Ranjan Bhattacharya

Protect Your Wealth In Property In 2021

Protect Your Wealth In Property In 2021...

In turbulent times it’s more important than ever for property investors to protect their property wealth through effective tax planning. For this, an understanding of smart property company structures...

Are These Auction Property Deals Worth it?

Are These Auction Property Deals Worth it?

In this video we have a property auction review of some of the best property investment deals coming at auctions Allsop, Acuitus Auction House and Auction House London by myself, Rod Turner, Jay Howard...

Auction watch – 4 auction deals at forthcoming sales

Auction watch – 4 auction deals at forthcoming sales...

This video is a review of four upcoming property deals on sale at auction over the next fortnight. In the video I am joined by Piotr Rusinek, Jay Howard and Rod Turner as they analyse four potential auction...

50% rental Yield On Commercial Buy To Let Property!

50% rental Yield On Commercial Buy To Let Property!

Is buy to let dead? Here is a commercial Buy-To-Let (BTL) property offering a phenomenal 50% rental yield? …And later in the video, I will share with you where this is coming up for sale and how...

The tenant eviction process is no longer fit for purpose

The tenant eviction process is no longer fit for purpose...

Under the current system it can take up to 14 months to get your property back, this is not good for Landlords or tenants. If the current system is left unchallenged then this will lead to a slow demise...

Smart Company Structures For Your Property Business

Smart Company Structures For Your Property Business...

If you are investing in property you will want to do this through a Limited (Ltd) company. However, there are limited companies and there are SMART limited companies for your property investments. In this...

Tenant eviction ban is bad news for All

Tenant eviction ban is bad news for All...

In this video below, I share my view on why the Government’s extension of the tenant eviction ban is bad news for both landlords and tenants. I also share with you the Australian model for tenancy...

Property Prices in a Recession: What’s Going On?

Property Prices in a Recession: What’s Going On?

It’s official. We are in a recession here in the UK and it’s the deepest of any major economy, but why does everything feel so good? Folks are on furlough by day, but by night are happy to pack...

How To Re-Purpose Defunct Commercial Buildings

How To Re-Purpose Defunct Commercial Buildings...

Live 90 Minute FREE Commercial Property Training Session hosted by Ranjan Bhattacharya, Property Investor & Developer with over 30 years of experience. A unique set of circumstances are coming together...

Planning Reforms – Take first mover advantage

Planning Reforms – Take first mover advantage...

New Government Planning Reform and Permitted Development (PD) rules have been introduced. The investors who get in quick will win a 1st movers advantage in the market. I will be hosting a FREE Online...

How to find great commercial property deals

How to find great commercial property deals...

My new video below explores how to find great commercial property deals to maximise new Permitted Development rights for residential conversion opportunities. You can also join me on Sunday for a FREE...

New Permitted Development rights do not create worse quality homes

New Permitted Development rights do not create worse quality...

The Government have announced great news this week regarding new permitted development (PD) rights for repurposing defunct commercial buildings. However, some leftie University Academics have put out a...

How to Source Bargain Property Post-Covid – Wednesday 29th July

How to Source Bargain Property Post-Covid – Wednesday 29th...

This Month’s Theme – Online Networking Event How To Find Bargain Property Deals: Direct From Vendor & Through Auctions Live Stream with: Our Four Property Experts Jay Howard, Claire Norwood,

WARNING! CGT Going UP? – Property Investors Need To Act Now

WARNING! CGT Going UP? – Property Investors Need To Act...

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak has announced a review of Capital Gains Tax. In this video I discuss with Alex Caravello, Property118 Tax Consultant and Mark Smith, Cotswold Barristers, what...

Get your next property project funded and appear on TV!

Get your next property project funded and appear on TV!

The hit TV show Property Elevator, will be back on Property TV, Sky Channel 192 in the Autumn. In last years series, budding property investors & developers pitched for backing from the Angels and...

Covid-19 Mini Budget: What this means for property investors

Covid-19 Mini Budget: What this means for property investors...

Rishi Sunak delivers his mini budget (summer economic update) The Chancellor announces SDLT stamp duty holiday for property purchases and its great news for property investors, UK property investment.

Build, Build, Build! Profit From PD Rights

Build, Build, Build! Profit From PD Rights...

I’m filled with excitement, because Boris has announced new Permitted Development rules and a whole scale reform of the planning system. In this video I am going to share with you some of these new...

The Truth About Lease Options

The Truth About Lease Options...

Video explaining the Truth About Lease Options: I am joined by Simon Zutshi and together we explain how lease options are such a valuable tool in today’s market and how to make them work when investing...

Baker Street Livestream Wednesday 7pm

Baker Street Livestream Wednesday 7pm...

The Baker Street Property Meet Live Stream Event is tomorrow Wednesday 24th June at 7pm. Click here to join the event. After lockdown, how do you finance investment property deals or arrange a Buy to Let...

No Debt? Should you incorporate your portfolio?

No Debt? Should you incorporate your portfolio?

In this video interview with Mark Alexander, founder of Property118, we explore the opportunities afforded to landlords with no mortgages or low mortgages in regards to transitioning their ownership structure...

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Saturday 2nd April 2016

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