News Team

UK rents continue rising as London leads the surge – ONS

UK rents continue rising as London leads the surge – ONS...

Private rent prices paid by tenants in the UK have continued growing and have risen by 5.5% in the year to August 2023, data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals. This is up from 5.3%...

The Telegraph wants to speak to landlords about EPC ratings

The Telegraph wants to speak to landlords about EPC ratings...

Are you a landlord who has spent money upgrading their properties to an EPC C rating? Then, Alexa Phillips, the personal finance reporter for the Telegraph would like to speak with you. Alexa would also...

Government has ‘spooked’ landlords over the Renters (Reform) Bill

Government has ‘spooked’ landlords over the Renters...

A buy to let mortgage expert has accused the Government of needlessly ‘spooking’ landlords over the proposed Renters’ (Reform) Bill with its language aimed at pleasing tenants. Gavin...

Worried letting agents voice fears over the Renters (Reform) Bill

Worried letting agents voice fears over the Renters (Reform)...

Most letting agents are against the proposed changes in the Renters (Reform) Bill and want to have their say, a survey reveals. The findings from PayProp UK found that 62% of respondents viewed the Bill...

Rent controls in Wales will worsen housing crisis warns NRLA

Rent controls in Wales will worsen housing crisis warns NRLA...

One association is warning that introducing rent controls in Wales will have a ‘disastrous impact on the private rented sector.’ The NRLA has responded to the Welsh government’s Fair Rents &...

Despite rising costs, landlords see portfolio income rise by 8.7% – in London it’s a whopping 32.9%

Despite rising costs, landlords see portfolio income rise by...

Landlords in England and Wales have earned more from their rental properties in the past year, a study reveals. According to letting agents Benham and Reeves, landlords have seen their portfolio rental...

Government launch scheme to help landlords with energy-efficiency improvements

Government launch scheme to help landlords with energy-efficiency...

Landlords and homeowners could save hundreds of pounds towards energy-efficient improvements following the launch of the Great British Insulation Scheme. The scheme aims to help families on the lowest...

England’s biggest social housing providers ignore official complaint warnings

England’s biggest social housing providers ignore official...

Several of the largest social housing providers in England are persistently ignoring official warnings from the housing ombudsman over how to improve their handling of tenants’ complaints –...

Majority of landlords won’t buy a property below EPC C

Majority of landlords won’t buy a property below EPC C...

More than 71% of landlords are unlikely to buy a property which has an EPC rating of less than C, according to new data. The study by Foundation Home Loans and BVA BDRC, reveals the more properties a landlord...

Backlog of possession cases causing chaos in courts

Backlog of possession cases causing chaos in courts...

The NRLA is calling on the government to tackle the backlog of possession cases clogging up the courts. The association says that some landlords are having to wait more than six months to take back their...

Renters’ Reform Bill creates a ‘purposefully uneven playing field in student rental market’

Renters’ Reform Bill creates a ‘purposefully uneven...

As Freshers week begins for thousands of students, one association is warning of the effects the Renters Reform Bill will have on the student rental market. York’s Residential Landlord Association (YRLA)...

Backbench MPs push back against Renters’ Reform Bill

Backbench MPs push back against Renters’ Reform Bill...

The Renters Reform Bill may not see ‘the light of day before the end of the year’ according to new reports. Backbench MPs continue to push against the bill as parliamentary sitting days become scarce.

Older tenants fear being evicted as rents rise

Older tenants fear being evicted as rents rise...

Almost half of older private tenants had their rent raised in the past year, and more than one in five can no longer comfortably afford to pay their bills, a survey reveals. The ‘Hidden Renters’...

Renters in London see rents soar by 11% in a year

Renters in London see rents soar by 11% in a year...

According to Foxtons, the average weekly rent for tenants in London last month was 11% higher than in August 2022, with rental prices remaining high for the third consecutive month. The average rental...

House prices rise slightly – and an ‘Autumn sales’ bounce is predicted

House prices rise slightly – and an ‘Autumn sales’...

The average asking price for homes in the UK rose by just 0.4% to £366,281 in August, Rightmove reports. It says that the price rise is smaller than the average of 0.6% recorded for the same month over...

Rents hit new record-breaking high

Rents hit new record-breaking high...

The average rent in Great Britain has now passed £1,300 for the first time in a decade, according to new data. Hamptons say renters face having to fork out more than £1,000 in some areas in England whilst...

Local authorities are using selective licensing as a ‘cash cow’ – Special Report

Local authorities are using selective licensing as a ‘cash...

Lots of councils see selective licensing schemes as a way of improving housing stock in the private rented sector (PRS) and work hard at gaining government permission to set up and run these schemes. But...

Updated ‘How to Rent’ guide launched next month

Updated ‘How to Rent’ guide launched next month...

An updated version of the ‘How to Rent’ guide will be published next month with details of the new Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service. The move follows March’s update which saw various...

Rent deposits eat up more than half of the average monthly income

Rent deposits eat up more than half of the average monthly income...

The average renter in the UK must spend 64% of their net monthly income just to pay the deposit on a new rental property, a study reveals. The findings from Zero Deposit highlight that for women, the proportion...

Another delay for Renters’ Reform Bill

Another delay for Renters’ Reform Bill...

The Renters’ Reform Bill has been delayed yet again! The government confirmed that the second reading of the legislation will not take place until after the party conference season which ends on...

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