News Team

Section 21 ban would devastate PRS

Section 21 ban would devastate PRS...

The private rented sector (PRS) would shrink by 20% if Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions are banned, according to a new economic analysis report*. A new deal for renters? The unintended consequences...

Impact of the Tenant Fees Act continues to be felt

Impact of the Tenant Fees Act continues to be felt...

David Cox, ARLA Propertymark Chief Executive, said: “Although it’s positive to see that supply has risen, it is nowhere near enough to counterbalance the rapid pace of rising rents, which have reached...

Philosophers consider envy to be evil and destructive

Philosophers consider envy to be evil and destructive...

Property118 member, author and landlord campaigner Dr Rosalind Beck was able to ask the fourth question last night on BBC’s Question time presented by Fiona Bruce in Cardiff. The question presented...

Housing on the Conservative Fringes

Housing on the Conservative Fringes...

Assuming Parliament goes into recess, or the ship is abandoned for the Conservative Party conference to proceed, the main agenda published so far does not even include housing policy. Housing is only listed...

SafeDeposits Scotland’s dispute management training tour

SafeDeposits Scotland’s dispute management training tour...

In the last year, 490 disputes have arisen between landlords and tenants in the Edinburgh postcode area according to the latest research from SafeDeposits Scotland. The deposit protection provider found...

The standard of PRS accommodation has significantly improved

The standard of PRS accommodation has significantly improved...

The standard of accommodation in the PRS has significantly improved in the last decade as the sector has expanded and professionalised. The proportion of homes in the PRS in England deemed non-decent by...

Company Buy to Let rates reduced by 0.3%

Company Buy to Let rates reduced by 0.3%...

Aldermore, the Specialist Bank, has today reduced by 0.3% its Company buy to let remortgage and Company Multi Property purchase and remortgage products. The move is to help landlords looking for long-term...

National Empty Homes Week

National Empty Homes Week...

Monday 23rd September marks the start of National Empty Homes Week. The Empty Homes Week was founded by Action on Empty Homes to highlight Britain’s underused or completely unused housing stock and to...

£500 Ikea gift card

£500 Ikea gift card...

A Dunfermline couple and their landlord are celebrating today after finding out that their tenancy deposit was the 500,000th protected by SafeDeposits Scotland. Carla Dow and Craig Taylor, who recently...

Selective licensing – Effective tool but needs improving!

Selective licensing – Effective tool but needs improving!

Opinion Research Services was commissioned by MHCLG to carry out a review of selective licensing and carried out in-depth research and consultations with stakeholders from across the sector. The report...

Ben Beadle is to be chief executive of new NRLA

Ben Beadle is to be chief executive of new NRLA...

Ben Beadle is to be the chief executive of the new National Residential Landlords Association, formed from the merger of the National Landlords Association and the Residential Landlords Association. The...

‘State of the Nation’ – National Housing Federation

‘State of the Nation’ – National Housing Federation...

More than 8m people in England, approximately 1 in 7, are living in an unaffordable, insecure or unsuitable homes, according to the first ever ‘state of the nation’ report on the housing crisis, released...

29% of landlords report tenant demand growing or booming Q3 2019

29% of landlords report tenant demand growing or booming Q3 2019...

The proportion of landlords who believe tenant demand is ‘growing or booming’ has increased to the highest level in almost a year, according to Paragon’s latest PRS Trends Report for Q3 2019 At 29%,

£10 million for 5 more coastal communities

£10 million for 5 more coastal communities...

Five projects along the Great British Coast have been awarded over £10 million from the government’s Coastal Communities Fund. These include projects in Cumbria, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Kent and Suffolk...

Base Rate unchanged with inflation below target

Base Rate unchanged with inflation below target...

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has today voted unanimously to maintain the Bank Base Rate at 0.75%. This is largely because inflationary pressures have dropped below the medium term...

Only one paycheque away

Only one paycheque away...

Below is a Press release by Shelter and displays why they should be working with landlords rather than against to build up the trust tenants may need in the future. Shelter: With little or no savings to...

Scrapping Section 21 will trigger a rise in homelessness

Scrapping Section 21 will trigger a rise in homelessness...

Leading tenant eviction company, Landlord Action, says that as many as 50% of Section 21 cases they handle are as a result of tenants wanting to be re-housed by the council. They believe the abolition...

Lowest annual house price growth since September 2012

Lowest annual house price growth since September 2012...

ONS UK House Price Index: July 2019: Monthly house price inflation in the UK, calculated using data from HM Land Registry, Registers of Scotland, and Land and Property Services Northern Ireland. Average...

Lib Dems vote for Section 21 ban

Lib Dems vote for Section 21 ban...

Assuming the Liberal Democrats ever get near government again, their members have voted for the policy proposal of banning Section 21 at their party conference in Bournemouth. This policy will presumably...

NRLA merger vote passed

NRLA merger vote passed...

Following meetings held today, members of the National Landlords Association (NLA) and the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) have voted for the two organisations to unite to form the National Residential...

Registered with
Thursday 14th July 2011

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