News Team

£1bn fund to remove dangerous cladding to support private leaseholders

£1bn fund to remove dangerous cladding to support private leaseholders...

Building owners have been urged to act and put the safety of residents first as the government’s £1 billion Building Safety Fund to remove dangerous cladding was launched by Housing Secretary Robert...

Hemel Landlord Property Network- Meet Mark Alexander Tuesday 26th May

Hemel Landlord Property Network- Meet Mark Alexander Tuesday...

The network is open to anyone who is interested in Property, whether you are a seasoned investor, new to investing or haven’t yet made that big property leap. We meet monthly to chat about property...

Savings account loyalty does not pay

Savings account loyalty does not pay...

Savers who stay put with their existing savings provider may wish to rethink any sentiment to stay loyal. If savers have an easy access account with a well-known savings provider, they may be earning very...

6000 new supported homes to help end rough sleeping

6000 new supported homes to help end rough sleeping...

Plans to provide 6000 long-term, safe homes for vulnerable rough sleepers to be taken off the streets during the pandemic have been unveiled by Housing Secretary Robert  Jenrick MP. This commitment will...

FCA proposal to extend mortgage payment holidays to 31st October

FCA proposal to extend mortgage payment holidays to 31st October...

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced proposals which will continue support for customers who are struggling to pay their mortgage due to coronavirus. The proposal outlines the options firms...

Scotland to reopen housing market in phased plan

Scotland to reopen housing market in phased plan...

The Scottish government have released their phased plan for reopening of the economy and have included construction and the housing market: ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making...

NRLA call for benefits to cover rents

NRLA call for benefits to cover rents...

The NRLA are supporting calls by MPs on Parliament’s Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee to boost the financial support available to tenants during the COVID-19 outbreak. Responding...

Covid-19 commuter savings can help tenants

Covid-19 commuter savings can help tenants...

With many of us still restricted to working from home or on furlough, research by Ome shows the average UK commuter is benefiting to the tune of £66 a month that would otherwise be spent travelling to...

Landlords taking the hit to support tenants

Landlords taking the hit to support tenants...

Private landlords have been willing to take a temporary hit to rental income to support tenants struggling as a result of coronavirus according to a survey of over 4,500 landlords by the National Residential...

LandlordZone report court preparing to start possession cases on 29th June

LandlordZone report court preparing to start possession cases...

LandlordZone  reported that a busy civil and family court has told a regular user it is preparing to start listing possession hearings from Monday 29th June and this could indicate the start date for...

Citizens Advice say tenants should not be pressured to allow viewings

Citizens Advice say tenants should not be pressured to allow...

Citizens Advice wants the government to extend the measures put in place to protect tenants from the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic. In particular the government should accelerate its policy...

Bank of England chief economist tentatively discusses negative interest rates

Bank of England chief economist tentatively discusses negative...

Andy Haldane, the Bank of England’s chief economist, has told the Sunday Telegraph that negative interest rates could be considered in an effort to combat economic effects of the coronavirus lockdown...

Rental stocks recovering after market is opened

Rental stocks recovering after market is opened...

In the wake of last week’s ease of property market restrictions, the number of rental properties hitting the market surged by as much as +44% in some UK cities as landlords returned and letting agents...

How to avoid Inheritance Tax (For Landlords)

How to avoid Inheritance Tax (For Landlords)...

Mark Alexander of Property118 talks to Ranjan Bhattacharya about options for landlords to plan for business continuity and protecting their legacy for their bloodline from inheritance tax and other risks...

Something fishy with London’s affordable housing numbers

Something fishy with London’s affordable housing numbers...

London’s City Hall today released their latest house building statistics for the 2019- 2020 financial year and Mayor Sadiq Khan swiftly grabbed the opportunity to take to Twitter to congratulate himself...

Opening of housing market welcome, but recovery likely to be slow

Opening of housing market welcome, but recovery likely to be...

With the market having been effectively closed for business, 80% of the April RICS UK Residential survey’s contributors saw both buyers and sellers pulling out of transactions, resulting in the newly...

Rental wellbeing helpline opened

Rental wellbeing helpline opened...

Rental deposit replacement scheme, Ome, has brought forward the launch of their free to use Rental Wellbeing Helpline this week, as the company’s latest research highlights the sharp increase in the...

Do HMRCs’ manuals contradict themselves? – Property118 TV

Do HMRCs’ manuals contradict themselves? – Property118...

In this episode Mark Alexander is joined by Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold Barristers, to discuss how HMRC’s manuals might be perceived to contradict themselves in relation to definitions on...

Government safety advice for moving home during Coronavirus emergency

Government safety advice for moving home during Coronavirus emergency...

The government has amended the coronavirus regulations to make clear that people who wish to move home can do so. The guidance provides important public health information to ensure that moving home and...

Housing market reopens from today

Housing market reopens from today...

The government has relaxed emergency Covid-19 rules to allow the housing market to reopen. From today anyone in England can move home if they follow new guidance published by Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick.

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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