House sellers in England and Wales saw their average profit slip below £100,000 last year, down from a record high in 2022, research reveals.
According to Hamptons, the average household sold their home...
Anxiety over the Renters’ Rights Bill is mounting among property agents as it reaches its Report Stage in the House of Commons this week, Propertymark says.
The professional body found that 50% of...
Landlords in London are being warned by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) to thoroughly vet tenant documents after a series of forged payslips were presented to them.
Would-be scammers...
Short-term lets should not be blamed for the housing crisis in Scotland, according to new research.
Data by BiGGAR Economics reveals that short-term lets boost Scotland’s economy by £154m Gross Value...
An analysis of more than 322,000 homes currently listed for sale found that 113,612 properties have seen the asking price being reduced – that’s around 35% of the market.
The findings from...
Scotland’s housing market ended 2024 with a quiet finish, experiencing a modest recovery throughout the year.
Data from chartered surveyors Walker Fraser Steele shows that while prices reached record...
Social housing tenants who engage in anti-social behaviour (ASB) should face the threat of eviction, claims MP.
Lee Anderson, Reform MP for Ashfield, told a Westminster Hall debate the threat of eviction...
Rents for rooms in London have fallen for the fourth consecutive quarter in Q4 2024, according to the latest SpareRoom rental index.
This marks the largest drop in the capital’s rents since Q1 2021.
Selective licensing schemes do not raise standards and cost landlords thousands of pounds, claims Yuno.
The property compliance firm reveals 37 local authorities across England currently have a consultation...
Despite the government setting new targets to fix unsafe cladding by 2029, thousands of innocent leaseholders still remain trapped in unsafe buildings, one campaign group says.
The Labour government last...
Angela Rayner claims the Labour government want to work with landlords, but blames Section 21 evictions for having a significant impact on homelessness.
In a meeting with the Housing, Communities and...
The Sheldon Bosley Knight Group (SBK) has announced a strategic partnership with flatfair, a leading provider of ‘No Deposit’ rental solutions.
The tie-up will enable multiple SBK brands, including...
Professional landlords shifted focus last year to higher-yielding property types, including semi-commercial and commercial, while refinancing activity reflects a cautious approach to debt management, an...
Landlords in England and Wales have a positive outlook for the private rented sector, one index reveals.
The rental barometer published by Fleet Mortgages points to rising rental yields with the average...
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has slammed the government’s decision to ban landlords from demanding rent in advance.
Under an amendment to the Renters’ Rights Bill, landlords...
Nearly 26,000 new homes have hit the market in 2025, with Bristol experiencing the biggest increase in for-sale stock levels, Yopa reveals.
The agency’s data indicates that there are around 427,200...
TSB is expanding its support for tenants looking to buy their rented home with the launch of a 5&5 concessionary mortgage option.
This new scheme allows landlords to offer tenants a 5% discount on...
A new specialist buy to let mortgage lender has officially launched, bringing a focus on ‘smarter, faster, simpler’ lending to the UK market.
ModaMortgages, a subsidiary of Chetwood Bank,
Landlords in Northern Ireland face new regulations for the electrical safety of their rental properties.
The Electrical Safety Standards for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 was approved...
Landlords are set to benefit from a wave of competitive rate reductions as buy to let lenders CHL Mortgages and Landbay announce improved limited edition product ranges.
CHL Mortgages has launched a range...
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