News Team

Brokenshire to stamp out ‘poor doors’

Brokenshire to stamp out ‘poor doors’...

New measures to tackle stigma and help end the segregation of social housing residents in mixed-tenure developments have been unveiled by Communities Secretary James Brokenshire. The move aims to stamp...

‘A new deal for renting’ – Section 21 consultation

‘A new deal for renting’ – Section 21 consultation...

The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government have now published details of its consultation into views on implementing the highly controversial decision to ban Section 21 of the Housing...

Tenants are not evicted for no reason

Tenants are not evicted for no reason...

The RLA has conducted its most wide ranging landlord research yet concerning government announced plans to ban Section 21 so called ‘no fault’ evictions. The research included feedback from...

Sadiq Khan slated by NLA

Sadiq Khan slated by NLA...

The National Landlords Association (NLA) has slated London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s blueprint for private renting. The blueprint calls for the Mayor to be given the power to introduce: Rent controls in London...

London Rent controls meaningless without more homes

London Rent controls meaningless without more homes...

Last week the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan called for powers to implement rent controls. Responding to this call, RLA policy director David Smith said: “Rent controls are meaningless if Londoners can’t...

Pointless Rogue Landlords Database

Pointless Rogue Landlords Database...

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has launched a consultation, proposing to allow tenants to view the Rogue Landlords Database and extend the list of offences qualifying...

Section 8 and consultation on abolishing Section 21 – ARLA

Section 8 and consultation on abolishing Section 21 – ARLA...

David Cox, Chief Executive, ARLA Propertymark comments on the amendments to the Section 8 eviction process and consultation on abolishing Section 21: “At a time when the industry is facing many challenges...

84% of private renters satisfied or very satisfied

84% of private renters satisfied or very satisfied...

The Office of National Statistics has released the English Housing Survey 2017 to 2018: private rented sector. Report on the characteristics and circumstances of private renters in England. Click here...

NLA welcomes Regulation of Property Agents report

NLA welcomes Regulation of Property Agents report...

The National Landlords Association (NLA) has welcomed the report by the Regulation of Property Agents Working Group. The report, released today, makes recommendations to the Government on the practical...

Government release final ROPA Report

Government release final ROPA Report...

Mark Hayward, Chief Executive, NAEA Propertymark and David Cox, Chief Executive, ARLA Propertymark comment on the final report from the Regulation of Property Agents (ROPA) working group: “This...

Are markets anticipating a Bank Base Rate cut?

Are markets anticipating a Bank Base Rate cut?

Research from shows that the average two-year fixed and tracker mortgage rates have remained unchanged since the beginning of June. The lack of rate change this month comes despite SWAP...

Student rents indicating increasingly competitive market

Student rents indicating increasingly competitive market...

Data from Accommodation for Students (AFS) analysing the cost of student accommodation* in 2019 has found that the average rents across many cities are close to the 20-year average of £79 per week. This...

Johnson considers Stamp Duty switch from buyer to seller

Johnson considers Stamp Duty switch from buyer to seller...

Conservative Party leadership contender, Boris Johnson, has confirmed his interest in switching Stamp Duty liability from the house buyer to the seller as proposed by Association of Accounting Technicians...

Living in same building as their serial bad tenant – couple’s worst nightmare

Living in same building as their serial bad tenant – couple’s...

It’s been heavily publicised that a large percentage of the UK’s retirees are struggling to live off their pension, so it’s no surprise that some over 65s have turned to renting out rooms in their...

Government needs to avoid breakdown of trust

Government needs to avoid breakdown of trust...

The Government urgently needs to provide tenants with better information on their rights and responsibilities if it is to avoid a breakdown of trust between renters and their landlords, the National Landlords...

Annual house price growth 5.7%

Annual house price growth 5.7%...

The Halifax House Price Index shows June’s annual change figure of 5.7% growth coming against the backdrop of a particularly low growth rate in the corresponding period in 2018, which has had an impact...

£186,657 paid out to tenants – SafeDeposits Scotland

£186,657 paid out to tenants – SafeDeposits Scotland...

During the last 18 months more than 200 landlords from across Scotland have been found in breach of a law designed to protect tenants’ deposits, according to research carried out by SafeDeposits Scotland.

Rents rise just above inflation and tenancy duration drops

Rents rise just above inflation and tenancy duration drops...

THE latest data from HomeLet shows demand for rental properties remaining high and in examining the data from the last five years, HomeLet has found that the UK as a whole has experienced a 13.9% growth...

Standard Variable Rate differential to fixed is widening

Standard Variable Rate differential to fixed is widening...

Moneyfacts UK Mortgage Trends Treasury Report reveals that the average two-year fixed rate in July 2017 was 2.26% and the current average standard variable rate (SVR), is currently 4.90%. These figures...

EPC inaccuracies could leave properties let illegally

EPC inaccuracies could leave properties let illegally...

A recent study exploring the risks and impacts on the reliability of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) has uncovered a staggering amount of properties across the UK may be unwittingly let illegally.

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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