News Team

Covid-19 support for the self-employed

Covid-19 support for the self-employed...

In the latest step to protect individuals and businesses, Rishi Sunak has set out plans that will see the self-employed receive up to £2,500 per month in grants for at least 3 months. Millions of people...

Court service has suspended ALL ongoing housing possession action!

Court service has suspended ALL ongoing housing possession action!

The government has brought forward a package of measures to protect renters affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). With these in force, no renter in either social or private accommodation will be forced out...

Coronavirus – Government advice on home moving

Coronavirus – Government advice on home moving...

This guidance applies to people buying or selling private residential homes which they intend to live in. Buying and Selling Homes during this stay-at-home period Given the situation in the UK with regard...

Bank Base Rate held at 0.1%

Bank Base Rate held at 0.1%...

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) held its previously scheduled meeting for March and voted unanimously to hold the rate at the 0.1% emergency level. MPC summary and policy on...

Newly released for 6A confirming 3 months notice

Newly released for 6A confirming 3 months notice...

The MHCLG .Gov website (click here) has just released new Assured Tenancy forms including 6A which confirm the new government policy of 3 months notice. This is also under review and as threatened in Scotland...

Coronavirus – What Landlords need to know

Coronavirus – What Landlords need to know...

Tessa Shepperson of Landlord Law talks to John Stewart of the Residential Landlords Association bringing people up to date with developments for landlords in the UK resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.

Essential maintenance can be carried out during lockdown

Essential maintenance can be carried out during lockdown...

MHCLG Secretary of State, Robert Jenrick and other government ministers have been confirming this morning that essential maintenance such as boiler repairs and leaks etc can be carried out at homes by...

Contactless limit increased to £45 from 1st April

Contactless limit increased to £45 from 1st April...

The spending limit for contactless card payments will be increased from £30 to £45, with a national roll-out beginning from 1 April 2020, UK Finance has announced. The decision to raise the limit was...

Gas Safe – Advice and suspension of Safety inspections

Gas Safe – Advice and suspension of Safety inspections...

As of the evening of 23rd March, Gas Safe expect to suspend Gas Safety inspections until they have more guidance. “We anticipate that we will need to continue, but will confirm this soon, once we...

Evictions court system on brink of closure

Evictions court system on brink of closure...

Guidance from Lord Chief Justice and soon-to-be enacted Coronavirus legislation both mean landlords have a very small window to complete ongoing evictions. The Section 8 evictions court system is continuing...

Coronavirus Bill – Tenancy notices extended to 3 months

Coronavirus Bill – Tenancy notices extended to 3 months...

SCHEDULE 29 of the Coronavirus Bill outlines government policy for Assured shorthold tenancy evictions. Click here to download the entire Bill. It looks as if the only changes in the new bill are an extension...

Joint statement by UK Banking industry

Joint statement by UK Banking industry...

“In recent days, the Bank of England and the government have worked closely with the major banks to put in place a range of measures which give enormous scope to the financial system to provide help...

Average cost of rental deposit down 10% since tenant fees ban

Average cost of rental deposit down 10% since tenant fees ban...

The latest research by Hamilton Fraser’s deposit replacement scheme Ome, has found that the average rental deposit being paid by tenants in England has fallen -10.3% since the ban on tenant fees was...

Ban on evictions for commercial tenants who miss rent payments

Ban on evictions for commercial tenants who miss rent payments...

Commercial tenants who cannot pay their rent because of coronavirus will be protected from eviction, the government has announced. Many landlords and tenants are already having conversations and reaching...

Business rates after forfeiting a commercial lease?

Business rates after forfeiting a commercial lease?

I own a commercial property and had to forfeit the commercial lease of the tenant due to non payment of rent. The property remained empty for some time partly due to a legal issue with the ex-tenant and...

London Renters Union Covid-19 template letter

London Renters Union Covid-19 template letter...

The London Renters Union have released a template letter for tenants (see below) requesting a suspension of payments until the Coronavirus situation improves. They appear to be insinuating that landlords...

LHA guaranteed to cover at least 30% of market rents

LHA guaranteed to cover at least 30% of market rents...

The NRLA are welcoming the Chancellor’s package of measures to support people’s incomes during the Coronavirus outbreak. The Residential Landlords Association and the National Landlords Association...

Landlord Action receives first court adjournment due to Coronavirus

Landlord Action receives first court adjournment due to Coronavirus...

Landlord Action has received its first court adjournment from Blackpool County Court for a Section 8 eviction, after the government announced this week it is to ban evictions and introduce three-month...

Call for Government to build on work to support PRS

Call for Government to build on work to support PRS...

The NRLA are calling on the Government to build on its positive steps to date to support the private rented sector through the coronavirus outbreak. They are calling for: Efforts to help reduce costs for...

Buy to Let lenders will support all customers including Limited company products

Buy to Let lenders will support all customers including Limited...

UK Finance has confirmed Buy to Let (BTL) lenders will look to assist all customers by extending the option of a payment holiday of up to three months to residential BTL  landlords who have tenants who...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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