News Team

Housing Minister wants green housing revolution in the North

Housing Minister wants green housing revolution in the North...

The north of England has the potential to become a world-leader in the creation of modern, high-quality homes the Housing Minister Esther McVey tells industry leaders in Sheffield. During a visit to Factory...

New home supply slows

New home supply slows...

NHBC’s Q3 figures show the number of new homes registered to be built in the UK during the last three months is 9% down on last year’s levels, despite a significant increase in the affordable and rental...

Licensing needs urgent government review

Licensing needs urgent government review...

High rates of non-compliance with landlord licensing schemes in London have hastened the need for an official government response to the selective licensing review carried out earlier this year. An official...

Sadiq Khan wants Welfare reforms to protect PRS tenants

Sadiq Khan wants Welfare reforms to protect PRS tenants...

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has called on the government to stop the roll out of Universal Credit, after new analysis from City Hall showed welfare cuts over the last decade have led to a rise in...

Landbay say 75% of tenants are happy

Landbay say 75% of tenants are happy...

Landbay conducted a study ‘delving into the psyche’ of 2,000 private renters in the UK and as suspected the vast majority (75%) said they were happy. Landbay went on to report: “Some...

Help RLA fight Welsh Section 8 repossession challenge

Help RLA fight Welsh Section 8 repossession challenge...

The RLA is fighting a ruling which could stop landlords taking back properties from tenants who are refusing to pay rent. It could be very important to challenge these absurd legal decisions for when/if...

Esther McVey wants digital revolution

Esther McVey wants digital revolution...

Housing Minister, Esther McVey, has announced plans to release data held by local bodies to enable the UK PropTech sector to thrive and for them to “bring about a digital revolution in the property sector.”...

Big corporate L&G invest £750m into affordable housing

Big corporate L&G invest £750m into affordable housing...

This is the kind of big corporate investment George Osborne and his political and corporate allies wanted to encourage back in 2015 with the introduction of Section 24 mortgage interest relief restrictions...

Hackney expand enforcement team and begin crack down

Hackney expand enforcement team and begin crack down...

Labour dominated Hackney Borough council have issued a warning to unlicensed and criminal landlords that they expanded their enforcement team and given the “go-ahead to begin a crackdown on dangerous...

RLA Chief wins CEO Today UK award

RLA Chief wins CEO Today UK award...

The latest RLA press release reports: Andrew Dixon, RLA chief executive, has been named one of the UK’s top business leaders in the CEO UK Awards 2019. Dedicated to recognising ‘strong and innovative...

New national model for shared ownership

New national model for shared ownership...

A package of measures to help people on lower incomes get onto the housing ladder have been confirmed by Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick. The government is reviewing a new national model for shared ownership...

Oliver Knights used for money laundering fraudulent rental payments

Oliver Knights used for money laundering fraudulent rental payments...

Three London criminals have been sentenced after pleading guilty to money laundering in April 2019. Two criminals were sentenced on 27th June 2019 and the third was sentenced on 21st September with all...

Landlords selling up in frustration – Rightmove

Landlords selling up in frustration – Rightmove...

New Rightmove research indicates 24% of landlords are planning to sell at least one property from their current portfolio, 13% will be selling more than one and 11% report they wish to sell their entire...

Top 25 UK Buy to Let postcodes

Top 25 UK Buy to Let postcodes...

Liverpool’s L1 boasts a strong 10% profit margin, smashing the 3% yield many of the UK’s postcodes offer. In L1, landlords snap up a property for an average of £90,000 and support their investment...

Landlords beware – cannabis farming on the increase

Landlords beware – cannabis farming on the increase...

New analysis by Direct Line for Business reveals a surge in the number of police investigations into the theft of electricity, where people have tampered with a gas or electricity meter, so it doesn’t...

DPS reveals most bizarre items left by students!

DPS reveals most bizarre items left by students!

Giant glow-in-the-dark swear words, a sex toy and a pet python are among some of the items that students left in their accommodation when they moved out over the summer, according to The Deposit Protection...

Rents rising at 2% but affordability has improved

Rents rising at 2% but affordability has improved...

The inaugural Zoopla Rental Market Report, which records trends in the private rented sector has now been released and it indicates that being a renter is becoming more affordable with rents rising at...

Deposits and Disputes training for Glasgow landlords

Deposits and Disputes training for Glasgow landlords...

In the last year, 543 disputes have arisen between landlords and tenants in the Glasgow postcode area according to the latest research from SafeDeposits Scotland. The deposit protection provider found...

Licensing needs to go back to the drawing board

Licensing needs to go back to the drawing board...

Research for safeagent conducted by London Property Licensing has recently uncovered over 130,000 unlicensed properties in London which should be licensed under either selective, additional or mandatory...

Rents grow as housing market slows

Rents grow as housing market slows...

HOMELET’s Rental Index figures for September 2019 have been released. The headlines from this month’s report are: The average rent in the UK is now £967, up by 2.5% on the same time last year When...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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