Average house prices in Scotland rose by £11,613 over the past 12 months, reaching £195,036 in November 2024, data reveals.
This represents a 6.3% annual increase, outpacing the 3.8% rise seen in England...
London Councils is warning that rocketing homelessness in the capital is ‘pushing boroughs to the brink’, with unsustainable pressure on local services and budgets.
The call comes as the cross-party...
There are big regional disparities for HMO landlords in the UK with Greater London boasting the highest average property value at £660,227.
Though landlords in the North East enjoy the highest average...
First-time landlords are increasingly investing in northern England, capitalising on lower property prices and higher rental yields.
That’s according to Fleet Mortgages’ latest Buy-to-Let...
The UK’s senior living rental sector is poised for a dramatic expansion, with private rental stock predicted to rocket by 150% over the next five years.
That’s according to Knight Frank’s...
Lambeth Council is facing a legal action after issuing eviction notices to hundreds of tenants living in properties rented on the private market.
A resident of the Central Hill estate in south London...
Letting body safeagent is urging the government to withdraw two new clauses from the Renters’ Rights Bill, warning they could restrict access to the private rented sector for vulnerable tenants.
Housing affordability has improved over the past year because earnings growth is exceeding house price growth, Nationwide reports.
The report highlights that house prices remain high relative to average...
More than half of landlords with properties with an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating below C are delaying essential upgrades to meet the government’s 2030 deadline, a survey reveals.
The Scottish Housing Bill is an attack on the private rented sector, says Meghan Gallacher MSP.
In an exclusive video interview with Property118, Meghan, who is also the Scottish Conservative shadow cabinet...
The Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of a landlord, confirming they can serve essential tenancy documents by post.
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) intervened in the case, which...
London has emerged as the dominant force in the UK’s buy to let market in 2024, experiencing a 13% increase in new landlords, data reveals.
The findings from Simply Business show this follows a period...
The latest quarterly update from UK Finance reveals there were 710 buy to let mortgage possessions in the third quarter of last year.
It says the figure remains unchanged from the previous quarter but...
House prices in England and Wales are on the rise again with an annualised growth of 1.9% – which is below the rate of inflation.
A report from Home.co.uk, also reveals that rents in London have...
Real estate firm Knight Frank has issued a stark warning that tenants could move into properties without paying any rent once the Renters’ Rights Bill becomes law.
The government’s bill will...
There will be a big drop in the availability of stamp duty-free homes from April 1st when the current stamp duty relief reverts to previous thresholds, research reveals.
Yopa says that currently, a third...
More than half of the UK’s renters are looking to move home within the next six months, research reveals.
According to the tenant app Tlyfe launched by OpenBrix, 57% of renters plan to move in 2025,
The UK’s private rented sector is showing signs of stabilisation after a period of upheaval, with rent increases slowing across the country, data reveals.
SpareRoom’s latest rental index reveals...
An industry body labels the Welsh government’s proposal of two months’ rent as compensation for eviction as ‘counterproductive.’
Propertymark is urging the Welsh government instead...
While buy to let mortgage rates have risen slightly following the Autumn Budget and despite soaring gilt yields, Octane Capital believes the lending landscape remains favourable for UK landlords.
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