News Team

ARLA predict 500,000 PRS homes could be lost to short-term lets

ARLA predict 500,000 PRS homes could be lost to short-term lets...

Arla Propertymark have released a report on the impact of the growth in short-term lets such as Airbnb on supply in the Private Rented Sector. Arla predict that 500,000 homes could be lost to short-term...

Skewed policy favouring holiday homes

Skewed policy favouring holiday homes...

Growth in the number of short-term lets across the country is a symptom of skewed policy that favours holiday homes over long-term properties to rent. A new report published today by ARLA Propertymark...

Are rogue landlords sitting on £1.2 billion?

Are rogue landlords sitting on £1.2 billion?

Up to £1.2 billion in deposits could be unaccounted for! The latest research by Hamilton Fraser’s deposit replacement provider, Ome, has revealed the huge sums of tenant money that is estimated as being...

Despite rumours Bank Base Rate stays at 0.75%

Despite rumours Bank Base Rate stays at 0.75%...

Despite rumours with recent low inflation levels that the rate may reduce by 0.25% the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has voted 7-2 to not change the Base rate and remain at 0.75%. The...

Rumble with the Agents to raise funds for Inclusion Barnet

Rumble with the Agents to raise funds for Inclusion Barnet...

This year ‘Rumble with the Agents’, the annual white-collar charity boxing event hosted by Landlord Action and sponsored by Hamilton Fraser, will be fundraising for Inclusion Barnet, a charity which...

Annual house price growth edges up to 1.9%

Annual house price growth edges up to 1.9%...

January figures from the Nationwide indicate annual house price growth has edged up to 1.9% and there has been a month-on-month rise of 0.5%, after taking account of seasonal factors. Commenting on the...

Average house sale in 2019 took 256 days

Average house sale in 2019 took 256 days...

It took the average home seller 256 days to sell in 2019. The latest research by estate agent comparison website,, has looked at the time it took to sell a home in 2019 and where was home...

New build dwelling starts and completions – England

New build dwelling starts and completions – England...

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has released its latest quarterly statistics for new build dwellings in England as a leading indicator of overall housing supply. Click here for...

Property118 insurance partner wins Feefo platinum trusted service award

Property118 insurance partner wins Feefo platinum trusted service...

IF you need Landlord Insurance then you could give Property 118’s partner, The Home Insurer, a chance to quote and benefit from excellent rates and customer service. The company has just won the Feefo...

No wiggle room for pets

No wiggle room for pets...

At the start of the year, Housing Secretary, Robert Jenrick MP, announced an overhaul of model tenancy contracts to put more pressure on landlords to allow ‘responsible tenants to have well-behaved pets’...

Rough Sleeping Initiative gains £112m

Rough Sleeping Initiative gains £112m...

The government plans to help more rough sleepers off the streets and into safe accommodation after an extra £112 million funding for councils has been announced by Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick. The...

Sexual favours, no cuppa and fake emergencies

Sexual favours, no cuppa and fake emergencies...

Leading tradespeople comparison site,, has looked at the biggest gripes of trade professionals when it comes to working in your home and the things you might be doing that really get on their...

Tenant died and adult son stayed but didn’t pay rent

Tenant died and adult son stayed but didn’t pay rent...

A tenant of mine recently died leaving behind her 18 year old son. Naturally I was very understanding and tried to help him and the family out as much as possible; offered him an AST in his own name, plenty...

English Housing Survey 2018-19 released

English Housing Survey 2018-19 released...

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has today released the English Housing Survey 2018-19. Click here to download the headlines report. First run in 1967, it is a national survey...

PRS providing greater security for tenants

PRS providing greater security for tenants...

The Government’s English Housing Survey for 2018-19 shows that the average length that a private sector tenant lived in their current rental property was 4.4 years, up from 4.1 years in 2017-18. This...

MHCLG 5 year approval for Waltham Forest selective licensing

MHCLG 5 year approval for Waltham Forest selective licensing...

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has given approval for Waltham Forest’s new selective licensing scheme, which will cover 18 out of 20 wards (excluding Hatch Lane and...

Knotweed affecting value of property

Knotweed affecting value of property...

In just two months the Japanese housing horror, knotweed, will start to rear its ugly head again and by June it will have grown to over three metres. Tradespeople comparison site,, has looked...

Custodial and alternative rental deposit schemes pushing transparency

Custodial and alternative rental deposit schemes pushing transparency...

The latest research by rental deposit replacement scheme Ome, has looked at how the growing preference for custodial deposit protection schemes is creating a more professional, safer and transparent rental...

Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) Landlord tax planning strategies – Kent

Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) Landlord tax planning strategies...

Our Hon. Legal Counsel, Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold Barristers will be presenting an overview of several landlords tax strategies at the pin Kent Meeting property networking event Thursday...

Building safety standards to go further and faster with new Regulator

Building safety standards to go further and faster with new Regulator...

The slow pace of improving building safety standards will not be tolerated, the Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick warned, as he announced measures that go further and faster to ensure residents are safe...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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