flat above?

Shower leak from flat above?

Hi, there is water coming from the ceiling of the shower in our flat, which we believe is from the flat above as the showers are aligned. We have been in contact with our agents who are also agents for...

HMO utility bills exceeding fair usage policy?

HMO utility bills exceeding fair usage policy?

Hi there, we (my partner and I) are first-time landlords and tried to bite more than what we can chew by investing in an HMO buy-to-let investment. We soon realised that we aimed to dance before we could...

S21 and breathing space debt respite scheme?

S21 and breathing space debt respite scheme?

Hi, once you have a possession order based upon the Housing Act, S8 grounds 8, 10, or 11 the tenant can apply for Relief if sanctions, i.e. put a hold on the bailiff for 60 days breathing space  (Debt...

Agency fails to secure deposit from tenants after 6 months and tenants have now moved out!

Agency fails to secure deposit from tenants after 6 months and...

Hi, I’m currently renting my property out through a letting agency. The tenancy was a fixed two-year contract. Of course, commission had to be paid upfront for the two years. It is a three-bed flat and...

What to do if tenant has forged tenancy agreement?

What to do if tenant has forged tenancy agreement?

Hello, I have a big issue as I recently discovered the tenant at my address has forged a tenancy agreement. I’m looking at various options and wondering if I can evict using a Section 8 notice, if...

Counter offer sent to tenants but no reply!

Counter offer sent to tenants but no reply!

Hi, I rented out my Edwardian flat from 2017 to 2023 with as described in the inventory as ‘heavily aged ‘ windows and one window was ‘‘rotten top right-hand side”) Tenants took on property...

Tenant with mental health issues?

Tenant with mental health issues?

Hello, I have a tenant that has been hospitalised then released and put under a mental health officer for almost 30 months. In that time all rents have not been paid and I’ve taken it to court and...

Clarification on AST with our own son and his friend ?

Clarification on AST with our own son and his friend ?

Dear landlords, We have a buy-to-let property with two decent-sized bedrooms in London where our son goes to University. He is currently living in the university’s hall of residence but would like...

How long can you increase service charges for without maintaining the property?

How long can you increase service charges for without maintaining...

Hello, I am paying very high service charges for my flat (3 times the average in London), recently this has risen again with the appointment of a new managing agent and a change in freeholder. The new...

Do empty properties benefit from reduced VAT rate on building works?

Do empty properties benefit from reduced VAT rate on building...

Hello, my question is about HMRC VAT Notice 708 and specifically section 8 empty properties. Properties empty for 2 years benefit from a reduced VAT rate on works. 5% rather than the usual 20%. >>...

How do I fill in the Warrant of Possession section 4 details?

How do I fill in the Warrant of Possession section 4 details?

Hi, I’m really confused about what to put in the warrant detail section 4. What amount I should put in (a) and (b)? Or shall I leave it blank as the bailiff is not there to collect money but only to...

I need help with a personal injury claim against me?

I need help with a personal injury claim against me?

Hello, I am a landlord of a newly developed building. Due to a storm I had to move a tenant into one of my vacant flats. The flat had been completed 1 year prior and was in excellent condition. The tenant...

Agent went bust without protecting client deposit!

Agent went bust without protecting client deposit!

Hello, my agent (a company, so no chance of getting anything back) went bust without protecting my tenant’s deposit. I presume that I am still liable for reimbursing the deposit, even though I have...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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