News Team

Landlords urged to boost communication for fire safety rules

Landlords urged to boost communication for fire safety rules...

Landlords and letting agents have been warned that updated fire safety regulations need to be strictly adhered to so they will ensure that tenants in high-rise buildings are safe from any potential danger.

A third of renters are spending more than 50% of their wages on rent

A third of renters are spending more than 50% of their wages...

Research reveals that 81% of renters in the UK are spending more than 30% of their take-home pay on rent – which means that most Brits are now classified as ‘rent burdened’ and it’s...

Large Portfolio landlords set to defy economic gloom and boost portfolios

Large Portfolio landlords set to defy economic gloom and boost...

Professional landlords look set to seize opportunities in the property sector despite the tough economic background with plans to expand their portfolios, research reveals. Handelsbanken says that more...

Landlords warned about the potentially catastrophic damage caused by e-bikes and e-scooters

Landlords warned about the potentially catastrophic damage caused...

From a few wisps of smoke to a toxic explosion in just 12 seconds – the damage e-bikes and e-scooters can cause are catastrophic. With their ever-growing popularity, it’s no wonder landlords are becoming...

BTL repossessions rocket by 28% in the first quarter

BTL repossessions rocket by 28% in the first quarter...

There’s grim news for BTL landlords and homeowners alike as the cost-of-living crisis tightens its grip to push up mortgage repossessions, UK Finance reveals. The trade body says that in the first...

Smokers more likely to find a rental home than pet owners

Smokers more likely to find a rental home than pet owners...

Pet owners are facing a ruff time finding rental properties, with landlords more likely to welcome smokers than a tenant with furry friends, research reveals. According to the Vape Club, just 7% of available...

HMRC will get a tax ‘gold mine’ with the new landlord database

HMRC will get a tax ‘gold mine’ with the new landlord...

The Renters’ Reform Bill has unveiled a new database that could turn into a tax ‘gold mine’ for HMRC to chase after landlords who haven’t been paying their taxes, one firm warns.

Project to support landlords meet energy efficiency requirements

Project to support landlords meet energy efficiency requirements...

The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has launched an innovative project to help landlords nationwide meet the proposed energy efficiency requirements. The work is being funded by the TDS Charitable...

The Renters’ Reform Bill complexities unpacked in a free webinar

The Renters’ Reform Bill complexities unpacked in a free...

As landlords and letting agents gear up to say goodbye to Section 21 and hello to a tenant’s furry friends, property experts are offering advice in a free webinar to explain the complexities of the...

41% of landlords see the ‘importance of EPC regulations’

41% of landlords see the ‘importance of EPC regulations’...

Landlords are apparently feeling the pressure over proposed environmental regulations with 41% believing it is essential to meet the planned Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) requirements, research...

Improving house market pushes prices up to a record high

Improving house market pushes prices up to a record high...

The UK’s property prices are rocketing again with the latest figures revealing a surge in the average price of homes being put up for sale, research reveals. Rightmove says there has been a whopping...

Landlords warned of criminals using properties as cannabis farms

Landlords warned of criminals using properties as cannabis farms...

A new campaign has been launched to raise awareness of rented properties being used by criminal gangs to produce cannabis. The charity Crimestoppers has launched a campaign after it received more than...

Greens want rent freezes as part of the Renters’ Reform Bill

Greens want rent freezes as part of the Renters’ Reform...

The Green Party is calling for the Renters’ Reform Bill to go much further than the government is planning for – and says there should be an ‘immediate rent freeze’. The party is...

Renters’ Reform Bill: Landlords panic and are selling up

Renters’ Reform Bill: Landlords panic and are selling up...

One firm says it has been seeing landlords panic and sell up over the prospect of what the Renters’ Reform Bill means for them. The eviction and housing law specialists Landlord Action says April...

Shelter and Crisis hit out as ‘no-fault’ evictions are higher than before the pandemic

Shelter and Crisis hit out as ‘no-fault’ evictions...

The number of landlords in England and Wales using a section 21 ‘no-fault’ notice is higher than ever before, according to new government figures. The latest data from the Ministry of Justice...

Labour calls to build on green belt land

Labour calls to build on green belt land...

Labour is backing green belt developments to help solve the housing crisis. In an interview with the Times, Keir Starmer said he wants to relax planning restrictions and allow more homes to be built on...

Michael Gove discusses his ‘once in a generation’ Renters’ Reform legislation

Michael Gove discusses his ‘once in a generation’ Renters’...

The housing secretary Michael Gove has spoken for the first time about the Renters’ Reform Bill and what the potential impact of it will be on landlords and tenants. Speaking on Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine...

Renters’ Reform Bill publication – the property sector reacts

Renters’ Reform Bill publication – the property sector...

The unveiling of the long-awaited Renters’ Reform Bill has led to a strong reaction from the property sector. The legislation, which was first promised in 2019, will see the end of section 21 ‘no-fault’...

Renters’ Reform Bill publication sends the PRS ‘back to the Dark Ages’

Renters’ Reform Bill publication sends the PRS ‘back...

The long-awaited government plan to overhaul the private rented sector (PRS) with the publication of the Renters’ Reform Bill has been condemned as ‘going back to the dark Ages’. The...

Britain’s commercial rents bounce back

Britain’s commercial rents bounce back...

Commercial rents have bounced back across Britain, with an impressive 9.7% growth in the last year alone, data reveals. According to Sirius Property Finance, the boom has overturned a previous downward...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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