News Team

RICS says rents will rise as landlords leave the PRS

RICS says rents will rise as landlords leave the PRS...

Despite rising rents and continued demand from tenants, there will be more landlords leaving the private rented sector, a new survey reveals. The latest RICS survey found that tenant demand has increased...

Daily Telegraph wants to talk to landlords who are happy in the PRS

Daily Telegraph wants to talk to landlords who are happy in the...

The Telegraph understands landlords are facing many challenges at the moment amid stricter rules, higher mortgage costs and tax changes. But the paper would like to hear from landlords who are enjoying...

Owners of high-rise buildings warned of ‘legal obligations’

Owners of high-rise buildings warned of ‘legal obligations’...

A new campaign aimed at owners and managers of high-rise residential buildings in England will highlight their new legal duties. The new ‘Be Ready’ campaign will call on those responsible for the safety...

My tenants want to apply for social housing?

My tenants want to apply for social housing?

Hello, I am a private landlord. I had my tenants before 2016. They have been on a rolling tenancy since the AST fixed term expired. I also had a ‘Deed of Guarantee’ signed by their guarantor...

Welsh government to consider financial help in decarbonising rental properties

Welsh government to consider financial help in decarbonising...

The Welsh government is being urged to consider offering financial incentives to landlords to help them decarbonise their rental properties. The move follows advice given by industry body Propertymark...

Why Finland shows that rent controls don’t work

Why Finland shows that rent controls don’t work...

A growing private rental sector crisis in the UK with landlords leaving and rents increasing has seen a growing clamour to introduce rent controls. However, the experience of renters in Finland shows that...

Social housing landlords slammed for not complying with complaint orders

Social housing landlords slammed for not complying with complaint...

The Housing Ombudsman says that a quarter of the complaint handling failure orders (CHFOs) issued in the last three months to social housing landlords were not complied with. The Ombudsman says it issued...

Unexpected bounce in UK’s February house prices

Unexpected bounce in UK’s February house prices...

The UK’s house prices showed an unexpected increase of 1.1% in February from January’s price, says Halifax. The bank highlights that a typical property costs £285,476 – up from January’s...

PRS will drop £224bn in value if ‘accidental landlords’ leave

PRS will drop £224bn in value if ‘accidental landlords’...

If amateur or accidental landlords are eradicated from the private rented sector (PRS), there would be 383,600 fewer homes to rent – and £223.5bn would be wiped from the value of the PRS market,

Flagship government campaign empowers social tenants to complain

Flagship government campaign empowers social tenants to complain...

A new government campaign will urge social housing tenants to complain about substandard housing as part of its flagship ‘Make it right’ campaign. Housing Secretary Michael Gove is urging tenants...

BTL investors see a surge in product choice

BTL investors see a surge in product choice...

BTL product choice has recovered from the market chaos that followed the mini-Budget in September with landlords and investors now seeing the number of buy to let mortgages available reaching levels not...

Are councils acting illegally when telling tenants to stay put?

Are councils acting illegally when telling tenants to stay put?

Are councils following the law when telling tenants to stay put when they are facing eviction to protect them? Or is the council simply kicking the can further down the road? The simple answer is – no-one...

City council urges ‘Awaab’s law’ to cover ALL rented homes

City council urges ‘Awaab’s law’ to cover ALL...

Planned legislation known as ‘Awaab’s law’ that will make councils and housing associations fix reported health hazards – including damp and mould – within strict new time limits...

Proof of tenancy for UC?

Proof of tenancy for UC?

Hello, My excellent tenant of 8 years standing wishes to apply for universal credit. The requirements state : We will only accept the following documents: up-to-date tenancy agreement letter from your...

Remortgaging landlords hit with high rates after failing affordability tests

Remortgaging landlords hit with high rates after failing affordability...

Up to one in three buy-to-let landlords are struggling to remortgage after failing their lender’s affordability test, a BTL mortgage broker has revealed. The research from Mortgages for Business...

Landlords are quitting the PRS because of Government ‘indifference’

Landlords are quitting the PRS because of Government ‘indifference’...

A property expert has slammed the government’s ‘indifference’ for the growing crisis in the private rented sector (PRS) as landlords flee and fewer investors step in. That’s the...

House prices in Scotland start to flatline

House prices in Scotland start to flatline...

Scotland’s average house price is flattening – but some property types have not yet peaked, one firm of lettings and estate agents says. DJ Alexander says that Land Registry data for last year...

Tax incentives for energy efficiencies urged for landlords in Wales

Tax incentives for energy efficiencies urged for landlords in...

Tax incentives that would help landlords deliver energy efficiencies in private rented housing should be introduced in Wales, a report by MSs urges. That’s according to a new report from Members...

Educating tenants and property visits are key in fighting mould

Educating tenants and property visits are key in fighting mould...

Landlords should be educating their tenants and inspecting properties regularly in a bid to combat the issues that come with dangerous mould, one organisation says. No Letting Go also points out that ‘proactive...

Build to rent is UK’s fastest growing housing sector

Build to rent is UK’s fastest growing housing sector...

Build to rent (BTR) is growing more rapidly than any other housing sector, according to a new report. The British Property Federation (BPF)’s Build to Rent Q3 2022 report revealed growth of 15%...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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