News Team

Upad no longer accepting new business

Upad no longer accepting new business...

One of the Uk’s first online letting agents, Upad has confirmed it will no longer be accepting new business and it’s home page has now been redirected to >>

Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) Landlord tax planning strategies – Leicester

Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) Landlord tax planning strategies...

Our Hon. Legal Counsel, Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold Barristers will be presenting an overview of several landlords tax strategies at the pin Leicester Meeting property networking event Thursday...

Shelter warn of older people ‘stuck in expensive PRS’

Shelter warn of older people ‘stuck in expensive PRS’...

Shelter have today issued the press release below warning of a ‘ticking timebomb’ for older renters: Sky-high house prices have left hundreds of thousands of older people stuck in expensive private...

170,000 new homes built for year ending June 2019

170,000 new homes built for year ending June 2019...

New data has found the number of new homes completed by developers in the year ending June 2019 had increased to over 170,000, which is the highest number built over the same period in the last 11 years.

Possession reforms are a dead parrot

Possession reforms are a dead parrot...

Government proposals to reform the way landlords can repossess properties will not work and threatens the supply of homes for rent says the RLA. In its response to the Government’s consultation on ending...

Modular construction helping to solve the UK housing crisis

Modular construction helping to solve the UK housing crisis...

Modular construction is the process where building components are produced in a factory, before being transported to the site for assembly. The pieces arrive already finished, minimising the amount of...

SpareRoom rents not affected by tenancy fee ban

SpareRoom rents not affected by tenancy fee ban...

SpareRoom’s Q3 2019 Rental Index ,a comprehensive overview of how the rental market is performing across the country based on nearly 300,000 room listings, reveals the cost of renting a room in the UK...

Right to Rent – Expanded acceptable evidence list

Right to Rent – Expanded acceptable evidence list...

The Home Office have issued updated guidance on the 8th Oct for landlords and letting agents taking proof of right to remain in the UK and entitled to rent for the following nationalities below. Click...

Proposed Manchester rent control powers simplistic and populist!

Proposed Manchester rent control powers simplistic and populist!

Introducing rent controls in Manchester would choke of the supply of homes to rent making it more difficult of tenants to find a place to live. That is the warning from the Sale based Residential Landlords...

Courts failing to follow housing case rules

Courts failing to follow housing case rules...

Courts across the country are failing to follow their own rules when it comes to the speed of dealing with repossession cases. According to the civil procedure rules which provide a code to ensure courts...

RICS fire safety guide

RICS fire safety guide...

RICS have published a clear and impartial fire safety guide to highlight the responsibilities of landlords and tenants in keeping properties safe regardless of the type of home they live in. RICS releases...

1,474 BTL products now available to newbie landlords

1,474 BTL products now available to newbie landlords...

First-time landlords looking for a buy-to-let mortgage will find there is even more choice available than ever before. There are currently 1,474 buy-to-let mortgages available to first-time landlords,

Gas boilers to be banned from new builds by 2025

Gas boilers to be banned from new builds by 2025...

Unveiled by the Housing Secretary, Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, the Future Homes Standard will see polluting fossil fuel heating systems such as gas boilers banned from new homes by 2025 and replaced with...

Shelter’s response to ONS homeless death figures

Shelter’s response to ONS homeless death figures...

Two homeless people died every day in England and Wales last year. Today, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released new figures on the number of homeless people who died in England and Wales...

Only 37% of BTL products available directly from lenders

Only 37% of BTL products available directly from lenders...

Research from Paragon Bank shows that 57% of landlords are most likely to source their next buy-to-let mortgage from their existing broker, while 41% state they would be most likely to go direct to a lender...

Policy Light

Policy Light...

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick has given his speech to the Conservative Party Conference titled “Homes Fit for the Future.” The speech...

Property developers target North of England

Property developers target North of England...

In a national study of developers, almost two-thirds (65%) plan to increase their investment activity in the North substantially over the next two years, with the biggest opportunities seen as being in...

Property inflation three times wage over last decade

Property inflation three times wage over last decade...

– The average UK property price has risen 43% since 2008, while wages have increased by just 15% over the same period – If wages had increased at the same rate as house prices over the past...

Section 21 ban would devastate PRS

Section 21 ban would devastate PRS...

The private rented sector (PRS) would shrink by 20% if Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions are banned, according to a new economic analysis report*. A new deal for renters? The unintended consequences...

Impact of the Tenant Fees Act continues to be felt

Impact of the Tenant Fees Act continues to be felt...

David Cox, ARLA Propertymark Chief Executive, said: “Although it’s positive to see that supply has risen, it is nowhere near enough to counterbalance the rapid pace of rising rents, which have reached...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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