News Team

Tips to parents to help their children buy their first home

Tips to parents to help their children buy their first home...

It has never been more challenging for first-time buyers to get on to the property ladder with increasing numbers of young people turning to the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’. Parents fund around 25% of mortgage...

Hidden How to Rent update – “MHCLG, do not do this again”

Hidden How to Rent update – “MHCLG, do not do this...

Lawyer Giles Peaker, in an article for Nearly Legal, ‘How to rent guides – sneak updates‘ uncovered that the official How to Rent guide has recently been updated twice since the 31st of May...

Right to Rent Guide updated under RLA pressure

Right to Rent Guide updated under RLA pressure...

Under campaign pressure from the RLA, protesting that inadequate government guidance on Right to Rent checks could leave landlords exposed to prosecution, the Home office have now released an update on...

Shelter’s call for Boris to follow through on Section 21 ban

Shelter’s call for Boris to follow through on Section 21...

Polly Neate, Chief Executive of Shelter, has sent an open letter to PM Boris Johnson calling for him to follow through with the Section 21 ban announced by Theresa May and “make these plans a reality...

Q2 transactions and SDLT income down on last year

Q2 transactions and SDLT income down on last year...

LCP has analysed HMRC’s Residential Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) statistics, just released for Q2 2019. For completeness, the analysis adds back transactions and receipts from the Welsh Revenue...

Tax break to help the housing crisis is making things worse

Tax break to help the housing crisis is making things worse...

New figures released today by leading flat and house share site SpareRoom, reveal that the Rent a Room Scheme tax threshold increase, introduced in 2016 to encourage more people to let out their spare...

55% of ARLA agents witness landlords increasing rents

55% of ARLA agents witness landlords increasing rents...

David Cox, ARLA Propertymark Chief Executive, said: “Unsurprisingly, rent costs hit a record high in June as tenants suffered the impact of the tenant fee ban. Ever since the Government proposed the...

Jacob Rees-Mogg: Cutting and decentralising tax

Jacob Rees-Mogg: Cutting and decentralising tax...

Jacob Rees-Mogg has co-authored a paper for the Institute of Economic Affairs titled ‘Raising the Roof – How to solve the United Kingdom’s housing crisis.’ The Paper draws on some of...

Buyer demand remains resilient

Buyer demand remains resilient...

NAEA Propertymark is issuing its June Housing Report with Mark Hayward, Chief Executive, commenting: “Although we’ve seen a slight drop in supply and demand, the housing market is still stronger than...

Australian landlords top the table

Australian landlords top the table...

SafeDeposits Scotland, which protects more than 60% of all Scottish tenancy deposits, has revealed where owners of Scottish residential property using the scheme are based. Consulting its own, substantial...

Call on Boris to review the Benefit Assessment Period of UC

Call on Boris to review the Benefit Assessment Period of UC...

Caridon Landlord Solutions calls on Boris Johnson to review the Benefit Assessment Period (BAP) of Universal Credit which is catching landlords and tenants out. Landlords and tenants who do not understand...

Robert Jenrick MHCLG Secretary of State and Esther McVey Housing Minister

Robert Jenrick MHCLG Secretary of State and Esther McVey Housing...

After the ‘night of blond knives’ the new PM Boris Johnson has replaced Kit Malthouse with enthusiastic Brexiteer Esther McVey as Housing Minister and replaced James Brokenshire with the lower...

Number of homes let by company landlords up 42% since 2015 Budget

Number of homes let by company landlords up 42% since 2015 Budget...

The proportion of homes let by a company landlord has been rising steadily since 2016 when the tapering of mortgage interest tax relief for non-company landlords was announced (see notes to editors). Latest...

National Trading Standards Redress scheme warning for agents

National Trading Standards Redress scheme warning for agents...

Estate and Letting Agents in the UK are being urged to check that they are signed up with an approved redress scheme that covers the full remit of their work. The warning follows a recent tribunal that...

What can the PRS expect from Boris?

What can the PRS expect from Boris?

Boris Johnson has been announced as our next Prime Minister at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London, where he won 92,153 votes from members of the Conservative Party. The question is what can the PRS...

Professional landlords drive BTL lending

Professional landlords drive BTL lending...

Paragon Banking Group reported another quarter of strong growth. The latest update shows a total of £1.90 billion of new lending across all business lines in the nine months to 30 June 2019. This represents...

Residential property transactions down 16.5% on June last year

Residential property transactions down 16.5% on June last year...

HMRC have released their June Property transaction statistics for this year. The figures are based on transactional records by HMRC, Revenue Scotland and the Welsh Revenue Authority, for Stamp Duty Land...

Protecting Hedgehogs a priority?

Protecting Hedgehogs a priority?

Developers have been ordered to do more to protect Britain’s cherished wildlife, Communities Secretary Brokenshire announced Sunday 21 July. For the first time the government has set out its expectations...

Brokenshire to stamp out ‘poor doors’

Brokenshire to stamp out ‘poor doors’...

New measures to tackle stigma and help end the segregation of social housing residents in mixed-tenure developments have been unveiled by Communities Secretary James Brokenshire. The move aims to stamp...

‘A new deal for renting’ – Section 21 consultation

‘A new deal for renting’ – Section 21 consultation...

The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government have now published details of its consultation into views on implementing the highly controversial decision to ban Section 21 of the Housing...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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