News Team

Jenrick overhauls tenancy agreement to help end pet bans

Jenrick overhauls tenancy agreement to help end pet bans...

Out of the Blue the Housing Secretary, Robert Jenrick, has called on landlords to make it easier for responsible tenants to have well behaved pets in their homes as he announced an overhaul of the model...

£4m to crack down on criminal landlords and agents

£4m to crack down on criminal landlords and agents...

New government press release today: More than 100 councils across England have been awarded a share of over £4 million to crack down on criminal landlords and letting agents, Housing Secretary Robert...

Government funding not enough

Government funding not enough...

Government funding to root out criminal landlords is welcome, but inadequate to tackle the scale of the problem, the RLA has said. Ministers have today confirmed details of more than 100 local authorities...

Real cost of borrowing for a deposit

Real cost of borrowing for a deposit...

Research by Hamilton Fraser’s deposit alternative scheme Ome, has looked at the real cost of a tenancy deposit for those that have to borrow the money in order to overcome the initial financial hurdle...

Court delays are causing misery for landlords

Court delays are causing misery for landlords...

Leading tenant eviction law firm, Landlord Action, says they have numerous cases where court delays and administrative errors mean evictions are taking longer than ever, pushing landlords into further...

Petition against Shelter CEO receiving CBE

Petition against Shelter CEO receiving CBE...

A petition has been started on, click here, ‘Charity ‘ – Shelter CEO’s on £125 K – Year, should NOT receive Honours. Polly Neate, Chief Executive of the so called...

Jenrick spends Christmas evening at Birmingham Shelter

Jenrick spends Christmas evening at Birmingham Shelter...

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick spent the evening volunteering on Christmas Day at Birmingham Christmas Shelter, which was open throughout the day and night during Christmas week and welcomes up...

No second reading date yet for Renters’ Reform Bill 2019-20

No second reading date yet for Renters’ Reform Bill 2019-20...

Considering how long it took for the Tenant Fees Act to come into force, it is probably best not to hold your breath for the Renters’ Reform Bill 2019-20 announced before Christmas in the Queen’s...

Boris pledges £260m to eliminate homelessness and rough sleeping

Boris pledges £260m to eliminate homelessness and rough sleeping...

As part of his drive to tackle homelessness, over £260 million has been committed for local authorities to support people who are homeless or at risk of losing their homes. The funding will empower councils...

Housing Forecast 2020 highlights need for Government to prioritise housing policy

Housing Forecast 2020 highlights need for Government to prioritise...

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Housing Forecast 2020 highlights the need for Government to prioritise housing policy, in order to inject activity into the market and create a favourable...

Tax changes forcing landlords into more efficient structures for their business

Tax changes forcing landlords into more efficient structures...

The increase in portfolio and complex buy-to-let business seen over the past two years is set to continue in 2020, according to Paragon’s Director of Sales, Moray Hulme. Recent tax changes have forced...

BTL mortgage costs still being driven down

BTL mortgage costs still being driven down...

New December figures released from Mortgage Brain’s quarterly product data analysis reveal that mortgage costs in the Buy to Let market have continued to fall over the last three months. This reflects...

Crisis Waiting to Happen

Crisis Waiting to Happen...

Government plans to scrap ‘no fault’ evictions, reiterated in the Queen’s Speech, will dramatically increase the risk faced by private landlords and lead to the loss of thousands of homes in the...

Andrew Bailey new Governor of the Bank of England

Andrew Bailey new Governor of the Bank of England...

The Government has got its top pick and the Chancellor has announced Andrew Bailey, CEO of the FCA, will become the new Governor of the Bank of England from 16 March 2020. Andrew Bailey was not seen by...

The biggest rent price shifts since last Christmas

The biggest rent price shifts since last Christmas...

Lettings management platform, Howsy, has looked at where across the nation makes the rental naughty and nice lists since last Christmas, based on the growth in rental costs over the last 12 months. Using...

Third of landlords looking to shrink portfolios

Third of landlords looking to shrink portfolios...

Over a third of private landlords are planning to cut the number of homes they rent out or exit the market altogether over the next year according to a new survey of over 2,000 landlords. The almost 34%...

Lifetime deposits, abolition of S21 and new possession rights for landlords

Lifetime deposits, abolition of S21 and new possession rights...

Government Press release: A revolutionary new deal for renters will restore fairness, honesty and transparency to the heart of the housing market, thanks to new proposals unveiled as part of the Queen’s...

Bank Base Rate unchanged at 0.75%

Bank Base Rate unchanged at 0.75%...

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee today voted 7 – 2 to keep the Bank Base Rate the same at 0.75%. Decisions are now coming thick and fast, but the inflation projections  of slightly...

Mass sell-off if government do not get landlord support?

Mass sell-off if government do not get landlord support?

Government Ministers need to ensure that plans to reform the rights of landlords to re-possess rented housing have their support otherwise there could be a mass sell-off of properties. With the demand...

Queen’s speech – Section 21 ban?

Queen’s speech – Section 21 ban?

The first Queen’s speech under a new Tory majority outlining the government’s intentions for new legislation in this Parliament has been given. For landlords the most relevant statement, all...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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