More than half of Scottish landlords (53%) plan to leave the sector due to rent control proposals and hostility towards landlords from the Scottish government, according to a new report.
A survey by the...
Two councils are urging private landlords to collaborate on initiatives to help find homes for homeless people and families in their areas.
Mansfield District Council has launched a scheme to partner with...
Despite the media narrative, more than half of tenants (54%) feel landlords do provide good quality housing, according to a new report.
The findings from Leaders Roman Group also show that 60% of tenants...
A council has received a C3 regulatory grading from the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) due to breaches of consumer standards.
The criticism of Portsmouth City Council focuses on the safety and quality...
The UK’s housing market has seen its strongest beginning in three years, with new sales agreements surging 12% compared to 2024, Zoopla reveals.
Its latest House Price Index shows that buyer demand...
Two industry bodies claim while a balance may have been struck for rent controls in the Scottish Housing Bill, the policy still needs to be tested.
The Stage 2 amendment in the Scottish Housing Bill proposes...
The rise in rents across England and Wales over the past decade shows that the most dramatic increase was for tenants in Salford, research reveals.
The findings from Tlyfe, a tenant app launched by OpenBrix,
Starting his property journey in a bedroom to building a thriving property business, Abrar Shah’s journey into property investment has been nothing short of extraordinary.
His journey has now seen...
Scottish residential lettings site, Citylets, says the nation’s private landlords are facing a range of challenges this year.
It points to political developments and a market returning to pre-COVID seasonal...
CHL Mortgages has expanded its limited edition buy to let range, introducing new higher fee options on its two-year and five-year fixed-rate products at 75% LTV.
This move aims to increase access to higher...
There has been a big increase in demand for commercial property investment compared to the same period last year, coinciding with recent interest rate reductions by the Bank of England, Rightmove says.
A Parliamentary report has underlined the critical connection between inadequate Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates and the mounting risk of evictions.
The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee used...
A debt charity is warning that tenants are facing ongoing financial difficulties, despite new data pointing to the slowest increase in private rents since 2021.
Stepchange says that Rightmove’s rental...
The winter months often bring bad weather, and storms can cause huge damage to a property, leading to expensive repairs.
According to the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), the average...
The potential ‘unintended consequences’ on the private rented sector of the Renters’ Rights Bill was at the forefront of a recent gathering of property industry leaders.
Hosted by lettings...
A new campaign urges landlords and owners of Radio Teleswitch (RTS) electricity meters to accept meter upgrades from their energy suppliers urgently.
The campaign, launched by a taskforce including Ofgem...
The High Court has declared the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) method of deducting rent payments from Universal Credit recipients unlawful.
In the case of Roberts v The Secretary of State...
Paragon Bank has launched a new buy to let mortgage platform designed to streamline the application process for brokers.
Developed in collaboration with intermediaries over two years, the platform utilises...
The average advertised rent of properties coming to market outside of London has fallen this quarter for the first time since pre-pandemic 2019, Rightmove says.
The average advertised rent of a home outside...
There has been a rise in landlord optimism, despite the introduction of higher Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and the potential impact of the Renters’ Rights Bill.
The latest Landlord Trends report from...
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