News Team

UK Landlords Campaigning To Save Tenants From Rent Hikes and Eviction

UK Landlords Campaigning To Save Tenants From Rent Hikes and...

Whoever thought we would see landlords funding a campaign to save tenants from rent hikes and eviction? It’s happening though! Bournemouth is the latest City to see the erection of Section 24 campaign...

Shelter want default fees banned

Shelter want default fees banned...

In addition to the government lettings fee ban Shelter are calling for a ban or limit on what they term ‘backdoor’ or default fees. Default fees are a charge written into the tenancy contract...

£1.36 million in TPO awards

£1.36 million in TPO awards...

The Property Ombudsman (TPO) has today released its 2017 annual report. Property Ombudsman Katrine Sporle confirms the number of complaints received rose by 3% to 3,658.  TPO made financial awards to...

Section 24 Campaign Arrives in Poole

Section 24 Campaign Arrives in Poole...

Poole is the latest City to see the erection of a Section 24 campaign billboard. It is located just off Old Wareham Road, Poole BH12 4QS and traffic data shows that 928,000 motorists will pass it every...

Up to 380,000 landlords looking to let go of property!

Up to 380,000 landlords looking to let go of property!

A significant number of homes suitable for first time buyers could flood the market in the coming year as new figures show approximately 380,000 landlords 19% intend to offload property. The figures indicate...

Aldermore Later Life Lending – up to age 99

Aldermore Later Life Lending – up to age 99...

Aldermore are now they’re extending their specialist mortgage products to offering later-life mortgages exclusively distributed via 4 firms. For borrowers aged up to 99, with a maximum Loan to Value...

Reintroduce mortgage interest relief and drop 3% stamp duty surcharge

Reintroduce mortgage interest relief and drop 3% stamp duty surcharge...

Petition: Reintroduce full mortgage interest relief and drop the 3% stamp duty surcharge Created by Mark Homer – We call on the Government to reintroduce full mortgage interest relief and to drop...

10 More Section 24 Campaign Billboards To Be Erected Soon

10 More Section 24 Campaign Billboards To Be Erected Soon...

Section 24 campaigner David Heard has revealed the locations for the erection of 10 further billboards which will cost just £3,600 ‘all in’. This figure includes printing, pasting, VAT...

Meet the founders of the National Landlord Investment Show

Meet the founders of the National Landlord Investment Show...

Meet the founders of the National Landlord Investment Show – Q&A with Tracey and Steve Hanbury As the National Landlord Investment Show prepares to celebrate its fifth anniversary at Aston Villa...

Challenging tenants lead to mass landlord exodus

Challenging tenants lead to mass landlord exodus...

A third of British landlords could be forced to sell due to problem tenants, with unpaid rent and damage running into thousands of pounds cited as the main problems. Nearly half 47% of landlords have had...

BILLBOARDS UPDATE “Just Giving” campaign raises over £4,000 in just a few days

BILLBOARDS UPDATE “Just Giving” campaign raises over...

The Just Giving billboard campaign highlighting “Section 24 Tax Reforms” has now raised over £4,000 🙂 We think a lot more is likely to be raised once people see pictures and newspaper...

The Landlords Union “Press Liaison” Questions HMO Minimum Room Size Impact Assessment

The Landlords Union “Press Liaison” Questions HMO...

We were recently approached by a landlord of a four bedroom HMO property whose Local Authority had contacted her to remind of the approaching restrictions on minimum room sizes. One of this landlords...

Tenant Fees Ban – Measures affecting Landlords and Agents

Tenant Fees Ban – Measures affecting Landlords and Agents...

Government press release on the action to end letting fees. New Housing Secretary Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP said: “This government is determined to build a housing market fit for the future. Tenants...

Bill requiring rented homes to be fit for human habitation

Bill requiring rented homes to be fit for human habitation...

Karen Buck, Member of Parliament for Westminster North, is to deliver the keynote speech at the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health’s (CIEH) housing conference on the 9th May, where she will...

Client Money Protection compulsory from April 2019

Client Money Protection compulsory from April 2019...

The good news is the government have finally announced that it will be a requirement for all property agents to belong to an approved Client Money Protection (CMP) scheme as of the 1st April 2019. CMP...

Tenant fees ban to cost between £77m and £274m

Tenant fees ban to cost between £77m and £274m...

It has now been announced that the Tenants’ Fees Bill is now formally starting its progress through Parliament and is due to be implement in Spring 2019. An impact assessment of this ban on charging...

Tenant hoarder leaves landlord in a financial crisis

Tenant hoarder leaves landlord in a financial crisis...

Ex-social worker and professional landlord of 30 years, Leslie-Ann Franklin, is facing having to sell the rental property she lives next door to in March, Cambridgeshire, after a complex case involving...

What makes someone pay for a billboard?

What makes someone pay for a billboard?

What makes someone pay for a billboard advert to get their message across? Frustration!  That’s what. After having exhausted all other avenues to get my MP to listen and do something about the Government’s...

Sajid Javid pressed on Right to Rent

Sajid Javid pressed on Right to Rent...

The National Landlords Association (NLA) has today written to new Home Secretary Sajid Javid to outline its concerns regarding Right to Rent. In a letter to congratulate Mr Javid on his appointment as...

James Brokenshire is new Housing and Communities Secretary

James Brokenshire is new Housing and Communities Secretary...

In the never ending game of pass the housing parcel, James Brokenshire has been announced as the government’s new Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. This follows Amber...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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