News Team

Professional landlords increasingly comprise the core investors in the PRS

Professional landlords increasingly comprise the core investors...

Paragon revealed a sharp increase in specialist landlord business, up from 79% to 89% of buy-to-let mortgage completions as it reported full year results today. Specialist business also increased from...

FCA to ban promotion of mini-bonds to retail consumers

FCA to ban promotion of mini-bonds to retail consumers...

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today announced it will ban the mass marketing of speculative mini-bonds to retail customers. This affects property developers who will no longer be able to directly...

Brexit Party Contract

Brexit Party Contract...

In the interests of impartiality we have included the Brexit Party Contract in our series of manifestos for the major parties. Click here to download the Contract. Details of policies that directly affect...

£100,000 for a bad property MOT!

£100,000 for a bad property MOT!

Jeremy Corbyn and John Healey, Labour’s Shadow Housing Secretary set out plans to put power in the hands of tenants with a new charter of renters’ rights. Labour will announce a new national ‘property...

Conservative Manifesto – Ban S21 and strengthen rights of possession

Conservative Manifesto – Ban S21 and strengthen rights...

The Conservative Party have released their 2019 general election manifesto. This has been very briefly summarised with the key points of interest for Landlords and the PRS industry. Download the full manifesto...

Labour would devastate the rented housing market

Labour would devastate the rented housing market...

Plans by the Labour Party would threaten to close down the private rented sector according to the RLA. The development of annual ‘Property MOT’s’, a Charter of Renters’ rights, open ended tenancies...

Labour Manifesto – Attack on the PRS

Labour Manifesto – Attack on the PRS...

The Labour Party have released their 2019 general election manifesto. This has been very briefly summarised with the key points of interest for Landlords and the PRS industry. Download the full manifesto...

RLA approve of Tory Life Time Deposits plan

RLA approve of Tory Life Time Deposits plan...

The RLA has welcomed Conservative plans to introduce lifetime deposits for tenants. David Smith, Policy Director for the Residential Landlords Association (RLA), said: “We have long argued that deposits...

Lib Dem Manifesto – 3 year tenancies and mandatory licensing

Lib Dem Manifesto – 3 year tenancies and mandatory licensing...

The Liberal Democrats have released their 2019 general election manifesto. This has been very briefly summarised with the key points of interest for Landlords and the PRS industry. Download the full manifesto...

New Welsh holding deposit requirements 13th December

New Welsh holding deposit requirements 13th December...

As of December 13th 2019 under The Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Specified Information) (Wales) Regulations 2019 before a holding deposit is paid to a landlord or letting agent the following information must...

88% of Scottish landlords hope to stay in PRS

88% of Scottish landlords hope to stay in PRS...

Landlords in Scotland are committing to continuing to rent private properties signalling confidence in the sector, according to the latest survey results from SafeDeposits Scotland. The not-for-profit...

Confidence knocked post tax changes

Confidence knocked post tax changes...

A majority of private landlords say they are less confident about the market than they were three months ago. This is reflected in figures showing that the gap between the percentage of landlords planning...

Tory candidate slammed for ‘Tents’ comment!

Tory candidate slammed for ‘Tents’ comment!

BuzzFeed News has reported on a Facebook video post made by Tory MP candidate for Ashfield, Lee Anderson, who said he would force nuisance tenants who make people’s lives a misery to live in a tent...

Green Manifesto – Rent Controls and Land Value Tax

Green Manifesto – Rent Controls and Land Value Tax...

The Green Party have released their 2019 general election manifesto. This has been very briefly summarised with the key points of interest for Landlords and the PRS industry. Download the full manifesto...

Strong BTL variable rate option at a time of heightened uncertainty

Strong BTL variable rate option at a time of heightened uncertainty...

Paragon has launched a new range of Buy to Let purchase and remortgage products for portfolio and non-portfolio landlords, with rates discounted for two and five years starting at 2.65% at 75% loan to...

Tenants being quizzed by HMRC

Tenants being quizzed by HMRC...

Tenants are being quizzed on the tax status of their landlords by HMRC.1 An HMRC fact finding letter goes on to suggest tenants may have to take tax off their own rental payments to ensure the correct...

John McDonnell back-pedals on Right to Buy

John McDonnell back-pedals on Right to Buy...

The Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, appears to have dropped his proposals for giving tenants of private rental properties the ‘Right to Buy’ at a central government imposed discount termed...

Only 3% of Nottingham licenses actually issued!

Only 3% of Nottingham licenses actually issued!

Nottingham landlord licensing scheme has so far managed to issue full licences to fewer than 3% of the applications received. In August 2018, Nottingham City Council introduced a Selective Licensing Scheme...

Rental prices strong but housing market subdued

Rental prices strong but housing market subdued...

HOMELET’s Rental Index figures for October 2019 have been released. The headlines from this month’s report are: The average rent in the UK is now £953, up by 2.7% on the same time last year When London...

Shelter blame B&Bs on private landlords!

Shelter blame B&Bs on private landlords!

Shelter press release: The government has released new figures on the amount being spent by local councils on temporary accommodation for homeless households in England in 2018/19. They show: – Councils...

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