Readers Question

Long duration ASTs to combat proposed changes?

Long duration ASTs to combat proposed changes?

Hi, I understand the new Labour government will quite soon look to end ASTs, as the Tories almost executed this within the defunct Renters (Reform) Bill. If you have a reliable current tenant or a promising...

Failed AST renewal letting fees?

Failed AST renewal letting fees?

Hi, the letting agents found tenants for my property, and we agreed on a 12-month AST. I paid the letting fee as we had agreed in the Confirmation of Marketing. Over the year, the Bank of England raised...

Tenant preventing access to flat?

Tenant preventing access to flat?

Hi, one of my tenants is refusing me access to his flat to carry out the mid-year fire alarm system/equipment checks. There are four self contained-flats in the building. The tenant was cooperative until...

Taking Local Authority to SCC?

Taking Local Authority to SCC?

Hi, I understand that local authority housing departments routinely advise tenants issued with Section 21 to stay in the property. Obviously, this reducing even further expense to the landlord having to...

Can I recover the rent my tenants paid to someone else?

Can I recover the rent my tenants paid to someone else?

Hi, I am in progress of evicting my unpaying tenants and still waiting for high court enforcement order to come through. My tenants haven’t paid rent for over seven months now, claiming they have...

UK Property Co and Buying Abroad

UK Property Co and Buying Abroad...

I am considering expanding the property portfolio in my UK based Limited Company. I currently live in Portugal and rental properties are in high demand here. Property prices are dropping slightly at the...

Seeking advice on court process for property damage claim?

Seeking advice on court process for property damage claim?

Hi, I need some advice. My ex-tenant damaged my property, identified during the check-out inspection. The deposit scheme doesn’t cover the full cost and has declined to negotiate a settlement. Since...

Selective Licence expired?

Selective Licence expired?

Hi, I have a property in a Selective License area and my property was licensed. I have just been checking the paperwork and noticed that my licence expired 2 years ago. I have been renting during this...

How should landlords handle damp and mould issues?

How should landlords handle damp and mould issues?

Hi, hope this post comes as helpful and can kick off some useful discussions. It’s about damp and mould, the risks, and mitigations as well as a (my current) case study. I own and self-manage an ex-local...

Rights to remove tenant’s belongings at end of notice period?

Rights to remove tenant’s belongings at end of notice period?

Hi, I have a tenant who is a professional psychiatrist. She has been weirdly difficult to deal with, and I had to serve her a Section 21 notice for being consistently a month behind on rent. She has claimed...

Freehold management failing to carry out repairs?

Freehold management failing to carry out repairs?

Hello everybody, this is my first post but I have been following and reading the forum on Property118 for quite some time. My question is this: What to do if your freehold management company is failing...

Delaying SDLT and paying the fine

Delaying SDLT and paying the fine...

I’m buying a derelict property to refurbish and running pretty tight on cash for the first 3 months of the project while we wait on a sale of an old btl going through. Reading through the HMRC SDLT...

How to recover rent arrears?

How to recover rent arrears?

Hi everyone, please can I get some advice on how to proceed. Tenants have an outstanding balance of around £3000 in rent arrears. The possession court date was around 3 weeks ago which the tenant chose...

Request for possession on HMO?

Request for possession on HMO?

Hi everyone, I requested possession on a room in a HMO. I have today received a General Form of Judgement ordering me to respond by 19 July to following questions none of it makes sense. I have copied...

Service fee dispute and invalid directors?

Service fee dispute and invalid directors?

Hi, I am seeking clarification on a situation in which I am a member and leaseholder of a share of freehold along with four other properties owners who are also members. It is a limited company by guarantee.

Letting agent withdrawal fees?

Letting agent withdrawal fees?

Hi, I am torn whether to throw the towel in with my agent and letting? I’ve not had a great experience to be honest. My tenant has expressed leaving early from a fixed term. Not sure whether this...

I’m not a charity: Is it time to issue a Section 21?

I’m not a charity: Is it time to issue a Section 21?

Hi, I’ve been a landlord since 2005 and I’ve never issued a Section 21. However, I’m about to change that as I have two tenants that are behind in rent payments,one owes £600.00 and the other owes...

Freeholder development nightmare?

Freeholder development nightmare?

Hi, our new freeholder has inherited permitted development rights to add two storeys of flats to our four storey block. Builders are refusing to supply their insurance but admits it ends this July. Do...

How to challenge unreasonable leasehold charges?

How to challenge unreasonable leasehold charges?

Hi there, bit of a steer if I may on my leasehold flat. Out of the blue our Freeholder appointed a new agent and we received the following whopping bill for the next 12 months: General Building Repairs/Works...

Tenant deductions for defrosting a large freezer?

Tenant deductions for defrosting a large freezer?

Hi everyone, as the student changeover season has now begun, can anyone advise on a reasonable charge for defrosting a large upright freezer left fully iced up by the exiting tenants? I can list it under...

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Wednesday 15th August 2012

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