Readers Question

Is the student lets end date really in the Renters Reform Bill?

Is the student lets end date really in the Renters Reform Bill?

Hi everybody, regarding the Renters Reform Bill, I know Michael Gove said that he would allow student lets to have an end date which would be a positive step for student landlords. However, my wife tells...

Unregulated gas charges?

Unregulated gas charges?

Hi, I’ll try and be as clear as I can with this, it is not a system that everyone is aware of – new builds now come with a heating/energy system that produces heat and hot water to flats, this...

Any advice now I can’t do DIY conveyancing anymore?

Any advice now I can’t do DIY conveyancing anymore?

Hi, I’m a niche landlord with a small portfolio of garages. These are mostly small properties able to house a single vehicle, each (a garage, not a vehicle) priced in the £20-30K range. All freeholds,

Tenant passed away with no will?

Tenant passed away with no will?

My long-term tenant has sadly died. She lived alone and had been in my property for over 15 years. She was on an AST tenancy agreement through my local council. The flat needs clearing and there is a lot...

Can a limited company be considered a direct descendant for inheritance tax purposes?

Can a limited company be considered a direct descendant for inheritance...

Hello, my son is in the process of inheriting a residential property from his late grandmother’s estate. He’s exploring the possibility of creating a deed of variation to transfer the property...

Mandatory HMO Licence requirements?

Mandatory HMO Licence requirements?

Hi, I have a 3-bedroom house in Newham I am thinking of converting the through lounge to two bedrooms thus making it five bedrooms suitable for five individuals. The kitchen and bathroom will be shared.

Which is the best property management software?

Which is the best property management software?

Hello, I am a commercial and residential landlord; I have 60 properties in 5 limited companies and am looking for recommendations for the best property management software to assist me in running the business.

Can I get minutes from a board meeting where I was removed as director?

Can I get minutes from a board meeting where I was removed as...

Hi,  I was the managing director for a residential management company. I started asking uncomfortable questions and requesting to see expenditures etc. Other directors did not like it and they removed...

Over 80 days to reclaim deposit?

Over 80 days to reclaim deposit?

After a year of waiting for legal repossession, I have up to another 80 + days before I can access the deposit! DPS, 14 days before the tenant, who has disappeared does not reply, + 1 week to find a solicitor...

Tenant allowed to challenge new EPC rating?

Tenant allowed to challenge new EPC rating?

Hi, we purchased a property in 2.5 acres of land from a company that owned it as well as other adjacent land including a quarry. There was a tenant in situ on a periodic AST. The tenant had been left for...

Academic research project – looking for landlord participants

Academic research project – looking for landlord participants...

The University of York and the University of Sheffield are carrying out a research project looking into the experiences of landlords as they relate to the law and housing regulations. The project is specifically...

Service charge estimate and spend not adding up?

Service charge estimate and spend not adding up?

Hi all, does anyone have any knowledge regarding service charges and monies spent in a financial year? Last year’s projections came in at £55,300. After a battle with the managing agent and requesting...

Non-qualifying leaseholders impact on portfolio landlords?

Non-qualifying leaseholders impact on portfolio landlords?

Hi, I’ve recently come across this in a property talk, and am very concerned about the implications of this to portfolio landlords who have more than 3 leasehold properties by April 22. I’d like your...

My tenants’ solicitor is demanding costs!

My tenants’ solicitor is demanding costs!

Hello, We have been trying to evict our tenants for the last 9 months as we are selling the property. Court proceedings were set for last November, however, we had to cancel these due to an issue with...

My tenant is expecting – advice?

My tenant is expecting – advice?

Hello, first time posting on here so please go easy on me! One of my tenants has just mentioned that she’s pregnant. I’m not sure how this is going to affect things from a rent-paying point...

Why is the NRLA supporting anti-landlord needs?

Why is the NRLA supporting anti-landlord needs?

Hello, We all know that politicians of all parties have some very strange ideas and like to waste our money, but it’s unbelievable that an organisation whose members are landlords has an anti-landlord...

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

I was going to buy x 2 houses and turn them into HMO’s to put on long-term leases to SERCO (approx 100k each). On paper, it looks good and the numbers are appealing. Then I started reading horror...

Will insulation save the planet?

Will insulation save the planet?

Hi, I just got the following warning about insulation from rogue traders passed on by trading standards: “Trading Standards is warning residents to be cautious of spray foam insulation removal scams.

Non compliant service charge regime since 1993?

Non compliant service charge regime since 1993?

Hi, my daughter is a newcomer in a block of flats. A young NHS carer and a first-time buyer the lease is for 999 years. A company (let’s call them X) holds the freehold via a share in the company...

Must I use managing agent’s surveyor at over £600?

Must I use managing agent’s surveyor at over £600?

Hi, my rented top floor flat (4 storeys up and on the corner of the block) has developed horizontal cracks along the living room ceiling edges. Some now are starting to go down vertically. My personal...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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