News Team

Sajid Javid backtracks on Stamp Duty proposal

Sajid Javid backtracks on Stamp Duty proposal...

The current Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid has backtracked on proposals made by PM Boris Johnson in his Tory leadership campaign to make Stamp Duty payable by the seller rather than the purchaser...

Scotland’s best

Scotland’s best...

Landlords of rented properties in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire are being praised for renting responsibly after SafeDeposits Scotland researched rates of landlords failing to protect tenants’ deposits.

“Factually incorrect, misleading and just plain wrong”

“Factually incorrect, misleading and just plain wrong”...

Claims that landlords’ use of section 21 “no fault” eviction notices is the leading cause of homelessness in the UK are “factually incorrect, misleading and just plain wrong”, says the National...

The cost of evicting a rogue tenant can really set you back

The cost of evicting a rogue tenant can really set you back...

Research by independent letting and sales agent Benham and Reeves has looked at the unfortunate cost of landing a bad tenant and how much this can reach during the gruelling process of having them evicted...

Work harder to solve the housing crisis

Work harder to solve the housing crisis...

A recent IPSOS Mori survey for the Chartered Institute of Housing has shown the public don’t think their politicians are working hard enough to solve the housing crisis. Renters are particularly...

Landlords in the Doldrums since Section 21 ban announced

Landlords in the Doldrums since Section 21 ban announced...

Landlord confidence in their own lettings business has reached a record low, according to research* by the NLA. In their survey for Q2 2019, only 29% of landlords said their business expectations for the...

Stoke-on-Trent escapes for now

Stoke-on-Trent escapes for now...

All councils that wish to introduce Selective Licensing schemes that cover more than 20% of the area or 20% of the privately rented homes must first seek permission from the Ministry of Housing, Communities...

Form 6A now corrected

Form 6A now corrected...

MHCLG have finally as of yesterday updated and corrected the wording of the Section 21 official document 6A seeking possession. This is after articles written by Giles Peaker  in Nearly legal along with...

Rents tracking CPI inflation

Rents tracking CPI inflation...

HOMELET’s Rental Index figures for July 2019 have been released showing that the rental growth recorded in July 2019 appears to be in line with inflation, recorded at 2% in the Consumer Prices Index...

New boilers and bathrooms give the best returns

New boilers and bathrooms give the best returns...

As well as creating nicer surroundings, refurbishing different areas of a home can add significant value, but what is the true return on investment? Self storage experts Safestore have taken a look at...

Tenants bearing brunt of government home ownership focus

Tenants bearing brunt of government home ownership focus...

Tenants in private rented housing are bearing the brunt of the Government’s focus on boosting home ownership at the expense of the rental market. According to the latest figures from the Royal Institution...

Looking to make PRS more accessible for disabilities

Looking to make PRS more accessible for disabilities...

The National Landlords Association (NLA) has joined with key players in the aged and disability sectors to promote the need for accessible housing within the private rented sector (PRS). In a roundtable...

Courts now take 22.5 weeks for possession claims

Courts now take 22.5 weeks for possession claims...

New statistics show that it now takes private landlords an average of 22.5 weeks from making a claim to the courts for a property to be repossessed to it actually happening – up from 21.6 weeks since...

Best BTL Universities

Best BTL Universities...

Research by flat-sharing website ideal flatmate has revealed the average rent prices in the areas surrounding the top-ranked universities in the United Kingdom. Using data from PropertyData, ideal flatmate...

Entirely predictable

Entirely predictable...

The struggle performers at the Edinburgh Fringe now face to find affordable short-term accommodation was entirely predictable, says the National Landlords Association (NLA). Last year, the NLA highlighted...

Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure...

Buy to let’s biggest household setbacks and how to prevent them: Water damage, fires and theft are top causes of house insurance claims, research shows Online letting agent and property management provider,

Transformation of BTL market to Limited companies

Transformation of BTL market to Limited companies...

New research* from Precise Mortgages, shows more than half of landlords plan to use limited companies to buy properties in the year ahead underlining the ongoing transformation of the buy to let market.

Quarter of all young adults still living with parents – ONS

Quarter of all young adults still living with parents –...

The latest ONS data on Families and Households in 2018 shows the pressure of the housing crisis and rising rents on the population with one in four young adults or 3.4 million in total aged 20 to 34 years...

Average house price down again in July

Average house price down again in July...

The Latest statistics from the Halifax House Price index shows  on a monthly basis, house prices fell by 0.2% to an average of £236,120. However, in the latest quarter (May to July) house prices were...

Falling supply seems likely to squeeze rents higher – RICS

Falling supply seems likely to squeeze rents higher – RICS...

As the new Government seems to be concentrating on increasing home ownership, falling supply in the lettings market seems likely to squeeze rents higher. As the headline tenant demand indicator (quarterly...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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